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The 2007 Cinema Review and Awards by ReZourceman


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The 2007 Cinema Review


Welcome to my 2007 cinema review thread. I feel that 2007 has been a fantastic year for movies. Theres been some bad, but a lot of good. In total I saw 29 movies at the cinema this year, and I will be reviewing them individually in chronological order - scores may differ from previously handed out scores, due to maybe multi viewing and letter the movie sink into me, so this is my opinion on the films with them not fresh in my mind. Ill also include various personal statistics, like whether I bought the DVD or if I want to etc. Then Ill be giving a few awards and announce the winner to the N-Europe Peoples Movie 2007!


So without further ado lets get started!




1) Epic Movie


14th February. Valentines Day...Im smoooth.

The general concensus of Epic Movie was...well it wasn't massively stellar. There seemed to be two sets of people - The people who thought it was shit, and the people who hadnt seen it. I however didnt think it was as bad as it seems. I love Kal Penn, so it gets points for that. It does have some lolworthy jokes and good actors. I bought this movie on DVD...And they changed it...They cut one of my favourite jokes from the entire film and replaced it with an unfunny line! Ugh!


Movie ; 6.9/10

Rewatch ; Not as good on DVD, so that'd be a no.


2) Hot Fuzz


21st February. Highly anticipated film.

I would say....It didn't disapoint! The Peggster and Frosty manage another memorable and hit comedy! Like Shaun ot' Dead its quite original, and the actors are famous and its BRITISH! Everyone loves the film! I dont need to add anything!


Movie ; 8.3/10

Rewatch ; I dont have the DVD, but I wouldnt mind it. Personally dont want to watch it again just yet.


3) The Number 23


28th February. One of the first truly serious Jim Carey films Ive seen.

I very much enjoyed the movie. I feel that Jim is a fantastic actor, and the film has an interesting layout and execution, with a fairly decent ending. I liked it more than I thought I would and Id recommend anyone curious to watch it.


Movie ; 7.9/10

Rewatch ; One day.


4) Ghost Rider


9th march. The films first Marvel hit! Whaaay!

Possibly the years most impressive visual effects. The fact that they nailed Ghost Rider visaully was hugely shocking to me. It seems incredibly difficult to of got it right, but they did. And then went some more, with the moment of him coming out of water, flaming sticking out as a stunning moment for me. I thought the film was good, not too amazing, but for (hopefully) setting up the franchise a good start...Plus I love Nic Cage. :heart: \Bring on the sequel!


Movie ; 7.2

Rewatch ; Not for a while.


5) 300


23rd March. Men in pants hitting each other.

The film doesnt have a plot. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lieing...either that or they saw something that I ignored. Its an entertaining, eye pleasingly orgasmic battle scene with one of the epicanna one liners of the year....THIS IS SPAARRRTTTAAAAA!


Movie ; 7.0/10

Rewatch ; Maybe drunk one day.




31st March. The Turtles make their triumphant return!

And what a return it was! Excellent 3D animation, with some of the most realistic skin (albeit green) and rain effects seen in any animation. I LOVED that this was a sequel. It really meant the story could kick into high drive off the bat, and that was friggin sweet too! Really liked all the elements of the film, and the teasing of a sequel is boner inducing!


Movie ; 8.4/10

Rewatch ; Wouldn't mind the DVD of this.


7) Blades of Glory


6th April. Better than expected.

In fact much better. Will Ferrell can basically do no wrong anyway. The only bad thing was his character was not HUGELY original, stealing traits from both Anchorman and Talladega, but its all good. Jon Heder does pretty well, proving hes not a one trick pony, and the writing is spot on with an excellent combination of visual comedy and ...well verbal based :heh: . Just bought it as an xmas present for someone actually.


Movie ; 8.75/10

Rewatch ; I very much want to soon!


8) Sunshine


15th April. A shining example of cinema!

I feel that "masterpiece" is too strong a word for the film. Far too strong...however it is a triumph of a movie, and a real cinema film. At first it seems to have a standard storyline, but this does change which is one of my main favourite aspects of the film. All the acting is top notch, and the direction is among the best of the year.


Movie ; 8.5/10

Rewatch ; Not yet, but certainly one day.


9) Spider-Man 3


4th May. My most anticipated film of the year.

My biggest let down? No I don't think I would say that. I am a HUGE Spider-Man fan (as most know). One of the things I loved about Spider-Man 2 was the epicly well done and true-to-the-comics-just-exceedingly-hard-to-execute-into-a-movie fight scenes. They nailed it, absolutely nailed it. Spider-Man 3 was a promising film...the opening scenes are extremely orgasm promoting. Then it dips a bit, then theres some awesome effects, then a few dodgy scenes (Emo Spidey dancing is sooo WTF) I loved that he hit MaryJane. God that bitch needed some STFUing. He should of hit her harder to be completely honest (Her character in the films is just so bitch like) and of course the last epic fight scene....although it did feel a bit rushed. But Venom needed more screen time!!! Eric Foreman was soooo good for it!


