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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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Gotta say I like the idea of pressuring Zell, he may actually answer some questions if he realises people are serious.


So Vote: Zell


Let's just see what he has to say, then we can judge whether or not he is trying to get an innocent killed. Looks that way at the moment but hopefully he can shed some light on it.


As for the fish, if you're going to be petty and just randomly accuse people then people are even less likely to fall for questions. All I was saying was that we don't know who you are or who you allied with and it isn't sensible to just randomly give out information to people when it is possible to avoid it. I wasn't accusing you or anything, just warning people to be cautious.


It appears I am rambling rather a lot. I feel it may be time for me to also hit the sack. Night everyone!

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Gah! I didn't have the chance to post the other day. I arrived a little late.


Well, if Zell's innocent, we got Shino, Eenuh and Jayseven to suspect.


And the Admins are totally evil. See how Platty is the leader of the Admins? And sent someone to kill someone else?



Now, here's something interesting I found:


The guy had already been banned for taking it too far. Now, the forum decided it was time to kick him off again.


"But, I'm only here for a laugh! I'm not a bad guy!"


Some of the members thought about this, and realised that he hadn't ever actually done much wrong. However, the staff were glad to see an opportunity to ban him forever.



Now, who cast the final vote on Ashmat's lynching? CoolnessBears. And he just voted. Didn't give any reason at all for his vote.


Vote: Coolness Bears

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Gah! I didn't have the chance to post the other day. I arrived a little late.


Well, if Zell's innocent, we got Shino, Eenuh and Jayseven to suspect.


And the Admins are totally evil. See how Platty is the leader of the Admins? And sent someone to kill someone else?



Now, here's something interesting I found:




Now, who cast the final vote on Ashmat's lynching? CoolnessBears. And he just voted. Didn't give any reason at all for his vote.


Vote: Coolness Bears


Eenuh didn't get a reason though as to why Zell voted for her.

Eenuh also doesn't really understand your reasoning for voting Coolness Bears.

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Eenuh didn't get a reason though as to why Zell voted for her.

Eenuh also doesn't really understand your reasoning for voting Coolness Bears.


CB cast the deciding vote in Ashmat's lynching. He gave no reason, and I think he didn't discuss much, either.


In the write-up, it said people were somewhat reluctant to lynch Ashmat, but the staff (who I still think are the real mafia) saw an opportunity to get rid of him.


CB's vote seemed very suspicious. More than Zell (who just seems to be random voting people).

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CB cast the deciding vote in Ashmat's lynching. He gave no reason, and I think he didn't discuss much, either.


In the write-up, it said people were somewhat reluctant to lynch Ashmat, but the staff (who I still think are the real mafia) saw an opportunity to get rid of him.


CB's vote seemed very suspicious. More than Zell (who just seems to be random voting people).


Eenuh will still keep her vote on Zell for now, since there's not much evidence against Coolness Bears.


Mcoy will know once the fake Mcoy is dead that the town is that ever bit safer, Mcoy would then focus all efforts on helping the town with it's other problems.

Eenuh wonders if we know if the fake Mcoy is good or bad?

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Tellyn found out who an admin was on the first night. Tellyn threatened to reveal the identity of the admin, and he was silenced by the admins for knowing too much. Tellyn can now reveal that the admin was Ellmeister, who is Shorty.


Vote: Ellmeister

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Hmmm, I think I trust you, but I could use a little backup. Any trustworthy members out there want to support his claim?




Tellyn didn't talk on the day when someone was meant to have been silenced, the night before (where i stopped him 'blowing the whistle' due it being night time and it having no matter to the lynch) he wanted to say the name...



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Mcoy; like, you're a character on teh forums and stuff, and that's fair enough -- but you're being really lame. I don't like your gameplay.


This game is totally full of suspects. Yikes.


I think tellyn is in a good position with his Ellmeister theory, not too sure about the coolness bears one as to be honest that comment in the write up could reflect anyone who voted, or just to reflect the mafia in general being pleased with the result.

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Tellyn knows no one who can support his claim. Tellyn randomly selected Ellmeister to find out who he was (Tellyn's power is investigation). Tellyn was told that Ell was Shorty, but Tellyn didn't believe that the admins were evil, so Tellyn did not expose Ell.


Tellyn was silenced yesterday and roleblocked last night. Tellyn thinks the admins are trying to cover up the situation. If they killed Tellyn, it would be obvious that they were evil, so they silenced and possibly roleblocked him. Tellyn is certain that he will be killed tonight, so Tellyn is warning the forum members in advance.

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