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Party Down - 4th Episode

Veronica Mars alum of the week: Cliff McCormack, Mr Wooooooooo! and Mercer.

Interesting twist and it was nice to see Kyle take Constance's side (although seeing Kyle and whatever that guy was called in this (i.e. Dick and Mercer) being friends made me realise why did it not happen on VM...) anyway. Yup. Although Ron's...problem was a bit hmm.


How I Met Your Mother - Mosbius Designs

Well that was an unusual way to write Alyson Hannigan out to pop one out.

I like Robin's little "I used to want x,y,z qualities from a guy, now it seems 'in my apparently' will do". We've all been there...right?

And Ted is a douche at times really isn't he?

Barney and Marshall's work scenes kinda make me think that would be how Dan (Dare) and James(7) would act if they worked together...although im not sure who is who.


Chuck versus the First Kill

Didn't see that ending coming. Both with the Buy More (p.s. woo Anna popped up again, she needs more screentime) and with Chuck. Iiiiiiinteresting.

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Caprica - Pilot


A lot more than I expected. In some ways it's brilliant for the same reasons as Battlestar, yet in some ways it's brilliant because it's completely different. The cast is brilliant, the effects and locations are astonishing (for a TV series) and there's even more parallels (is that the right word?) with things that are happening right now.


It expands massively on the world of Galactica, in terms of politics, religion, racism due to planets as well as the relationships between the different colonies.


It's a completely different show, and yet still feels like Battlestar.




I honestly wasn't expecting anything anywhere near this good.

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Desperate Housewives EP18


Was this the series finalé?! It said 'To be continued...' at the end, but i dont know if that means next week or... next season. Boo if the latter. It was a pretty good episode with some stand out 'OMG' moments - namely the very end. The rest was a bit predictable, but still good.

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(And so this post doesn't sound too agressive ; Love you :heart: )


Rule 3 has truly gone to shit now.


Shame, it was definitely a milestone in my internet life. HCR, that (first proper forum where there were no rules etc) and this.


I love that I was hated by all when I joined that.

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Rule 3 has truly gone to shit now.


Shame, it was definitely a milestone in my internet life. HCR, that (first proper forum where there were no rules etc) and this.


I love that I was hated by all when I joined that.


I dunno its better now than it was 6 months ago.


Mind you it was better two weeks ago than it is now lol.

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Chuck e20 Show's actually been improving the last two episodes. Worth watching again, schweee!


Southlands wants, oh so hard, to be The Wire -- and it's not, but it's plenty fine TV. The Beast has THE SWAYZE as a clearly interesting FBI agent, and the show's had about 12 episodes so far. It's got D' from The Wire, and Doug from Scrubs (lol), and generally it's your yadda yadda good actors yadda interesting stories yadda good script(ish), but perhaps slightly outlandish and unrealistic.


In Development is a nice show to watch. Five episodes a week at 25 mins each, it's not meant to be watched in massive bursts. Moar Goood schtuff.


Tried watching Harper's Island, and didn't get past the first 15 mins. Seems a bit contrived, sort of like I know what you did last summer, Urban Legends or pretty much any teen-slasher movie -- but for a 15 min viewing that might be a bit harsh. Just not sure if there's substance there yet.


Don't know if I mentioned, but I watched the second episode of The Unusuals, and while again it's easy watching, I think it tries too hard and comes out a bit too obvious with some of the character pairings (guy who thinks he has inherited bad luck and is destined to die any day now, with a guy diagnosed with cancer who is jumping in front of trains and off buildings and getting shot at).


Prison Break (I know there's a thread) started again, and... I didn't really feel it. Hell, don't think I even finished it!


Has anyone seen Parks and Recreation? It's been likened (... negatively >_<) to The Office and 30 Rock, so I'm tempted to give it a try. And did Better Off Ted actually get interesting after the first episode?

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Chuck has always been must see, even if its just for the pure joyousness of it. The preview for the next episode looks immense :D Roll on Tuesday.


And as far a I'm aware, PaR is an Office spin-off, or at least pretty much an Office spin off. Hence comparissons. And umm parallels between 30 Rock & PaR = Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were in SNL together...and I think Second City too.


