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Possibly, but I seem to attract alot of the bad-un's. I quite miss alot of things thinking about it. Hugging has got to be one of the top ones, I don't think I've hugged anyone or recieved a hug in months.


Awww... got a parent around? Always found parent hugs were the next best thing!


And to everyone else as these seem to apply well across the board, a few other gems:


1) A relationship is only part of your life. If you put too much into it then it will go to crap. End of. You will likely make everything feel far more important than it is.


2) Similar to above. When looking at going out with someone, approach it with the thinking that it won't be the end of the world if it doesnt work. Most relationships don't. Then you won't end up waiting for anything to happen or try to approach through being friends.


3) It either does or it doesn't. There is no "but if i just wait a bit longer" or "if i just try a bit harder". This may not be the case in reality but if you think about it like this and something comes out of a situation while your back is turned then you will just be pleasantly surprised.

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Awww... got a parent around? Always found parent hugs were the next best thing!


And to everyone else as these seem to apply well across the board, a few other gems:


1) A relationship is only part of your life. If you put too much into it then it will go to crap. End of. You will likely make everything feel far more important than it is.


2) Similar to above. When looking at going out with someone, approach it with the thinking that it won't be the end of the world if it doesnt work. Most relationships don't. Then you won't end up waiting for anything to happen or try to approach through being friends.


3) It either does or it doesn't. There is no "but if i just wait a bit longer" or "if i just try a bit harder". This may not be the case in reality but if you think about it like this and something comes out of a situation while your back is turned then you will just be pleasantly surprised.


It's meeting someone first, that is the problem for now :heh:

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Awww... got a parent around? Always found parent hugs were the next best thing!


And to everyone else as these seem to apply well across the board, a few other gems:


1) A relationship is only part of your life. If you put too much into it then it will go to crap. End of. You will likely make everything feel far more important than it is.


2) Similar to above. When looking at going out with someone, approach it with the thinking that it won't be the end of the world if it doesnt work. Most relationships don't. Then you won't end up waiting for anything to happen or try to approach through being friends.


3) It either does or it doesn't. There is no "but if i just wait a bit longer" or "if i just try a bit harder". This may not be the case in reality but if you think about it like this and something comes out of a situation while your back is turned then you will just be pleasantly surprised.


god listen to this guy... just cause he's got this fantastic girlfriend and couldnt possibly ask for more he's suddenly a guru~ *pah*


(she's also very modest... and beautiful....and clever! *nod nod*)


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Both being single and being in a relationship have their pros and cons... Ok that's obvious...


I've been single now for, what... somewhere between 4 and 7 months. I don't know. The worst part at the start was the solitude, the sudden gap both in my life and inside me -- realising I didn't know who I was, what I was doing, and realising that the one person I could say anything to was gone.


Of course, a few months down the line and I've had the time to think about the relationship, about why we broke up.


Ok I can't be arsed going into the pitiful stuff anymore; being single is good when you're not bothered about it. If you're happy with who you are and the friends around you then there's no need to feel too alone. It's the whole "ooh I need to have a girlfriend again" will just mean I'll fall for the first person that pays me any attention. Of course I miss the physical stuff -- hugs, kisses, holding hands and TEH NAUGHTYIESZ... but...er... yeah.


Ok THANKS yeah being single sucks. Hateyou.

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I'm 17 and single! :awesome:


I have never even explored the possibilities of being in a relationship!


I have never had a grilfriend or even a friend who is a girl. (in real life :))




ooh!! i'm your friend! we've met! i'm a real life friend!!! :cry: i count... *sniff*

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@Coolness, you lie! Bluey's your friends in RL too! But no friends who are girls? How? Are you at a single sex boarding school or summat?


@Nightwolf: Do you live in the country? I know what its like but sometimes you just need to network a little. It branches out like a tree and suddenly you know hundreds of people and lots of opportunities to get to know new people.

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aww poor bluey, look what you've done now bears!


haha I'm starting to quite like being on this forum as daft as it sounds, I currently use another and am getting shocked at how irratating some of them are, so it's nice to be on another site with nicer people!


Jamba - by 16 I'd travel to most major cities to meet people, I've seen my fair few groups etc, I meet decent enough blokes, but with uni why bother meeting someone only to leave them? I live near to manchester, so it's not difficult to get to a big city =].

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:cry: i. am. so. sad.


hehe but really now, i forgive you - us bears must stick together! ^__^

waitasec! lets go crazy here and actually have ME post something on-topic ...