Movie ; 8.0/10

Rewatch ; I saw it at the cinema twice, and I imagine Ill get it for Christmas.


10) 28 Weeks Later


12th May. The sequel that shouldn't have been?

Possibly. The first film was a great modern horror masterpiece/take on the zombie genre, with an (IMHO) excellent excellent twist. This film needs to do something fresh to keep up with that, and it actually does quite well. Following a non-linear and anti-predictable plot turns with some memorable and imaginitive scenes it does well to continue the movies.


Movie ; 7.7/10

Rewatch ; Dont particularly want to.


11) Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End


27th May. Finally the overrated trilogy ends.

The only problem with this is, I cant remember which was the second film and which was the third...I remember I really didnt like one, but the other was not as bad...Just cant remember which was which...I think I preferred this one. Okay, so from the bits I remember I suppose it was okay. Im not into and in fact despise the whole Pirates are amazing craze. I also despised Johnny Depp fans....Yes he is OBVIOUSLY a very talented actor, but A) He is not the best. B) Do not patronise and insult my intelligence by going on about him and the face hes so versitile, and C) STFU stupid fucking horny teenage ugly ****. Jeez.


Movie ; 7.0/10

Rewatch ; Only to masturbate over Keira Knightley (IE, No)


12) Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer


15th June. Yay another Marvel flick!

I really liked the first one, where a lot of people didn't like it. I would say the second film didn't particularly disapoint. The only thing I didnt like was Johnny going all uberly powerful as it pretty much discounts Super Skrull from ever entering the franchise, and hes a very awesome character indeed. Its a great actiony comic flick and the special effects are excellent.


Movie ; 8.0/10

Rewatch ; At some point. Ill get the DVD.


13) Hostel Part 2


30th June. Personally anticipated.

And slightly disapointed. I still thought it was a great film, and an extremely interesting and unique insight into a disturbing existence in this world, but theres one thing that was needed, and that was missing - and that was torture scenes. There was basically one...admitadly it was a good one...kinda hot actually, but needed more nevertheless. Good characters and moral situations though.


Movie ; 7.8/10

Rewatch ; Not anytime soon.


14) Die Hard 4.0


6th July. Motherfuckers.

Theres really not much to say about it. Bruce Willis being bad ass. Check. Justin Long being a smart sweet. Check. Action. Check. Cool stuff. Check. A worthy sequel, or as worthy as it could of been.


Movie ; 8.5/10

Rewatch ; Not for a while.


15) Transformers


21st July. Robots in disgcuise.

Im not quiet about my love for this film. Now I was never a big Transformers fan, and I had no idea the film was going to be as awesome as it was. It was action packed, I felt it had a really really good story, it had Shia, Megan Fox...wowzers. Excellent special effects and action scenes, a nice dose of humour. One of the power films of the year.


Movie ; 9.35/10

Rewatch ; Yes indeed last week or so ago. HD DVD get.


16) The Simpsons Movie


28th July. The yellow family finally make the charge on the big screen.

The story was pretty cool considering its The Simpsons. It was very good. Simpsons = good. There is something that annoys me....the Spider-Pig gag. Eugh. Yes people its Spider-Pig very fucking funny, now can you stop fucking saying that line. Apart from that though, its a must see.


Movie ; 8.4/10

Rewatch ; I would like to soon.


17) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


1st August. The fifth in the series.

I was fairly disapointed with the film. I thought it was going to be pretty good, but it wasnt as good as the last two films. The acting was meh. The special effects were excellent...shame they only used them like...once. God the next one had better be...better.


Movie ; 6.0/10

Rewatch ; Probably never.


18) Rush Hour 3


15th August. The boys are back in town.

And all over the globe. Heh heh. It was funny, action packed, ridiculous, crazy, Jackie Chan. It was rather great! Not much else needs to be said on this one.


Movie ; 7.8/10

Rewatch ; Nah.


19) Knocked Up


24th August. Seth Rogens big hoozie.

Ahhh yes. What a fucking awesome film. I <3 Frat Pack. I was really looking forward to this film a lot, which means my expectations were high. Luckily I was not let down. Seth Rogen is an absolute comedic acting genius. Also Paul Rudd does another exceptional character performance, and we are introduced to the stunning Katherine Heigl (sp) and shes awesome too. The jokes were sweet, the subject was awesome and it had a charming ending.


