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Your best bet would be to pick this up. As you said alot of people on here will be buying it and online games are great when everyone is a noob and hasnt a clue where the weapons are or where the hell to go on the map :D


Haha, that's why I'm going to try and pick this up really super quick. I normally tend to buy things later, and then by then everyone rocks at the game. I call it Mario Kart DS syndrome. :(


For me, the weapons and maps will make or break this for me. I want this game to feel "meaty."

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Again, i'm not doubting the abilities or the enjoyment. I don't see why you'd not want to get the most out of your tech. Simple. The whole point of HD is for larger screens- SD images simply couldn't be made much larger than 32in.


Years ago, i read an interesting article in Home Cinema Choice, the writer commented on HD tech and how confusing it was going to prove when hitting the market.


Wtf, seeing as the Wii hasn't come CLOSE to realising its potential (and possibly never will) does that mean you shouldn't buy a Wii?


There's this concept of fun, you should check it out sometime. I went out and got a 360 when I has a SDTV, knowing full well it would look stunning in SD and as was HD capable for when i invested in (well, won) a HDTV.

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There's this concept of fun, you should check it out sometime.


I assume there's good reason you never opted for a career in comedy?


I went out and got a 360 when I has a SDTV


And while we're on the subject of personal insults, how about you get back to school, and learn some mastery of the English Language.

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And while we're on the subject of personal insults, how about you get back to school, and learn some mastery of the English Language.


Ok, this is too far now.


This thread isn't about bitching. This forum isn't about bitching. It's meant to be a place where you can talk about the games.


I'm getting really annoyed now.

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Don't know what's happened over the last few pages but whoever changed the thread title to what it is is a genius. :bowdown:


Twas Ashley I think. General Bitching Thread would have been more appreciate. :heh:


To be honest, I feel sorry for the general population of Wii gamers who come here and just want to talk about the game. You look at threads like this, and then you look at something like the Muramasa thread, where the majority of replies are pleasant, respectful, and arseholes are kept to a minimum.


Threads like this make me angry.

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I assume there's good reason you never opted for a career in comedy?


And while we're on the subject of personal insults, how about you get back to school, and learn some mastery of the English Language.


I made a typo whilst typing on some forums on the internet...Deary me that's unheard of :blank: I should be banished!


Edit: Just read the above comment. My apologies.


Back on topic, what do people of the Wii Speak limitation of only being able to speak to the people nearest you in the game? I dunno it seems a bit weird to me..i mean what if you're talking to someone on your team or something or just generally chatting (like you do on Halo for example) and they get killed and end up across the map. A bit annoying, no?

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I made a typo whilst typing on some forums on the internet...Deary me that's unheard of :blank: I should be banished!


Dude, he's just said sorry, which you probably didn't see as you were typing that, so it's no biggy.


Let's leave it at that. Can we just...talk about the game now? Leave the HDTV stuff to tech talk, and 360 stuff to the other consoles board. Everything in its right place.

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where the majority of replies are pleasant, respectful, and arseholes are kept to a minimum.


Threads like this make me angry.


I think to be fair when there are such polarised opinions- as such with The Conduit, you're going to get heated debate. Nature of the beast, perhaps? Doesn't help when a particular topic is a pet hate, but there we go.


i mean what if you're talking to someone on your team or something or just generally chatting (like you do on Halo for example) and they get killed and end up across the map. A bit annoying, no?


I'd hope HVS- and see no reason why they can't- keep it as team chat in team matches. It'd certainly make more sense for tactical matches. Even so, i'm thinking 6 voices is going to a bit chaotic- 3 is bad enough on AC.

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@ MoH:H2


The game has 32 player online and many people still do play it. It actually has the best online on the Wii as it doesn't use friend codes. But it does get boring rather fast. I'd wait until some conduit reviews are out and unless the online turns out really crap, I would just wait for it.


@ Wii Speak


I think it will add an element of strategy to the game. With Wii Speak its not like you're talking into a headset directly to the other people like the character in the game might be, its more like you're calling out to other people around you. Team mates or enemies. It'll also perhaps end up making teams work together more by staying close together so they can hear each other.

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I think it will add an element of strategy to the game. With Wii Speak its not like you're talking into a headset directly to the other people like the character in the game might be, its more like you're calling out to other people around you. Team mates or enemies. It'll also perhaps end up making teams work together more by staying close together so they can hear each other.


I assumed that in free-for-all you can hear everyone around you (up to six people) but in Team deathmatch you could hear the whole team (which would be up to 6 people). Am I wrong, because this could and certainly would work???:confused:

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I love FPS games! Love them!


I love them more than Kevin Keegan would've loved beating Manchester United to the title back in the day!


Yes Shino, I'm hyped for this game... online multiplayer with such a level of control is what I've been waiting for ever since I first saw the Wii!!!

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I assumed that in free-for-all you can hear everyone around you (up to six people) but in Team deathmatch you could hear the whole team (which would be up to 6 people). Am I wrong, because this could and certainly would work???:confused:


That would be ideal. Although, it could be interesting in CTF matches entering the enemies base and then not being able to hear any of your allies but being able to hear your enemies, then when someone spots you they might call out and the enemy might plot against you while you make a mad dash for the ASE.

