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Lucinda? Come on, you can not seriously want her to win! She looks upset, gets shat on to win over viewers and yet she hasn't actually done anything successfully. The person that was complaining to her - Helen - is an absolute cow though, I just cringed at her bitchiness.


And Jenny the red-haired girl? You're having a laugh, you must be stirring! She is the worst person in the house left! Demeaning rat, does jack all other than shit on weaker members.



I think Simon was good, and I'm not sure he should've gone. I actually think he could manage a team, but the problem was nobody made it work for him. He was selling well, but couldn't convert it. That wasnt his fault completely.


Claire should've gone, yet another cow, they choose these people on purpose!

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I do not think Simon deserved to be fired. Cannot believe that Claire (or even Alex) were left off considering that Alex didn't want any responsibility while Claire was really why there was a lack of communication resulting in them earning a loss. Quite nice seeing Bluewater on TV, we go there quite regularly (even bought Mario Kart Wii at Bluewater :D)


It's a shame we didn't see much of Raef as I am warming to him now. Was quite interesting that he was in charge of mugs and other small production, as when I did Young Enterprise we made mugs :heh:

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I love how Lucinda could be the lead singer of a joke band, since she dresses sp jokily.


TBH, I don't think any of the three should have gone (Helene should have- wtf was putting Lucinda in charge of technology?!), but maybe Simon yeah. he was too arrogant anyway.

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I think Sir Alan made a big mistake. When he "bollocked" at Claire and told her to go back to the house, she had reason only to be smug, when I bet Mr Sugar thought he'd punished her. She definately should have been fired, merely for lack of effort in the task.


Oh, and as with Syed and Tre in previous series, I've changed my mind about Raef now: He pwns serious ass. Raef ftw.

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Alex is a total dick. I don't like Claire but when the finger was on her he quickly took the opportunity to jump on the hate bandwagon. "Originally I thought Simon was in the wrong but now I hear this I think maybe Claire". Hear what? You knew all the facts anyway. Nicolas was a prat but he's worse, he knows how to play the game that's for sure.

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^ Alex: Claire is getting shat on by Sir Alan so I will too.


I take it you mean: Sir Alan is shitting on Claire so I will as well.




Not sure if I agree with Simon going or not, but he did seem quite emotional/ jumpy. I now hate both Helene and Claire though, such bitches the pair of them! Didn't think this weeks episode was that good though, not a great task to watch compared to the others I thought.

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I thought he said he had an IQ of 170. I quite liked him but not good as a leader.

I find it amusing that a test put him at 4.7 standard deviations from the mean... IQ is such a meaningless statistic.


Anyway, I thought Raef was a legend all a long. It turns out he can actually lead tems too, which is cool. :heh:

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I really hate when that only gay in the village Little Britain lookalike comes on the screen. I mean, the resemblance is uncanny. That and he is quite annoying too.


Ha ha, the one was fired said "I'm still in shock that Sir Alan couldn't see how special I am." Don't worry love, everyone could see how special you were.

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Lucinda is the most normal one of the bunch. She's still bizarre with her constantly cheery persona but she is nowhere near as annoying or hilarious as the others.


The moment when Claire's team discovered that Alpha had done a deal with the cinema chain was pure gold. The look on their faces and the "But, but, but" inflection in the way they were talking was fantastic.


The Apprentice may not be a scripted show, but this year they've certainly organised the candidates in order to conjure up moments of such stupidity and hilarity that writers couldn't even imagine them. And Alan Sugar really needs to get a more dramatic enterance into the boardroom, seeing struggling to open the door just doesn't cut it, though in a way its fantastically retarded how it diminishes any dramam that there might be.

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big_JennyCelerier.jpgbig_JenniferMaguire.jpgbig_HeleneSpeight.jpgUBER BIYATCHES


True that.


Unlucky for Lindi, I didn't think she deserved to go. I felt she did make an idiot out of herself in the cab at the end though! I'm happy Lucinda's still there, i don't know why, but for some reason I like her..

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I cant believe Lucinda's team lost!! If they hadn't of wasted their time going to the places that MAKES THEIR OWN icecream they would have walked it.


Lindi deserved to go, she is shit and offers nothing. she really pissed me off. "We are amazing" "i cant beleive how good we are". Wankers.

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I'm starting to think i might be wrong about claire. I thought she seemed quite practical and well organised at first but in the ice-cream task she definately should have done better - just organised better, set up the taste test properly and booked appointments. Her team was lucky to win.


TBH I thought Lindi was quite good as well - wasn't she the one who came up with the selling tickets for the restaurant task?



I'm not enjoying this series as much as the others though. The tasks seem a bit repetitive and mundane

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TBH I thought Lindi was quite good as well - wasn't she the one who came up with the selling tickets for the restaurant task?


She definitely came up with the tip scrounging idea. Also she royally f*cked up the laundry estimates. I thought she sucked.


I'm not enjoying this series as much as the others though. The tasks seem a bit repetitive and mundane


Tbh it would be nice if they didn't spend 20 minutes on a recap and 30 minutes in the boardroom and maybe showed more than 10 minutes of the actual task. :heh:

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