Movie ; 9.3/10

Rewatch ; Can't wait. Apparently the DVD extras are fucking awesome. Out on Boxing Day.


20) The Bourne Ultimatum


25th August. A third film eh.

Absolutely smokes the other two movies. Better than both of them combined. Better story, better action, fight scenes, character portrayal. Sexy governmenty espionagey action flick. Very cool. I hear they are making more...should be good.


Movie ; 8.0/10

Rewatch ; Not just yet.


21) 1408


7th September. A short from Stephen King.

When I first saw the trailer for this film, I was quite excited. I think Stephen King is an excellent story inventor (Ive not actually read any books, but seen films of which are based on the books, and they all have unique and interesting concepts) 1408 is in this line of thinking. John Cusak is it? Well whoever it is, I think they do a fairly good job. Genuinely chilling at points and a bizarre yet rather awesome story.


Movie ; 7.8/10

Rewatch ; Maybe sometime.


22) Superbad


14th September. Super. Awesome.

I knew the film would be awesome. The trailer alone is better than hundreds of films Ive viewed. God the film is so fucking sweet. Funny as HECK. Outragous and relentless comedy and gags. Huge lols had by all. The last film I saw which had the cinema laughing this much was Borat. The characters are awesome, and its typical nerdage. A+++


Movie ; 9.45/10

Rewatch ; Again, I cannot wait for the DVD.


23) Disturbia


20th September. Shia Labeouf wheeeee.

If you have not seen this film, I would advise you see this film as it is fucking sweet. Ive already procliamed my love for teh Shizzna, but he outshines himself in this IMHO. Hes a very relatable character which makes the film even more awesome. His life non typical also and the scenes in the film, pacing, direction, acting, stunts/thriller ness are just all really really top notch. Actually one of the years best movies.


Movie ; 9.1/10

Rewatch ; Definitely one day. Maybe DVD buy depending on Extras.


24) Death Proof


22nd September. Quentin Tarantinos half of Grindhouse.

I'll be honest. When I heard that Grindhouse was cut in half for our shores I was pissed. I was really friggin pissed. Apart from the obvious reasons of suckage, it meant that it was even less likely that the cinemas near me would be showing either movie. Low and behold when I found out it was being showed at one of my locals I was uberly chuffed and pumped. The film is a tiny wheeny bit too Tarantino-ish (yes Im noting that as a negative) with a bit too long speech/scripty/boring scenes that love themself a little bit, however the majority of these scenes were QT standard (IE uberly sweetness awesome) and the overall ness of the film is good. Good characters, actually...hot characters. Seriously hot. And then theres Stuntman Mike (think his name was Mike) whos just awesome, then the action scenes and awesome revengeness. Film = Awesome.


Movie ; 8.8/10

Rewatch ; I most certainly will, but dunno when.


25) Michael Clayton


29th September. Oscar tipped.

I cannot particularly remember too many films starring George Clooney....Spy Kids springs to mind. Oceans Eleven. Batman and Robin. A mixed bag there...Folk said about this film was that it was an outstanding performance and his best. Although my limited library of GC films doesn't exactly let me have a great opinion on that I would ; A) Be inclined to agree and B) Its a friggin awesome performance. The film is a drama-ey y thriller-ey character driven interesting fest. The plot is fairly standard, but the characters are what steers the plot to being new and interesting. Its not just Clooney that makes the film good - it is ALL the acting. I think I would say the best acting in a film I have seen in a very very long time. Certainly this year, possibly a few/decade?


Movie ; 8.4/10

Rewatch ; One day in my life....


26) Ratatouille


19th October. Disney Pixar 2007 film uberly delay from US.

I didn't see Cars. Because it looked crap. Too Disney-ey for my liking (IE non-smart, ridiculously fucking stupid comedy - like animals burping/goofy looking/physical comedy) etc. Ratfilm (Im not spelling Rat-a-too-ee every time) is the opposite of this. Charming, warm, heart felt, smart, funny, epic in its own way, an excellent story. It has everything. The characters are likeable, and many of them in their own special way. Possibly Pixars best movie.


Movie ; 8.3/10

Rewatch ; Nah.


27) Rendition


3rd November. The film about torturing beezners.

This movie is about the idea of taking folk to another country and interrogating them. Its pretty good. Im a fan of Jake Gylennhal which is one of the reasons that swayed me to watch this first over the below movie, and he doesnt disapoint. The film however, did a bit. There was one thing about the film (a spoiler, so I will not say what) that I do not particularly like. It was more a directional element than anything to do with plot, but it just simply wasn't needed. The core of the film should of been about this tragic thing of torturing an innocent, but it seems to sway from that too much, and I think I feel that there are too many characters none of which are particularly explored very well. Having said all this the film isnt horrible, but it was rather disapointing.


