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How did/do you know what to do with your life?


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Do a job you hate to have money to buy things you love. Thats what I do. Shame that job also conflicts with what I love and some personal beliefs but hey, we're all slaves with invisible chains.


Wrong, you work a job that you hate so you can buy shit you don't need. C'mon dude!!! Turn your life around before it's too late.

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Wrong, you work a job that you hate so you can buy shit you don't need. C'mon dude!!! Turn your life around before it's too late.


Too late, I'm stuck till at least the end of 2010. Even then I got mortgages and payments on foreign property now so I'll have to stay in 5 more years. As long as I can buy all the metal CD's I want and go to gigs every now and then I should stay sane enough to not hate everything around more than I do now.

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Too late, I'm stuck till at least the end of 2010. Even then I got mortgages and payments on foreign property now so I'll have to stay in 5 more years. As long as I can buy all the metal CD's I want and go to gigs every now and then I should stay sane enough to not hate everything around more than I do now.


Doesn't it bother you, though... to know you're stuck on permanent hiatus?

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Doesn't it bother you, though... to know you're stuck on permanent hiatus?


Constantly. My ideal career would involve music, but I'm not talented enough (I suck at singing). Until the point where a metal band starts buying lyrics or I've made enough money to not work anymore I'll carry on. We all gotta make sacrifices and if that means being a malcontent a while longer, so be it.

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I wanted to do something very different. I mean, at 16 i never thought i'd be living 600 miles from home, 2 countries away with a hot girlfriend i met off the internet and a well paying tech job.


I thought i'd be in uni studying journalism... Life is so unpredictable, so don't bother trying to predict it.


Great fucking round of applause... So true.

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Good lord, this thread has really helped me! I now feel at ease that I'm not the only person who feels like I've just coasted to where I am and I'm actually pretty happy with the decisions and experiences I've had.


I remember my mom pushing me into the job centre when I was 18 (with my 3 A-Levels) and the woman asked me what jobs I wanted. I said I wanted to compose music or work in theatre to get that opportunity. She said there were no theatre openings and so I said I like sports. I ended up working in a Salmon factory (5am-2pm everyday) and I felt like my life had ended and life had let me down. I eventually started working as a life guard and took all of my swim teaching courses and that job almost forced me to develop an outward personality and thick skin. Only then did it seem that I could grab what I wanted and attain anything. I really do feel that, with age comes a wonderful understanding (and an almost vast cynicism) with the world.

I know I'm only 24, but having lived in a fair few countries, had a fair few partners and loads of jobs, I actually feel like I'm a creature with real substance. Honestly, realising that other people are "in the same boat" helps.

Now I need a pint. :) Thanks guys and gals.

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I don't know what to do... and I chose a bad course. But I chose it because I know it's something I love.



Agreed, however I currently hate the course I'm on and waiting for a decent reply from the unis I've chosen, I don't know yet if uni is going to be the right thing to do, or even the course, but I like the subject so for now hopefully that'll be enough.


To be honest since I was in high school til now has been easy to decide from here on it's gonna be alot more difficult.



It also worries me that everyone I klnow going to uni is really happy with it and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be happy with it.

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I hate on the applications for uni they want a nice big paragraphs as to why you want to do that course.


I want to do law because.. ummmmmmmm. That was about it except I put some crap about helping society and justice somewhere.


I've always wanted to do something with the law, but don't feel I'm cut out for a police officer or someone who gets their hands dirty sort of thing. And being a lawyer can be a well paid job so lets hope I can actually stick to the plan.


I hate UCAS.

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I hate on the applications for uni they want a nice big paragraphs as to why you want to do that course.


I want to do law because.. ummmmmmmm. That was about it except I put some crap about helping society and justice somewhere.


I've always wanted to do something with the law, but don't feel I'm cut out for a police officer or someone who gets their hands dirty sort of thing. And being a lawyer can be a well paid job so lets hope I can actually stick to the plan.


I hate UCAS.


me too :D


sucks the most - i hated my personal statement :(

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I've always just done the thing that seems right at the time and what I enjoy. Seems to have served me well so far. When I was younger I prefered playing games to school work so thats what I did. Still managed decent GCSE's and A-Levels.


Didn't feel ready for uni straight away so I spent a year messing around doing a few crappy jobs.


Chose my uni based on being by the beach rather than the course or quality of uni - turned out to be a great desicion. Had a fantastic time in the sun on the beach and the course turned out to be pretty good too. It just so happened that my course included a year out which is how I ended up in my next job.


Somehow landed a job as an Analyst at Panasonic which apart from the long drive was a fantastic role in a company that will always look good on my CV. Bought a good TV on staff discount and meant I could afford the 360 when that came out.


After a year I was back at uni and decided to finally make a website I'd been thinking of for a few years. Taught myself PHP and MySQL as I went and the site turned out pretty good. I probably neglected my degree a little but I still passed that and ended up in the West Midlands Business Awards final for the website. All in all worked out very well.


After uni I worked on the website in the summer while applying for jobs. I'd applied for a job at a games company ages before and it just so happened they had a little look at the website and decided to call me in for an interview having previously turned me down. Went in and had a chat and thats how I ended up living in London as an Analyst at a games company.


Currently still doing that as well as sorting a few other web projects.


Hmmm, that turned into a bit of a life story but it wasn't meant to. Anyway, what I'm really trying to say is I've never once really knew what to do with my life. I just always tried to better myself and make my desicions based around what currently feels right and is likely to lead to better times in the future. Main point being it doesn't matter if you don't have a clue what you want to do with yourself, so long as you stay true to what YOU want to be doing you can't go too far wrong.

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Teh futuur is a big... er... cheese fondou of a melting pot that doesn't actually exist yet. I have, like, a couple of "aims", or "dreams" which I'd like to happen; have kids. Publish a book. But no specific path to get there. I'll just wander the wilderness that is life, taking in the view, not realising that everything I do affects who I am and how long I'll live for.


*nice guy pose*

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