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  ViPeR said:
Last I heard they changed Gingerbread Man to Gingerbread Person because apparently it offends women. What women? Who are they? Where are they? I never actually see any evidence of people actually complaining about these things.


Oh they're out there. They're busy cutting their hair short, buying thick black rimmed specs, campaigning for womens rights like its the early 90's. Primarily I think they do it becuase it's much easier to whinge and whine and stand around waving placards and outside fishmarkets to force the change of "Fisherman" to "Fisher" other than actually do something constructive - like stop driving cars everywhere, or buying Coca Cola, or buying brand new clothes made in Indonesia for about .000002% of the retail price....et al.


the uk is not a christian country. the only time the majority of our population do anything remotely christian is at christmas and easter, but only out of tradition.


That's the point. It's tradition, it's ingrained into society and culture. If you try to supress the religious bits all you'll end up with in 50 years time is a strange holiday where everyone goes and spends a rediculous amount of money on things they don't need without even realising or knowing about it's religious or historical or cultural significance.


Oh hang on.......it's already like that.

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from the first guy.


"What is going to be next. every pack of cards must be burnt because there are black suits? they will be replaced with cards that have green clubs and spades?"


green clubs look a lot like three leaf clovers....Is it too unPC to say that the Irish are too stupid to play cards?


lammie -


but going back to the argument a few pages ago, why does it even matter if we call them winter lights rather than christmas lights? apart from some people's irrational fear of their culture being attacked and suppressed by dirty foreigners, i really can't see the problem. big flashy lights, egg nog, tacky wrapping paper and santa are so far removed from religion already it doesn't even matter. maybe we should start defining "xmas" and "christmas" as completely seperate holidays, that way we can keep everyone happy.

  mario image T said:
....Is it too unPC to say that the Irish are too stupid to play cards?


yes it is. but that is what i want people to be able say. if you said it to an irish guy he would probably laugh it off as crap english humour. damn it now i am being racist against the english too.


Wait i am english.


can you be racist against your own race? is it possible?

  dukkadukka said:
lammie -


but going back to the argument a few pages ago, why does it even matter if we call them winter lights rather than christmas lights? apart from some people's irrational fear of their culture being attacked and suppressed by dirty foreigners, i really can't see the problem. big flashy lights, egg nog, tacky wrapping paper and santa are so far removed from religion already it doesn't even matter. maybe we should start defining "xmas" and "christmas" as completely seperate holidays, that way we can keep everyone happy.


The point is that there's no good reason to stop calling them Christmas lights. Sure we could call them something else....but why the heck should we. You're gonna have whingers no matter what you call them.


While we're at it, lets re-name everything else - cars, cotton wool, toothpicks, colonoscopies....just incase they might be interpreted the wrong way. What ever happened to common sense?


People seem to be to bothered about offending people. Like the guy thats asking if its racist to call his white mates niggers of course its not cause they're not. If you find it funny keep on doing it. Its when some big black bloke called Tyrone kicks the shite into you that you stop

  Arragaun said:
I'm offended by you. Explain to me how you think you can just deport people on a whim please.


I didn't say I would deport people on a whim, I'm just saying that if you go to live in a country then just respect the cultures and religions there.




Who wants to go to Italy and tell the Pope he offends other religions?


some time in the not too distant future


I went into town the other day and saw a great farther winter. i just love winter time. all the winter lights. Father winter was ofcourse at least 3ft away from any children animals or ethnic minority's after all we dont want him to look like an animal beater, child molester or racist.


i cant wait for winter festival day. so i can eat winter pudding & winter cake. of course in the southern hemisphere they have to wait another 6 months. they cant have winter festival in the middle of summer can they. they would have to wait till 25 june.


is this the world we want?

  mike-zim said:
some time in the not too distant future


I went into town the other day and saw a great farther winter. i just love winter time. all the winter lights. Father winter was ofcourse at least 3ft away from any children animals or ethnic minority's after all we dont want him to look like an animal beater, child molester or racist.


i cant wait for winter festival day. so i can eat winter pudding & winter cake. of course in the southern hemisphere they have to wait another 6 months. they cant have winter festival in the middle of summer can they. they would have to wait till 25 june.


is this the world we want?


I don't get how these people that decide what's politically correct can think, hmmm Christmas a Christian religious holiday... it must be racist so let's call it winter festival instead!

What kind of narrow-minded fool thinks that?

  Ninja Mullet said:
I don't get how these people that decide what's politically correct can think, hmmm Christmas a Christian religious holiday... it must be racist so let's call it winter festival instead!

What kind of narrow-minded fool thinks that?

A left and green minded fool.


Good, ive just been looking at my wonderufl winter presents under the winter tree. Shit g2g write all those winter cards.




This is a chrisitian country, always has always will. Eid lights can become october lights. You now what this is, it's trying to make the muslim extremists happy so that they don't bomb our cities anymore.


PC is the biggest BS i have sniffed in a long time and it's time that people (government) realised that more people are being pissed off than releived. No one ahs ever complained before.


And here's some racism for you, next time you watch a black rapper video, notice there are no white women in the vid, they'll all be black, call us racist? pfft NO


I saw a couple of black people walck past each other in town last week and one said to the other:

" Sayin nigga" is that not offensive?


