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Shenmue III, Will it or Wont it Happen?


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First of all, sorry to admins for my earlier post on this subject. I just wanted to brighten up a grey dull friday morning.


On to the show so they say.


Shenmue III. Will it or wont it happen?


It has to happen. The only problem is the cost of making it, i heard it took 70 MILLION $ to make 1 and 2. This is the game that opened up a world to people, one of the first games that made me truly go... Wow!?!


There is an article about this in the new Gamesmaster mag:




So, what do you think. Will it? Should it?

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Shenmue I & II are my favourite games ever and made me proud to be a Dreamcast owner. I would be over-the-moon if Sega did decide to make a Shenmue III and I still have some faith that they will deliver eventually. I never thought I would see a sequel to NiGHTS and it didn't exactly set the world alight either at the time (sales-wise) and with talk of a Burning Rangers sequel I think it will only be a matter of time. I remember rumours going around in 2003 after the release of Shenmue II on Xbox that the third installment will be a CG movie - even that would do me, I just need to know what happens to Ryo!

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It NEEDS to happen.


It'll be released on 360 and PS3 though, not Wii...I think the game would need graphical power as the third main location Ryo would visit would probably be massive and inhabited with loads of characters on screen at once without loading screens and the Wii probably couldn't handle it.


Saying that, it worked fine on Dreamcast, so you'll never know.


I want it now, hopefully it's announced at this years E3, keep those fingers crossed. : peace:


Mind you, we all talk about this every year and it never happens.... :(

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If NiGHTS can make a comeback after 11 years, then I'm sure Shenmue III will turn up eventually. I still believe it will happen. The bit that does me though, is why don't Sega release some sort of box set with the first 2 games in it, just to keep the series alive a bit? I'd buy any console that could boast both these titles in a set, as I sold my DC some time ago. Shenmue 1 and 2 would be great on the Wii....

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If NiGHTS can make a comeback after 11 years, then I'm sure Shenmue III will turn up eventually. I still believe it will happen. The bit that does me though, is why don't Sega release some sort of box set with the first 2 games in it, just to keep the series alive a bit? I'd buy any console that could boast both these titles in a set, as I sold my DC some time ago. Shenmue 1 and 2 would be great on the Wii....


They will probably do that before they release number 3 to increase media attention and sales.

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I really want this to happen at some point. As for graphical power, I would say the graphics from the previous ones is good enough. They can make it a bit better if they wan't but I don't think it needs that much of a boost.


As for the console it would be released on, I have no idea. If it was the 360, it would fail in Japan, PS3 if it had really good graphics, then it leaves the Wii, but there isn't much of a hardcore base. All the consoles have the downfalls.


Solution? Dreamcast 2 :heh:

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