(i love you, mods......don't hurt meee)

i... havent been single all that often. i felt pretty single for a long time in the past 2 years but i guess technically i had a boyfriend for most of that ^__^ heh... i find if you just go with the flow things always happen nicely... if you're single right now then dont stress about it and things will happen naturally. not being in a "relationship" with someone is never anything to get worked up about... plus i guess my ideas about what a "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationship are "very close friends + benefits" :wink: if it's trouble, or they stress you out more than make you happy.. then it's not worth being in that relationship... right?

i mean, i NEVER understand those couples that HAVE to buy each other expensive gifts all the time... some of my friends in the past have had boyfriends buy them loads of crap (one of my friends in college was going out with a guy for a couple of weeks and he bought her a new mobile...it wasnt even her birthday or something... just because she asked for it?! wtf?!!) that kind of thing makes me feel really awkward...


.....or am i just crazy?

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ooh!! i'm your friend! we've met! i'm a real life friend!!! :cry: i count... *sniff*






Yes your a real life friend! :grin: Awesome to! :awesome:


But i meant someone who i saw all the time. :D


@Coolness, you lie! Bluey's your friends in RL too! But no friends who are girls? How? Are you at a single sex boarding school or summat?








Lol! :heh:


No my school has girls in it but i'm really shy and barely talk to anyone. I don't have many friends. :blank: and most of the girls are not very nice.


Unlike all the girls on the forum! who are great fun to talk with! :bouncy:

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Women should be enjoyed like a fag. An occasional smoke can be pleasurable, but if you smoke all of the time, you risk cancer.


I'm 17 and single! :awesome:


I have never even explored the possibilities of being in a relationship!


I have never had a grilfriend or even a friend who is a girl. (in real life :))




I'll be your girlfriend, man.


I have been single since i have been born and i am far to shy and nervous around people.



This will get better, I promise you. I think you have love shyness, and you can defeat it! Just go up to random women, attractive or not, and start up a conversation about anything. I make an effort to at least talk to a random woman at least once a day, it really helps.

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Women should be enjoyed like a fag. An occasional smoke can be pleasurable, but if you smoke all of the time, you risk cancer.


...i'm... not sure what to make of that... :blank:


coolness! dont let mikey be your girlfriend - for many reasons; he lacks femininity for a start... i think i can stop there.

you're too modest cools, you're nice and funny and having met you i can safely say you're pretty hot :wink: dont be so shy! as long as you're comfortable and being yourself then "bleh" to the people who don't appreciate that. same goes for you, dant.

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I'll be your girlfriend, man.


thank you for the offer but i'm afraid i'll have to remain Singleness Bears. :)


...i'm... not sure what to make of that... :blank:


coolness! dont let mikey be your girlfriend - for many reasons; he lacks femininity for a start... i think i can stop there.

you're too modest cools, you're nice and funny and having met you i can safely say you're pretty hot :wink: dont be so shy! as long as you're comfortable and being yourself then "bleh" to the people who don't appreciate that. same goes for you, dant.


Thanks Bluey! :grin: No one has ever said i'm pretty Hot before! :o


I'm always myself! :D


and i'm working on being less shy, but it's very hard! :)

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...i'm... not sure what to make of that... :blank:


coolness! dont let mikey be your girlfriend - for many reasons; he lacks femininity for a start...


Well, what I mean is, that too much exposure to women is a danger to a man's mental health. Most women should be fucked, then chucked. The good ones should be kept at a distance, but close enough so you can call on them for fucking when you have the horn.


They push for commitment, and when they get it - marriage - they get bored, start getting shafted by another guy, then they want a divorce, taking your kids, your money and your home with her, and the guy she was shagging during your marriage moves in to your home that you're still paying for!!


Be careful fellas, women are dangerous. I'm expecting to be called all sorts for saying this, but when you get older, you'll understand.

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Well, what I mean is, that too much exposure to women is a danger to a man's mental health. Most women should be fucked, then chucked. The good ones should be kept at a distance, but close enough so you can call on them for fucking when you have the horn.


They push for commitment, and when they get it - marriage - they get bored, start getting shafted by another guy, then they want a divorce, taking your kids, your money and your home with her, and the guy she was shagging during your marriage moves in to your home that you're still paying for!!


Be careful fellas, women are dangerous. I'm expecting to be called all sorts for saying this, but when you get older, you'll understand.


Yet men fuck you and chuck you before you can even call it a relationship, then when you do get married they shout because they can't go to the footie or play a game or get sex and walk out and find the nearest girl to have it on with.

wonderful :indeed:

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