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Marijuana, The Good, The Bad, The Lolz.


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well jeez if you're going to ignore one point of my post instead of the other points, then your opinion in general on teh subject clearly means very little. Especially when you say "crack is whack". You tried it? Me? Twice. Please continue your blinkered retorts!

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I think you're all being a bit harsh on scubahood. The crux of his argument is that he used to do drugs and now regrets it, so naturally he's interested in warding people away from a similar fate.


Anyway, I used to know a few people at college that smoked excessive amounts of marijuana. They were the dullest people I've ever met, so I'm glad I can relegate them to the past tense.


Me? Well, I'd suggest people avoid any narcotic... and I shall leave it at that.

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I think you're all being a bit harsh on scubahood. The crux of his argument is that he used to do drugs and now regrets it, so naturally he's interested in warding people away from a similar fate.


The problem we have is that's pretty much all his arguement consists of. Not just that, but he's saying it's what happens to the majority of weed smokers, which is just plain untrue.

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I think you're all being a bit harsh on scubahood. The crux of his argument is that he used to do drugs and now regrets it, so naturally he's interested in warding people away from a similar fate.


Anyway, I used to know a few people at college that smoked excessive amounts of marijuana. They were the dullest people I've ever met, so I'm glad I can relegate them to the past tense.


Me? Well, I'd suggest people avoid any narcotic... and I shall leave it at that.


I can understand that my massively lengthy posts are perceptively over-the-top for a dude simply stating that he thinks drugs are bad, but my 'argument' is an attempt to address more than just scubahood's views; rather it is the general idea that there is some sort of right/wrong definitive about it all.


I do disagree with that being the crux of his argument. I disagree that he has any personal experience with such a 'fate' which he might feel the desire to protect others from.


If one regrets simply having tried a drug, then that's fine. But to correlate between a skim-of-the-surface and a full-blown depth-delving experience is something I want to highlight.


Simply thus; if you try drugs and do not like it, it does not mean that other people that do take drugs cannot enjoy it.


I am guilty profusely of using far too many words for too simple a point.

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I knew people at uni who played video games all the time and became crushingly dull as well.


Vocal ex-weed smokers are like ex-smokers and reformed alcoholics, tend to be more boring and self-rightous than even the most strung out drug fiend.


blah blah don't need that to have fun blah blah, I should know, blah blah, that pint will send you on a slippery slope blah blah I should know


Good for you, some people actually have self control and can enjoy things in moderation. And these are probably the people in your school, in your job, in your family who you have no idea smoke weed. When you say "Everyone I know who smokes weed is a loser" it's probably because unless people have a cypress hill ganja leaf hat, red eyes on the few occasions they leave the house and talk like Beavis and Butthead you have no idea if they smoke it or not. You'd be surprised.

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What jayseven said.


Among my friends 5 people do weed. 4 of them frown upon harder drugs and will push away people who move towards them, the other guy started looking for "different experiences" and got quite obsessed at looking for new ways to get high.

This proves that 4 out of 5 people who smoke weed will not go further.

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Guest Jordan
Drugs suck so much ass.


Its funny to think some people do them "because they're cool."


Some people really are dumbasses if they think that doing drugs will make you climb slightly up the social ladder.

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I used to be into it shitloads, smoking 5 or 6 joints a day. And it was fun, it was definately fun. Now the same people I used to smoke with back then smoke at least 10 a day now, and all to themselves. They've managed to hold down full time jobs, amazingly, but they don't have any kind of drive to anything more with their lives.


I still smoke it from time to time, but I haven't had any of my own since the Christmas break and its been about six weeks since I had any. Amazingly, I'm still as completely lazy and rubbish without the stuff as I was with it.

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Its funny to think some people do them "because they're cool."


Some people really are dumbasses if they think that doing drugs will make you climb slightly up the social ladder.

Some people really are dumbasses if they think that people who do drugs are doing it "because it's cool".

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Its funny to think some people do them "because they're cool."


Some people really are dumbasses if they think that doing drugs will make you climb slightly up the social ladder.


Yup, it's the most idiotic thing ever, and will lead to going onto other drugs (if you have that attitude that is, take my sister for example). I don't understand why people think it will get you friends etc, if you need to do drugs to get friends then instead of doing drugs you should look a bit closer at yourself.

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[tangent]Man, the world is so complicated, isn't it? The relationship between two beings, two objects, a being and an object, an idea and an object, a being and an idea, someone elses idea, communication... Nothing is equal, nothing is the same. Yet we all try and label other things using different things in an attempt to explain them, but they can never be explained, or understood. All I vow to do is to understand the importance of just how impossible it is to be 'right' about near enough anything. Perhaps I just get defensive/argumentative because other people are so damn certain that they're right and a whole bunch of other people are wrong. To what extent are they wrong? 100%? Is it impossible for them to have circumstances to suggest they're not wrong?[/tangent]



Best post i've read on these forums - very insightful. Really clicked with me for some reason.

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Its funny to think some people do them "because they're cool."


Some people really are dumbasses if they think that doing drugs will make you climb slightly up the social ladder.


That really is a silly way to think, i smoke weed because i like the feeling, not because it makes me any "cooler".


How can any of you who haven't smoked it, judge it without testing it?

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How can any of you who haven't smoked it, judge it without testing it?


I'm sorry but that's a stupid arguement. "You can't judge suicide until you try it." Sure we might not know of the feeling. But we can see the effects, the problems etc.


The village where I go to school was the worst place for drugs a few years ago. I'd say roughly half of my year took them regularly. Personally I've never touched the stuff and never will. I've never smoked and I drink in moderation. And before people start arguing about that yes it is bad and no I wouldn't be bothered if it was made illegal. It's not that big a part of my life.


A few of you seem to be saying that scubahood was talking as if it was fact. Maybe I misread but I only read things as anecdotes. And basically that's what most of us have to go on. Personal experience.


In my school people used to smoke it in class, several times daily etc. I had people sniff poppers next to me once in a tech class whilst I was doing my coursework (or pretending to at least). And yes the ones who did it regularly did go on to harder drugs and yes it did make them dull people (I'd say at least 75%). I don't know if this was a direct result of, maybe it was just those sort of people that were attracted to it, but there was definitely a strong correlation.


Personally I will never try it and would warn other people off of it as well. Without trying to blow my own trumpet, I have quite a lot of self control. But a lot of people don't. And the whole "It isn't addictive" arguement is rubbish. Sure it might not be as physically/chemically addictive as other things but addictions are mainly mental. Why do you think it is hard for people to quit smoking? The chemicals can be out of their body quite quickly. Why do you think people are in rehab for so long? They can go cold turkey and the chemicals are gone quite quickly. But the mental addiction is still there.


PS: it's early for me so this post might not be very linear.

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