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Lack of split-screen is the reason i'm not buying the game. If I can't play an FPS with my brother and Dad then I don't want it.


Buy two more Wiis and three games. Lame reason imho, but a reason nonetheless.

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On April 15th we’re going to have a big multiplayer event with Sega (The Conduit’s publisher). A press event extravaganza to basically call everybody into the room and say: “O.k. You’ve all been wanting to see multiplayer play, multiplayer etc., here it isâ€. That will all happen on the 15th. We’re not planning on hiding anything.




I do like how HVS continue to be honest and forthcoming with the game. Don't see that much these days in an ocean of PR spew.

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Nope. Saw that it had the 24th of April as a release date elsewhere as well but I'm sure we're getting it after America. Only other date I've seen is the 12th of June, and that'd make sense being its a friday and it's just after the US release, something I'm sure both HVS and Sega will be keen to make happen.

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Preview: Technically marvellous but it's not really much fun


It's true the Wii doesn't have a great many shooters, but does that mean we should reward any old tat that comes along simply because the genre's better examples aren't available for the platform? We don't think so. The truth is that while The Conduit may be marvellous on a technical level, underneath it seems to be the same old corridor-traipsing gunfest you've seen many times before - and it's not really much fun. Still, maybe something will change before release day...


Kind of confirms my worries.

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Get the impression the reviewer didn't want to like it, but maybe they have a point. Still, I'd only really buy this for the online (like I did with Killzone) so hopefully that side of it holds up well.

And I thought this had gore?

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Wait a minute. So on one hand reviewers are saying that Halo was great because it copied things from other games. But then they're bashing this for doing the same. Uh... biased much? What'd they do, hire a 360 previewer for the Wii?


Personally, for the supposed FPS trendsetter on Wii, I can do without all the bells and whistles made famous by other games. I'll just take my enjoyment in blasting the living daylights outta things, old skool style.

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I think the main thing to take away from C&VG's impressions is what we all knew: that the game was going to give us on the Wii that which is already available on other consoles. Comparing the Conduit to those other titles on other consoles will inevitably happen but they need to really constrict the view field to the applicant console and compare it to what is available there and in that case, both technically and gameplay wise it'll be innovative in the sense that there isn't anything like it on the Wii.


I don't people should put too much stock into the online multiplayer. Yes, it's where everyone will spend most of their time once finished with the single player. But the multiplayer, in virtually all good FPSs, acts as 'dessert' if you will. A good FPS isn't valued for its online functionality. It's valued for it's single player and as long as the single player here can stand up and be counted then anything else that comes with the game, i.e. the online multiplayer, is gravy. An FPS valued for its multiplayer is being valued for lastability and if the multiplayer outstrips the single player then it begs the question of what the developers did with their time and why they bothered with a single player.

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Wait a minute. So on one hand reviewers are saying that Halo was great because it copied things from other games. But then they're bashing this for doing the same. Uh... biased much? What'd they do, hire a 360 previewer for the Wii?


To be honest, Halo 3 is an amazing game. Personally I didn't think much of the first two. The gameplay is extremely slick. The (love) story isn't actually that bad. The game physics leads to all kinds of different things happening on any play through. The higher levels of AI completely change the game. The 4 player co-op in single player is so much fun. I haven't even touched on the proper online.


Halo copies and expands and does so with brilliant competence. There is a lot of undeserved hatred towards Halo 3. It is an incredibly good game.


The Conduit just appears to be generic. I hope it isn't but nothing has made me take notice of it other than the fact it is a FPS on the Wii.

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The appeal is basically that it's a PRETTY fps on Wii and that it controls well.


Most people are hyped basically entirely on these reasons and admittedly it's the only reason I care too. I suppose if the game design feels like a chore to play through though then good visuals an great controls wont matter.


I seriously hope these early previews (The Swedish gamereactor or something was also seemingly negative) aren't too representative of the whole game. I really do want to support this one.

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I think the main thing to take away from C&VG's impressions is what we all knew: that the game was going to give us on the Wii that which is already available on other consoles. Comparing the Conduit to those other titles on other consoles will inevitably happen but they need to really constrict the view field to the applicant console and compare it to what is available there and in that case, both technically and gameplay wise it'll be innovative in the sense that there isn't anything like it on the Wii. .


Just because a genre is under represented on a console, it doesn't mean you can excuse the faults of games in that genre that are developed. Bad AI, bad level design. They're still bad!

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Just because a genre is under represented on a console, it doesn't mean you can excuse the faults of games in that genre that are developed. Bad AI, bad level design. They're still bad!


Yes you can, to a certain extent, just like you can't really fault this for not being the third installment in its series, carrying the improvements that would entail.


When was there mention of bad AI? And for level design in an FPS to be bad, you'd have to be a blind designer.


Halo 3 sucked monkeyballs, mostly by default for using analogue input, but if you were to care for the story as well, I'd use even worse and more elaborate descriptions to colour the amount of fail Halo 3 was. Just like the Killzones. And the Resistances. Hence why no FPS story since Perfect Dark (back when I was young and naive) has succeeded to entice me, and why I no longer consider story to be a necessary element of the FPS experience.


Rant out, bed in.

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I think with the exception of one of the staff members nobody here has actually played the game yet. And all impressions so far have been based only really on a couple levels, we haven't even seen the multiplayer. And for every bad impression article, there are about 5 good ones.

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Halo is one massive love story. It is quite fantastic.


I loved Halos story, so much so I picked up and read all the books that were out just before Halo 3 arrived.


I can see this game getting mixed reviews due to the hit or miss impressions that are appearing around the net. The game still does nothing for me though.

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