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Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 7

Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 3


I will definetely buy the Conduit. It looks fantastic. I haven't picked up Madworld yet, as it hasn't really grabbed me that much. I did buy HotD Overkill though and thought it was pretty good.

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So this totally scientific experiment proves that this will do better than MadWorld. Nearly two-fold in fact.


I may have to come back to this thread one day and update it with actual sales comparisons, just to see how accurate we were!

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oh the conduit WILL sell better..


1) its not black and white

2) its not cel shaded

3) its an fps..and looks like halo to the casual eye.. if you get me.

4) on-line multiplayer..


list goes on.. not saying it will be a better game but on paper.. it sure seems that way.

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I certainly hope not. I've still not bought Blastworks, i've got Pikmin 2 on 24th. I'm tempted by a DSi- which the Missus also wants (although she does want the turquoise, so i could put her off). There's a shedload of bargains posted at shopto... Daughters pre-school fees. Food. Lindsey's birthday.


I'm a poor man this month!

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I like the boxart as well. It's the exact thing that'll catch peoples' eyes, especially those who know nothing about it as they'll see the giant gun and go 'Ah, a decent FPS on the Wii (in comparison to what other consoles have). Count me in.'




But yes, I do like it.

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the boxart looks kinda retro..


That was my first thought too, it almost looks like an NES era cover. But this is not a complaint, I'm loving the cover!





Er..., this one is actually crap. It might have a somewhat similar pose, but there's more to art than the pose. Even if I didn't know that Far Cry Vengeance is crap, that cover art would not seduce me.

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One thing this game may have going against it when it comes to marketing and sales it that I have a feeling a lot of people are going to struggle to pronounce the name if they're just reading the title. It's not exactly an everyday word that's well known....like say....Halo.


Few people use the word Halo. And quite a few sparkies would use the word Conduit- perhaps they'll think its an electrictrician simulation?

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Multiplayer details coming soon.


A portion of an N-Philes interview with Tony Mecca of High Voltage…


N-Philes: Could you tell us how The Conduit will utilize the Wii Speak peripheral during online play?


TM: Well we do support Wii Speak. We’re still doing a lot of testing with it right now, so I can’t give you any final answers on it. In the next couple of weeks though Sega is going to be putting together a press announcement that will reveal every single detail about multiplayer, and that Wii Speak will be in there. As it stands right now we do have it working, we are play testing with it right now, but as far as final specs on exactly what we are supporting, we’re still tweaking and finding our answer to that question as well.


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