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People Haven't Grasped the Magnitude of Revolution


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When you think about it, only slight movements may be needed. For example, in a game like zelda, people say attacking could be done by slashing. More likely is that the programmers will code it so a swift flick to the left/right will result in a side swipe attack, a flick up/down will result in an upward/downward slash. People seem to be jumping to the conclusion that you're of screen movements will be mimmiced onscreen....i think my idea is more plausable, with the directional movements of the pad just offering more input devices for commands.

Hopefully this kind of thing will be made customizable so you can either have it set to slight movements if you’re tired :bah: , or set it to full on massive movements for the times you want to freak out! :eek:

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But yes, I surely can describe Resident Evil 5 on Revolution.


The analogue add on could be used to walk around, the controller used to look and shoot. No more fiddling with the analogue, the controller allows for complete realism in movement. Now you can aim and shoot while running for your life. Not like pseudo Halo type strafing, but full on realism. Hold down A and you switch to holding your dagger. In a tight spot you no longer stab randomly. Now you can hack, slash and stab with precision. Punch to the side of the head, slit a Zombie's throat (ratings people will have a field day).


A multi legged end of level monster? Climb up the leg, find the weak spot and stab! You got him. A swarm of vampire bats? No more clunky analogue control as you attempt to hit as many as possible. Now you can aim with speed. The controller increases the ability to deal with large numbers of fast moving enemies. Need to get through a window? Punch the glass to smash it. Knock on a door. Hug a companion to show compassion, punch to show anger. Need to leave someone a note? Flip open a notepad on a desk, grab the pen next to it and write the note.


You're trapped in a kitchen with only one door, the biggest mutha of a monster is rampaging toward you. You grab and slam the door, but that won't stop it. Turn, fling a table at the door as a baracade, that will hold him back for a few more seconds. There are knives hanging on the wall, you could grab and fling these but they'd only cause scratches. There's a cooker. You can turn the switches to let the gas poor out. A cupboard, you run in just as the monster burst through flinging planks of wood everywhere. You knock one out of the way before it knocks you out. To right, a lighter on a shelf, grab, flick with your hand and the lid flips open. Press A to light. Toss it into the air at the monster seconds before it gets to you. The air erupts in flames. You grab the door and slam it shut milliseconds before you're engulfed too.


BANG, the monster's not dead! It's tough and trying to get in! You grab the handle and pull back firmly to keep the door shut. After a while the door stops banging, the monster has been overcome by the inferno finally and the flames have died down after the explosion. You push the door open, grab your gun and run down the corridor as you reach to your side to grab your machine gun, lift it and shoot it in face of lowlife Zombie.


To hell with PS3 and 360! Resident Evil 5 will be rubbish if it doesn't make use of all of this. Pretty much anything you can do in real life you can do in the game.


Like someone mentioned, this wouldn't need extreme arm movements. Just small suggestions. It would be good to change the sensitivity to increase or reduce the swing. That way you could choose how much to exert. The fact the lead is quite short to the analogue add on suggest movements won't need to be huge.

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Come E3 this thing will be the greatest invention since sliced bread.

When nintendo show how it will change the face of gaming forever

i just hope this bad boys got the graphics as well as the gameplay

because thats the only part about the revolution that i am slightly

sceptical of.

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Totally agree Phillphy. I'm 110% behind the Revolution controller. I didn't want convention, I wanted something Sony and Microsoft couldn't offer while still appealing to the mass market and Nintendo have more than delivered.


You're right though it was a double-whammy of WOAH!! that's shocking, and WOAH!! that's a bloody amazing idea.

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I still think people are expecting way too much from the revolution pad; lets wait till the games are showm, I think there is a possibility that most will be disapppointed.


Well yeah the controller is only as good as the games it controls yet this concept could potentially inspire brilliant new games that just feel fresh.


I mean like Mario 64, suddenly you had 360 degrees of control and the gaming world was rejuvinated. Now we have infinate number degrees of control and this can only be a good thing surely. :happy:

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The only reason I am saying is because people seem to expect that games will suddenly be extremely immersive worlds, with you capable of actually shutting doors, picking up any item, and basically your off screen actions being perfectly mimiced on the game.


I am aiming my sights low; maybe too low tbh; As i have stated, I think the real idea behind adding the sensors is to add more input for actions, not so you can act like a prat by violently swinging your arm to close the door. Mario is the prefect example so far. You don't need to throw the pad up in the air to jump; a swift flick, and that gets mario jumping. So basically, the a button is replaced by the upward motion; and that basically sumarises my point; buttons are just merely being swapped with motions.

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This is an excellent thread. I agree with everything you say. I've been thinking about it non-stop since I saw it. I've just been imagining new ways to play certain games, and I can't stop coming up with ideas. As regards to how this controller will work, I would imagine that it works similarly to a motion capture device used to actually make games. If this is the case, it should be really easy to program. This has also made me wonder about the whole "make your own games" rumours we've heard since E3. Perhaps you literally will be able to make games using the motion of the controller, or perhaps maybe just decide how to control the games yourself. I can think of lots of ways I would like to control a game, being able to decide freely could be another great feature if it's possible.

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I would imagine that it works similarly to a motion capture device used to actually make games.


You bring up a very interesting point. We know developers will be familiar with programming for Revolution because Nintendo have said it works in a very similar way. The fact that the majority of developers will be familiar with the controlling device from the way they previously made games should make the transition even smoother. Nice one Hal_9.

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When you think about it, only slight movements may be needed. For example, in a game like zelda, people say attacking could be done by slashing. More likely is that the programmers will code it so a swift flick to the left/right will result in a side swipe attack, a flick up/down will result in an upward/downward slash. People seem to be jumping to the conclusion that you're of screen movements will be mimmiced onscreen....i think my idea is more plausable, with the directional movements of the pad just offering more input devices for commands.

yeah that video got people excited and worried at the same time.

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[*]This is the first time that motion sensor has been made available to anyone. Anyone that wants to use it now can. Previously these systems cost hundreds of thousands, millions. Nintendo are bringing this to you for a couple of hundred.


SEGA had motion sensors for the Dreamcast. It was the fishing rod for SEGA Bass Fishing, but it also could be used for other games i.e Soul Calibur.


If this has been mentioned, sorry I didn't read the thread in much detail.

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Ok, I understand the caution with the controller - the whole, Ill play it/see more before making a judgment. But all people are saying is that the 'potential' is there, the controller is pretty amazing, whether the devlopers use it effectively or not as another (and more important) matter, but the controller itself is pretty incredible and opens up possibilties more than, well, anything. I was going to say the leap to 3d but I think this has the potetnial to take gaming further.


Its pretty spectaculr. I just hope it gets used to its full potetnial.

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It comes down to this: since the Playstation came onto the scene we have been simulating 3D worlds, but our interfaces have been capable of only expressing 2D movement and translating that into 3D movement through expressing more than one axis at the same time, i.e. one stick controls planar movement whilst the other expresses the facing. Nintendo have simply taken the step to interact with a 3D world with 3D movement.

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