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I can't wait to play some n-europe conduit online. I've been playing one of the call of dutys earlier tonight, but it just seemed slightly soulless. I'm really looking forward to some more decent fps action; i lost days at a time playing them in my younger years, such fun memories of goldeneye e.t.c

I really like the sound of peoples ideas for how wii speak will be used. a few possibilities, but each one sounds good. I'm pretty sure HVS won't disapoint.

I love them more than Kevin Keegan would've loved beating Manchester United to the title back in the day!

Nice :laughing:

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Sorry, F-Link, but this needs answering... :grin: Respecfully, of course. Afterall, the conversation got us here. It's off-topic, yeah, but it's how the conversation evolved and that's the beauty of a conversation.



Err, yes, david.dakota, you missed my point entirely. It was mine so I'm the one who knows if you missed it or not. ;) The other guys got it. :)


You've completely missed the point, yes these consoles look great in HD but the improvement in standard definition is still amazing because it's the actual graphical output that makes the games look great in the first place.


But if you don't have an HD TV you still get the benefits of the systems power. The only thing you are missing out on with an SD TV is the resolution.


Bingo. I don't know what most people think that HD is... it's just resolution. You can watch The Incredibles or Shrek on DVD on an SDTV and it still looks good and far more realistic than anything on Wii or even the 360/PS3 (no, they still haven't achieved pre-rendered movie CGI quality in games, though they're damn near). You don't need Blu-ray and an HDTV to see the amazing CGI of those films, or the Star Wars films, or whatever.


Be it HD or SD, the polygons, the lighting, all the graphical shebangs are there just the same. Only the resolution at which they are displayed is different. The 360's graphics look incredibly good on my SDTV. Many times better than Wii/GC. The character models, the lighting effects, the draw distance, and yes even the texture resolutions look good in SD. When in spectator mode in Gears of War 2 multiplayer, I used to roam about with the ghost camera just checking stuff. The weapon models on the ground look incredible! Thousands or millions of polygons just for a shotgun or a machinegun, or flamethrower. And don't even get me started on the water effects.... By far water effects are the ones that amaze me the most this gen. And I thought the water looked good in SMG...

I don't know if you've seen it, david-dakota, but you should see the water effects in motion on Gears 2 or Fallout 3. SD, HD; doesn't matter. Of course HD looks better, but even SD destroys our loving Wii. Check this video out, in YTCD (YouTube Crappy Definition) and it still looks awesome.




- Water effects begining at 1:30.

- "Meat cube", or soft body dynamics, begining at 2:37.

- Destructible environments begining at 3:12.


It's not about the HD. To me the HD is just a bonus I will get when I finally buy an HDTV. The graphical capablities are all still there in SD.



And the visuals aren't everything anyway, it's a factor, but I bought the PS3 because of the games.


Yep, same for me for the 360.



Again, i'm not doubting the abilities or the enjoyment. I don't see why you'd not want to get the most out of your tech. Simple.

"Want"? You think I don't have an HDTV cause I don't want one? Buy me a damned HDTV and see if I refuse it! :laughing:



Years ago, i read an interesting article in Home Cinema Choice, the writer commented on HD tech and how confusing it was going to prove when hitting the market.


And you're showing you are confused about it, you are confusing great graphics with HD graphics.

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This is the line under which this whole 360, PS3, HDTV bullcrack has been drawn. Any more talk and you will be banned from the thread. I don't care if you "just want to reply to what .... (or anyone) said", PM. Or visitor message.


Thank you.



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Looks like 13 modes and 9 maps then. I seem to remember CoD:WaW Wii had less maps than that, so that's good news.


And to spikey's credit, he does make a good point at the end - HV have been listening and responding to feedback moreso than any other developer I've ever seen.

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@ H-o-T - I salute you sir! (we need a saluting smilie thing)


Anyways, just like the single player, I think the multiplayer is looking in good form. While it may not possess the player breadth of MOH:H2, it still looks like it's going to loads of fun. From the small footage we've seen of the maps, they seem to allow for a decent amount of freedom while containing everything at the same time meaning more intense fights when enemies meet. And while the WiiSpeak credentials aren't up to everyone's wants, it'll certainly, as someone further up the page said, increase the bonding of the players and force you to work as a team in team deathmatch/capture the flag/what have you. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on this come June.

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While it may not possess the player breadth of MOH:H2, it still looks like it's going to loads of fun.


Is this a WFC thing, do we think. Is 12 players a ceiling for Nintendo's online system? MOH uses EAs servers, right? So is Nintendo's P2P choice going to prove restrictive?

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Is this a WFC thing, do we think. Is 12 players a ceiling for Nintendo's online system? MOH uses EAs servers, right? So is Nintendo's P2P choice going to prove restrictive?


I doubt it, otherwise they wouldn't have said 16 players in the first place. I'm sure their reasoning for the toning-down is sincere.


Anyway, that GT interview is a good watch. Unfortunately, it's gotten me a little more pumped for E3, which is a very, very bad thing.

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