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Dragonball live action movie in production


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Dragonball movie not that bad!!!???? There are a few spoilers in the review mind.


[spoiler=]Hollywood is bringing manga/anime Dragonball to the silver screen. Early peeks haven't exactly been promising, leading a general feeling that the rot has already set in. Website Ain't It Cool News was a sent a review from a reader who claims to have seen 95-100 minutes of the film, minus the credits, missing the score and lacking finished special effects. According to the reader, "Overall, I would give the movie a 6.5/10 simply because i was expecting disaster but it turned out better... I am glad it aint the disaster I thought it would be." The reader even went on to call the movie "solid." Not sure if this is a plant or not, but hit the jump for a breakdown of the movie's positives and negatives. There are spoilers.



• Action - I wasn't expecting the action scenes to be as awesome as they were. Simply put the best thing about this movie. The last action scene of Goku vs. Picollo are simply amazing... This fight scene was around 13-15 minutes long. There are other small action scenes that are fun and entertaining with slo mo but nowhere as good as the picollo vs. goku scene.


• James Marsters as Picollo was awesome. He was perfect as picollo... Oh and Picollo transforms into a light greenish color picollo towards the end of the movie.


• Justin Chatwin as Goku. This guy surprised me a lot. I really didn't like him when they casted him as goku but he did a damn good job in the acting department and he nailed the KAMEHAMEHA line.



• Story - Dragonball fans will be dissapointed with some of the changes they have made with stories and characters etc... High school setting for the first 22-23 minutes was so not needed but ah well typical hollywood garbage of adding bullshit like that.


• Chow Yun Fat as Master Roshi - I was dissapointed with this. I wanted the fucking perverted roshi who fucking grabs breasts and asses like in the anime but alas all of that is fucking gone. Also he acted like Mr. Kesuke Miyagi. You know what I mean. The lines he spoke were fine but I felt he was uncomfortable in the movie. Very dissapointed.


• Shenron the dragon - Ah another huge dissapointment... FUCK FUCK FUCK you fox. So ya they get all the dragonballs and the dragon appears but the dragon is hiding behind fucking clouds and you only see his shadow. The voice of the dragon was provided by none other than Christopher Sabat who provided the voice for the dragon in the american version of the anime. When the dragon spoke it was chilling but damnit it was hiding behind clouds. One can hope they will fix this but chances of that are very slim.



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Oh holy crap, did anyone see the new trailer. Just when you thought they couldn't change anything else from the source material they go and do it again. Apparently the Dragonballs were now created long ago by 7 "Mystics", and therefore not Kame I guess. So this would prolly mean there will be no Kame/Piccolo connection either.


Also they changed the name of the movie to "Dragonball Evolution", oh and Goku is getting worse and worse, I'm pretty sure he is never gonna smile even once through this whole film or wolf down serveal courses of meals in seconds. Most of the other alterations to the cannon could have been forgivable if they would have just gotten the basics of Goku's character correct.


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Oh holy crap, did anyone see the new trailer. Just when you thought they couldn't change anything else from the source material they go and do it again. Apparently the Dragonballs were now created long ago by 7 "Mystics", and therefore not Kame I guess. So this would prolly mean there will be no Kame/Piccolo connection either.


Also they changed the name of the movie to "Dragonball Evolution", oh and Goku is getting worse and worse, I'm pretty sure he is never gonna smile even once through this whole film or wolf down serveal courses of meals in seconds. Most of the other alterations to the cannon could have been forgivable if they would have just gotten the basics of Goku's character correct.



"I'm not ready for this"??!? WTF did they do to Goku?? Fuck Hollywood, goddamn.

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h and Goku is getting worse and worse, I'm pretty sure he is never gonna smile even once through this whole film or wolf down serveal courses of meals in seconds. Most of the other alterations to the cannon could have been forgivable if they would have just gotten the basics of Goku's character correct.




Goku maybe has a little hope. I did see a photo of him chomping on a large chicken leg.



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Exactly, remember this?




It's awesome if you don't relate it to the games.

Regarding this and DB (and Max Payne while we're at it) I think it's awesome if you can distance yourself enough not to demand complete fidelity, but enjoy the way things are interpreted or the homages here and there. In Mario and Max Payne this is how I view things? Dragonball? Kinda doubtful. Like Franklin, what really really bugs me is what they did to Goku. If they just made him a fun, haphazard guy from the mountains or whatever, I wouldnt care so much about the rest since it's not that easy to translate into live action. Introducing Kami would take quite a while, not to mention he only appeared pretty late in DB.

Oh well, I'll still be there Day 1 very very excited lol Curiously, this night I dreamt I watched the movie and it was incredibly short and horrible with no saving grace, not even the fight scenes. lol

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I also loved the Super Mario Bros. film! :) I think Hellfire hit the nail on the head: It's interesting to see how the filmmakers interpreted the original work(s). Sure, pure film-wise, Super Mario Bros. doesn't take the gold medal, but I just loved all the little recognisable details.


I think the key is to be able to distance yourself from the inspiration and enjoy it as a separate piece of work.

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I can't wait for this to come out so I can look in this thread and see you all go in to fanboy meltdown when it turns out to be a total pile of shit. I'm genuinely looking forward to it.


Considering no fanboy is expecting the movie to be good, and those who are somewhat optimistic are pushing their "fanboy" side away...


The meltdown won't be that amusing.

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New Posters? Not sure...found them on EmmyRossumFanboy.com or somesuch site.




I'm pervertedly excited for this, as it looks at least entertaining. More so with the new trailer. I'm a sucker for hot women beating the shit out of each other. Explaining my love of DOA as a movie.

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New Posters? Not sure...found them on EmmyRossumFanboy.com or somesuch site.




I'm pervertedly excited for this, as it looks at least entertaining. More so with the new trailer. I'm a sucker for hot women beating the shit out of each other. Explaining my love of DOA as a movie.



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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the bump but just saw an advert on the TV for it and realised it's out over here in a few weeks.


The trailer in the ad was bloody laughable, how they were trying to force the relationship with the film and the animé by transitioning between the animé logo and the films logo.


So is anyway considering going to watch this?


There's no way in hell I'm gonna pay money for this that is gonna go to the studio, I don't think they deserve it. However I do feel I can't keep talking about how bad I think his film will be when it's out and will unfortunatley have to see the film so I can talk about how bad it turned out.

Luckily going to the Philippines in a few weeks, I'm sure finding a DVD "dirt cheap" should be easy enough :heh:

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Agreed, not worth paying for. I'm sure it will turn up on a certain website where there is a shack that has a tv in it. (Try and work out the site from that)


Another smelly film doing the rounds is Street Fighter legend of chun li.


Was just randomly stumbling upon things and found this:



I think its fair to say that this is really what they should have been looking to accomplish to make the film any good. piccolo in the film looks like a joke. (Am aware this is an image of Freiza.)

Edited by Ten10
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