fex Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 Jesus don't start the PS3 has no exclusive games argument, you will just loose. Ok, let me rephrase that AAA* Quality exclusive games. Now return to your homepage
Daft Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 New Line goes Blu http://kotaku.com/341033/new-line-goes-blu+ray
DCK Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 I bet if apple put a blu-ray drive in the mac mini it would really limit PS3 sales.Yeah, I've been thinking that too. A significant percentage of the PS3 sales will have to have come from Blu-ray enthusiast who don't care about games but buy it as a Blu-ray player for cheeps. Competition of other BD players going cheaper and other media might strain PS3 sales even more.
Caris Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 since the 40GB model was introduced PS3 sales have been quite healthy, along with next years line up i wouldn't worry about sales.
Emasher Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 I'm defiantly not worried about their sales. I'm more worried that they may almost catch up to Nintendo.
AshMat Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 New Line have taken in? No surprises there. Also, c'man, the ps3 has a good year of exclusives coming, and with it being the best value Blu-Ray player on the market, once word gets out to the general public that Blu-Ray's the "future", there WILL be a massive rise in PS3 sales. Also, why be "worried" that they'll catch up with Nintendo? No-one's allowed to share their success?
Emasher Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 If they catch up we could see less exclusive wii games.
DCK Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 since the 40GB model was introduced PS3 sales have been quite healthy, along with next years line up i wouldn't worry about sales.Probably, but I wonder how much PS3 sales are actually there for the games. A €400 Blu-ray player will sell like hotcakes (for a player) anyway, but if the prices inevitably come down, it's going to get a lot of competition in that sales area too.
fex Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 NEW LINE GOES BLU http://kotaku.com/341033/new-line-goes-blu+ray
Calza Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 New Line goes Blu http://kotaku.com/341033/new-line-goes-blu+ray NEW LINE GOES BLU http://kotaku.com/341033/new-line-goes-blu+ray 1010101
AshMat Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Serious question. Chances of M$ releasing a blu ray addon to replace HDDVD Drive?
Caris Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Serious question.Chances of M$ releasing a blu ray addon to replace HDDVD Drive? I read on EuroFusion MS will support whatever format wins.
fex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Posted January 6, 2008 Sorry Daft, I didn't see you posted that, and omg its strange that it was exactly the same, unless I subconsciously took note of it.
Will Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 If they catch up we could see less exclusive wii games. I really wouldn't worry about that, the Nintendo games are all that really matter on the Wii. Serious question.Chances of M$ releasing a blu ray addon to replace HDDVD Drive? I'm pretty sure MS have said before that that was one of the reasons HD-DVD wasn't included in the box. They can move over to Blu-Ray if (when) HD-DVD fails. As for those wondering how many non-gamers are buying the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player I'd say its a hell of a lot less than the amount of non-gamers buying the Wii as a toy.
fex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Posted January 6, 2008 Does anyone know of any stores doing good PS3 bundles inc Blu-Ray movies. Preferably not Spider-man / PotC. I know Woolies is doing PS3 + Game + Planet Earth (blu-ray) - £335
Will Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Thats true, obviously the major factor is MS don't want to support one of their most public rivals formats. They've never denied that they would support blu-ray should it become the dominant format though.
Will Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Its been suggested by a few other executives within Microsoft also. Its not really up to Toshiba at all, they can carry on making players for the next hundred years, if no-ones releasing anything to play on them then the format is as good as dead. With the recent happenings can you really say HD-DVD is alive even now? I don't keep up with the battle too much but will anything of note now be coming to the format exclusively? If blu-ray wins the battle, which it almost certainly has given the recent events, and it seems people are buying a PS3 soley for blu-ray support I'd say its a pretty safe bet that MS won't be too far away from releasing an add-on for the 360.
Marshmellow Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 From reading the last couple pages, would it be a good move to sell my HD DVD drive and HD DVDs asap?
Will Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Well its really up to you, I'm not going to personally. These type of things wont fetch anywhere near what you paid for them and its not like they're suddenly going to stop working.
Jasper Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 From reading the last couple pages, would it be a good move to sell my HD DVD drive and HD DVDs asap? Don't! You might have something rare in your possession. No really, why would you need to sell them? You've got some movies and you've got the player, so you have some use for it. There's no reason to sell it like it's your atari stock.
fex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Posted January 6, 2008 From reading the last couple pages, would it be a good move to sell my HD DVD drive and HD DVDs asap? I know a few people have said to keep it, but I think perhaps you should get rid of it, unless you've got some HD-DVD exclusives that aren't out on Blu yet. You might as well sell your HD-DVD drive, grab some cash for it and clear up some space, it's pointless having something that will be next to useless.
Domstercool Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 While it may of been "evil" to force it in the PS3, it was a smart move. I'm happy they did it, for games anyway. Even without the PS3 though, Blu ray players were outselling HD-DVD by 2-1.
Pit-Jr Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Looks like Blu-Ray is the next big thing, but once i eventually own a PS3, i still wont buy Blu-Ray movies until the prices get down to DVD level.
Razz Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 How much is it to rent the average blu-ray? It seems that's the way for me at the moment. Way too expensive at the moment to buy them.
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