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Gears Of War 2


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I hate the public online section of this game! It takes far too long to get a match, even if you have a team of 5. Why the hell did Epic make it so you cant pick what game type you want? You pick Elimination when you want to play Guardian and you finally get a game but then you get stuck with a 5 round Warzone match! Its so frustrating.

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Well, finally finished this :) (on hardcore co-op, woo, got about 6 achievements at once!) it was a very awesome game, a lot of fun to play although annoyingly difficult in random places. The ending wasn't a scratch on its predecessor but still, I enjoyed it a lot. Insane difficulty and Horde mode, here I come...

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Had an amazing game of horde today got to level 37 or something on Day One furtherst id gotten before on horde was about 16. Met some awesome guys a 12 year old brit who was really nice and some yanks in there 30s who were so so nice. I dont know if it was because none of them were teens but everyone was so pleasant funny commutative it was amazing!


I adore cod 4 but this may be my fave MP experience ive ever had.

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This game is awesome!


Me and my mate played campaign on co-op for 8hrs straight on Sat! We've only got a couple more chapters to do as we didn't have enough time to finish the game.


I've just played it for 3hrs in single player and it's still frickin awesome!

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Did all the collecting tonight, wot fun that was, got my ass beat down for a bit on multiplayer n all.


Im shit at gears online, just like with the first.


I think ill finish insane mode then this'll probly be laid to rest for a few months.

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Tried starting it on insane last night... good lord. Think i will leave that till i can get someone to play co-op with me. Think i will start hardcore tonight, build up my single player skill and go on a collactables hunt.


I had a few good games online last night where i actually did good! lol (normally i'm shit)

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Had to quit a game of Submission tonight as the meatflag glitched. We couldn't take him down, no matter what we tried. And he wouldn't shoot us either, it was as though he wasn't there.


There was no way to end the match either so I ended up having to restart my console :(


Horde and campaign (with the exception of the awful act 4) aside, I honestly prefer the first game. Multiplayer is awful. The smoke grenades are a cheap way to make someone drop the flag in Submission, the shotgun is pretty useless, matches are now a chainsaw-fest. The public matchmaking is terrible. As mentioned before, if you want to play Guardian, then why should you have to end up playing Warzone? I have the same thought on the map voting too. The grenade wall tags seems pretty random too, sometimes you get killed, other times not and usually, there is no way of getting away from them as they explode too quickly.


The only thing I like better about the multiplayer is the ability to crawl when down. They should have left the active sniper down in, as you couldn't get those cheap 3 shot kills anymore as your target can just crawl away.


That's not to say that this game is bad, but it's pretty disappointing and I have very little desire to play multiplayer even though I loved the first one.

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Well, I finally completed the campaign (only on normal though), and I thought it was bloody brilliant! The last boss and ending was a bit meh, but I thought it was better than the first game!


I might join in mulitplayer sometime soon! Though I did suck at GoW multiplayer, and I have no headset, so I don't think I'll be playing for long.

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This is a very very bad game for multiplayer. You don't know who is host, so I've had loads of games where I've nearly won, only for the game to end because somebody quit. I hosted a few matches in the first one, or joined games hosted by my friends, mainly because I knew that I wasn't going to quit, even if I lost 19-0, now I have no way of doing this.


Am gonna go back to the first one.

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