Movie ; 6.8/10

Rewatch ; Probably never.


28) 30 Days of Night


14th November. Vampires. Cool.

Anyone who has read the graphic novel series "The Walking Dead" well, that is similar to this. Its better, but then its not a consolidated film. This film just cements that TWD should be made into a TV series anymore. Which of coure means that the film was good. It was very good actually. Well apart from the end...but I'll get to that. Its nicely paced, good scenes, enough "scare" boo moments for the genre. Its got nice continuuity and realism, and indeed mucha violence. The film falls down at the end. Something happens that so did not need to happen. (For anyone whos seen it, Im not referring to the very end, but the bit before it...in fact the very end is refreshing and a nice/sad touch)


Movie ; 7.9/10

Rewatch ; No.


29) Bee Movie


8th December. Rounding out the year.

I'll be short and sweet on this as there isnt much to talk about. Slightly strange plot for the genre, cool, funny in parts, more aimed at adults than kids, but not in a rude way? Dunno, possibly. This may just be an insight into to the fact that I watched it with a cinema full of children and none of them laughed (not even once.) A fairly generical Dreamworks or in fact any company 3D animation. C+/B


Movie ; 7.0/10

Rewatch ; Probably never.




2007 Movie of the Year



Best Cinema Movie



Movie Star of the Year

Shia LaBeouf


Best Epic/Action/Adventure Film



Best Comedy Film



Best Drama/Thriller/Horror Film



The Top Five 2007 Must See Movies




Death Proof

Knocked Up


The N-Europe Peoples Choice Award

Voted for by the forum members of http://www.N-Europe.com and Sponsored by Head and Shoulders




The N-Europe Peoples Choice Runners Up

Voted for by the forum members of http://www.N-Europe.com and Sponsored by Nestle




Thanks to everyone who voted, thanks for reading, heres to 2008s big movies to look forward to *Looks at The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Indredible Hulk, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Speed Racer) and feel free to discuss or dispute anything Ive said or written.


Happy New Year folks.

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My thoughts


Epic Movie - Worst film ever. I wouldn't even give it a 1/10. 0/10

Hot Fuzz - Great film. I'd love to see what Simon Pegg can bring to Star Trek. 8/10

The Number 23 - Good fun, I probably won't rewatch it anytime soon. 7/10

Ghost Rider - Second worst film ever. 1/10

300 - Awesome. Even better with a rewatch. 9/10

Spider-Man 3 - After two fantastic films...this comes along. 3/10

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End - A lot of fun. 9/10

Hostel Part 2 - Boring. Boring. Boring. 3/10

Transformers - Good because of it's awful script and ace effects. 7/10

The Simpsons Movie - A long episode with one or two good jokes. 6/10

The Bourne Ultimatum - Fantastic end to a superp trilogy. 10/10

Death Proof - Quite entertaining, but not fantastic. 7/10

Death at a Funeral - Alan Tudyk is fantastic, but the rest of the film is rubbish. 6/10 (Four points solely for Tudyk's parts)

The Golden Compass - Looks great, great acting from everyone but Lyra and badly written script. 6/10.

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Movie Star of the Year

Shia LaBeouf


Nerd rage increasing!


Who else? Seth Rogen would realistically be the only other contender. No one else has been in multi films or uberly uber roles (some would argue Keira Knightley, but shes had her minute in the spotlight)


Rocky Balboa was amazing and great way to end the franchise. How you missed that is beyond me.


Buggery, you'll hate it when you find out I've never seen any Rocky films in that case! :bowdown:

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Who else? Seth Rogen would realistically be the only other contender. No one else has been in multi films or uberly uber roles (some would argue Keira Knightley, but shes had her minute in the spotlight)


He must be fantastic in Disturbia...His acting in Transformers was awful.


300 Spartans. Man kicks someone down bottomless pit. This is Sparta. Big battle. 299 Spartans die.


Think I covered it.


Battle. Family captured. Fights. Gets famous. Fights more. Dies.


I think I covered Gladiator's plot there.

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Transformers just wasn't that good.


Eastern Promises. Stunning performance from Viggo Mortensen.


Control. Fantastic biopic about Ian Curtis.


Into the Wild. Wasn't directed particularly well but as a whole it was better than most the pap that was out this year.

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300 Spartans. Man kicks someone down bottomless pit. This is Sparta. Big battle. 299 Spartans die.


Think I covered it. ;)


Totally agree with you there. I watched it for the first time last night, and was wondering where the plot was! Fantastic battle's and violence, and a very stylish film mind.

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