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I love the government


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Yeah this is where I'm getting the money for my laptop in my thread.


I was diagnosed with a "very mild dyspraxia", I was then told I qualified for a free laptop under the DSA and I should be getting it this month. I think everyone who is accepted for the scheme gets a £2700 budget minus software and other hardware for the laptop. I'm also getting a printer and £100 a year for ink.


I've got the same, got me extra time in my exams (which i genuinely needed, Dyspraxia can affect writing speed). Thats the ONLY help i've ever had though, i was offered a laptop and all sorts of other help but i turned it down because i didn't need it. At the end of the day the only help i ever want is the bare minimum to help me compete, i turned down anything that would give me an unfair advantage.


Not criticizing you though, everyone makes they're own choices. I'm not even sure mine were the right ones :hmm:

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I can sum it up with the word "Clumsiness" or "Bad hand eye coordination" if you like. It means I have trouble doing delicate things, like threading a needle for example. I can't play different tunes on each hand when playing the piano. Same applies for a lot of things that require your hands to do different things. When I was a kid I had trouble catching and kicking balls, but I've been able to do it more competently for a while. I also have really terrible messy handwriting.


That sounds very familiar actually. I can't do different things with my hands, and the piano thing specifically is something I've noticed in myself. I also can't play the guitar, cornet, or clarinet because of the same issue. My handwriting is poor too.


I never thought much of it but maybe it's worth looking in to.

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I have nystagmus.


Its rather hard to fake that, if you know what it is.


Anyway, I don't just need word. I asked for a higher end laptop because I'm doing cs + robotics.


Only problem is that my wireless mouse/keyboard have stopped working... no time to fix, I have to go to campus.


(and everyone telling me that I'm a dick for scamming can fuck right off. Not everyone on the internet is a complete ****. Cosndering I've been here a while, I thought I'd get a bit more credit than that)

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Guest Jordan

To be honest, you didn't say you had anything... hense people jumping to conclusions.


As for your nystagmus, i know someone who had that actually in high school.

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Basicly, this whole thing is bullshit. My mate gets a top spec laptop. He does english. He only needs word. And the internet. They could buy him an asus eeepc and it would be fine. Where as me with no disability but less money have to use maya on a P4 (do you know how painful that is?) The money for the laptop should be varied depending on what course they are on and what they need it for.

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Yeah I may not have said I had anything, but if I'm applying for disability student allowance, its pretty obvious I probably do have something.


Hence my tirade at people not using common sense.


Considering your first post did nothing but say they had given you free stuff what exactly do you expect? It's not everyday people get free things, but obviously as it's been told you can get free stuff for anything.


Dyson agreed, but unfortunetly it would make us racist if we even tried. :indeed:

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Why didn't you take a free Laptop? Even if you sold it for a bit of cash. After all it's a dog eat dog world so take what you can get.


Simple, i don't agree with the government policy that gives away all this free stuff. I don't agree with it for the very reasons that others have stated in this thread, people don't need it. If a £200 laptop will do the job then they should have that, not a £2000 cheque! Basically I like the idea, but the way it's implemented sucks.


Believing that and then taking a grant for computer equipment that i don't need would be pretty hypocritical ;)


And the idea of a dog-eat-dog world isn't taking what you can get, it's earning you're place at the top by working harder than everyone else. What you describe is the lowly belief of the useless bums that are pulling this country down ;)

Benefits are there to help people get on in life, whether it be laptops for students with learning difficulties or job seekers allowance. They're there to give you a fighting chance to be the best you can be, they aren't there to make peoples lives more comfortable...

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Simple, i don't agree with the government policy that gives away all this free stuff. I don't agree with it for the very reasons that others have stated in this thread, people don't need it. If a £200 laptop will do the job then they should have that, not a £2000 cheque! Basically I like the idea, but the way it's implemented sucks.


Believing that and then taking a grant for computer equipment that i don't need would be pretty hypocritical ;)


And the idea of a dog-eat-dog world isn't taking what you can get, it's earning you're place at the top by working harder than everyone else. What you describe is the lowly belief of the useless bums that are pulling this country down ;)

Benefits are there to help people get on in life, whether it be laptops for students with learning difficulties or job seekers allowance. They're there to give you a fighting chance to be the best you can be, they aren't there to make peoples lives more comfortable...



I'd chill out and just accept some of the free stuff you are offered if I were you. I mean if you're not going to take that free stuff then it just means the government is left with a bit of small change which they don't need, surely? I wouldn't worry about being a hypocrite (sp?) so much either. I personally believe everyone is bound to contradict themselves at one point or another so there is no point in getting upset about it.

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I'd chill out and just accept some of the free stuff you are offered if I were you. I mean if you're not going to take that free stuff then it just means the government is left with a bit of small change which they don't need, surely? I wouldn't worry about being a hypocrite (sp?) so much either. I personally believe everyone is bound to contradict themselves at one point or another so there is no point in getting upset about it.


I think it's more to do with principals. It looks to me that McPhee is against people claiming benefits when they don't need them. But how can he be against it if he recieved something which he feels that he didn't need? I personally think he has done a decent, honest thing. It's a shame more people in the world weren't like that.

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