Stop with the narrow minded racism.


Political correctness is often created by whites thinking that they will be doing a good job protecting the handful of people who might get offended. Probably by civil servants who have nothing else to do..


As far as i know, there have been very few cases when Muslims or people from any other religion have got offended over Christmas. Hell - I've even recieved Christmas cards of Muslims - they might not beleive in it, but they wish me well in celebrating..


So just quit the narrowmindedness. It might help to stop reading the Mail or Express and by binning those BNP leafets that get posted through your letterbox by those nice white skinheads.


Is it racist to call albino kids translucent?


Edit: I heard a story of a white guy on holiday going right up to a black guy and saying:

"'ey up coon" now THAT is downright racism but apparently he didnt get a punch for saying that.. i would have done if i was him but w.e


I'd just like to point out here, the harsh yolk of political correctness seems not to affect any of you people, seeing as you're not PC at all, so quite complaining yeah?

  BlackFox said:
Stop with the narrow minded racism.


Political correctness is often created by whites thinking that they will be doing a good job protecting the handful of people who might get offended. Probably by civil servants who have nothing else to do..


As far as i know, there have been very few cases when Muslims or people from any other religion have got offended over Christmas. Hell - I've even recieved Christmas cards of Muslims - they might not beleive in it, but they wish me well in celebrating..


So just quit the narrowmindedness. It might help to stop reading the Mail or Express and by binning those BNP leafets that get posted through your letterbox by those nice white skinheads.


yeah you got it right on the mark :)


Thing is.. some brits go to foreign countries and they love trying out the culture, doing things a bit different to the norm for them. Heck most of us have probably eaten chinese food at least once! We don't tell them to be PC and not have their culture. Why should our culture be beaten into a "safe" statement.


PC For teh Lose


What annoys me more than anything is the whining of cultural decline due to foreigners and immigrants. Ok, sure, there's going to be the odd creature from afar who defies this system and law, but for every serpent, there's about a thousand albatross' laying their magic upon our economy.


Instead of using easy scape goats to frame for the decline of culture, how about we sort out our own fuckers before trying to cancelling out others. ASBOs, broken bus stops, brawls in the streets, drink binging in high demand, and 14 year old kids driving cars through the black lit night.


The decline of culture doesn't come about through the 'invasion' of foreigners, but the elevation of current dipshits.

  Raining_again said:
yeah you got it right on the mark :)


Thing is.. some brits go to foreign countries and they love trying out the culture, doing things a bit different to the norm for them. Heck most of us have probably eaten chinese food at least once! We don't tell them to be PC and not have their culture. Why should our culture be beaten into a "safe" statement.


PC For teh Lose



Well said.


It's almost like we are not allowed a cutlure of our own, ie. st. georges day should so be a bank hoiliday.


  scubahood said:
If we changed ramadan there'd be a spate of suicide bombings


You are right, take that play which showed a muslim lady being treated badly there was massive out rage and it was instantly stopped, but take the complaints againt jerry springer the oppera (which is blashfomus aginat christ), on the news it siad over 50,000 people complained and it was still shown. ????

  Athriller said:
Instead of using easy scape goats to frame for the decline of culture, how about we sort out our own fuckers before trying to cancelling out others. ASBOs, broken bus stops, brawls in the streets, drink binging in high demand, and 14 year old kids driving cars through the black lit night.



Don't get me started on the "binge drinking problem" what gets me on this issue is they act as if it is a brand new problem. They need to get out more its been going on for sodding years.

  mike-zim said:
some time in the not too distant future


I went into town the other day and saw a great farther winter. i just love winter time. all the winter lights. Father winter was ofcourse at least 3ft away from any children animals or ethnic minority's after all we dont want him to look like an animal beater, child molester or racist.


i cant wait for winter festival day. so i can eat winter pudding & winter cake. of course in the southern hemisphere they have to wait another 6 months. they cant have winter festival in the middle of summer can they. they would have to wait till 25 june.


is this the world we want?


Ironically enough, didn't Christmas originate from a Pagan Winter festival or something like that?


ok so i have seen that people say that PC is not the cause of social decline. i would have to agree and disagree.


When the law was passed that parrents were not allows to discipline their children with a "smack" (i am not talking about beating a child i mean a smack on the backside every now and again when deserved) they said well look there is no social decline. there were people who said that it would cause social problems if the law was passed. but the emidiate effect was minor. now a fair few years later what do we have? youths running around stealing cars, breaking into house, beating up old people. how many of them have ever had a "smack" i would guess the minority. no values are instilled in them with out the reinforcement of punishment for doing wrong they spiral out of control.


Now couple that with the deminishment of culture, through 1 tool PC. the problem gets worse. people who once had their culture now without one will compound the problem.


I am not saying kick asian people out the country. i am not saying every one in this country should be forced to celebrate the same religiouse festivals. what i am saying is that no one should be forced to reduce the celebration or deny the existance of 1.


by calling Christmas lights winter lights it is the start and it started a while bak with black boards & white boards. stupid things but where next? what is the next step. because going on current trends they do something bigger next time. no one really took notice of fire signs changing, few people notices black boards, more people noticed winter lights. what next?

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