Party Down - 5th Episode

Porn award parties, always fun. I do like the way they're taking full advantage of the fact they're on cable. And boy must that have been a fun episode for Ryan Hansen, a 'guess which breasts are real' hands on comparisson and giving feedback on someone's vaginal retightening (presumably). And that was a rather immense penis 0_o. Constance was fun as always, bouncy and innocent in her own way.


Pushing Daisies - Window Dressed to Kill

It was bitter sweet watching it. I was so happy to see a new episode and it warmed my dead insides the way on PD can, but I couldn't help thinking that with this one down there's only two more left...ever :(


Plenty of fun times and banter, Olive singing and a rhino. What could be wrong with that? The return of Randy Mann was cool, nice to see he and Ned are still friends. Plus Ned got a present for his half-brothers :) Only thing that felt odd is the relative calm about the fact Charles Charles is still on the loose.

Edited by Ashley
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Just a little oddity that I thought I'd post;


Pablo Schreiber (Nickolas 'Nick' Sobotka from The Wire season 2) has been in Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, two episodes apiece, but a totally different character each time. I just found that peculiarly odd. Three characters in teh same universe... It's a rarity. Besides The Wire, he's been in little else of any worth, so I guess he must have some friends in the production team there.


But has any other actor achieved the same sort of feat?


EDIT: Ok, so the IMDB page for the actor suggests twice he played two different characters in two of the above named shows, which racks him up to 5 different characters in the same universe. Bizarre!

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Desperate Housewives - Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know


Brilliant episode.


Loved that they killed Edie straight away, and allowed her to narrate the episode. It was nice to see a different side to her character, one we always knew was there but never saw.



"Good news. I died the same way I had lived, as the complete and utter centre of attention". Uber awesome.

Edited by Slaggis
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It was a good episode. Although the story structure is getting a bit tired on DH now but a nice episode anyway :)


Chuck versus the Colonel

Step one in creating an awesome episode; have it completely tear down the concept of the show.

So much happened, and so much looks to happen in the next episode and apparently they have much huger stuff planned for next season. This best get renewed.

Anyway. Awesome investigated Casey and eventually found out about Chuck's secret and acted the only way he knew how...awesomely. His brotherly love for Chuck is really quite nice. So now someone in Chuck's family knows. #1 big change.

Morgan spend a day as "ass man" (Assistant Manager) and quit the Buy More to apparently go to Hawaii (which shall presumably fail but at least he's out of the Buy More). I'm glad one of the customers at least had a 'WTF?' face at the end. #2 big change.

Sarah and Chuck nearly had sex. Damn safe sex ruined everything! Although their making out was hot. Anyway and then Chuck's dad removed the intersect. The whole purpose of Chuck was the fact he had this in his head, now...nothing. Will probably change next episode (maybe Chuck will willingly put it back in for some reason or other) but damn! # 3 big change.


Great episode, can't wait for next week



Sit Down Shut Up - Pilot

Okay. Bit more frat boy humour than I anticipated but willing to keep with it.

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Chuck versus the Colonel

Step one in creating an awesome episode; have it completely tear down the concept of the show.

So much happened, and so much looks to happen in the next episode and apparently they have much huger stuff planned for next season. This best get renewed.

Anyway. Awesome investigated Casey and eventually found out about Chuck's secret and acted the only way he knew how...awesomely. His brotherly love for Chuck is really quite nice. So now someone in Chuck's family knows. #1 big change.

Morgan spend a day as "ass man" (Assistant Manager) and quit the Buy More to apparently go to Hawaii (which shall presumably fail but at least he's out of the Buy More). I'm glad one of the customers at least had a 'WTF?' face at the end. #2 big change.

Sarah and Chuck nearly had sex. Damn safe sex ruined everything! Although their making out was hot. Anyway and then Chuck's dad removed the intersect. The whole purpose of Chuck was the fact he had this in his head, now...nothing. Will probably change next episode (maybe Chuck will willingly put it back in for some reason or other) but damn! # 3 big change.


Great episode, can't wait for next week


I really loved that episode and your right, this show had better get renewed!

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Indeed, wonderful stuff. And because I found it the other day/the episode had a fair bit of Awesome in it:



He's definately got better throughout the show, dont think I really liked him when I first started watching.


Anyway, ive just put my season one dvd on. Needed to watch something......AWESOME

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