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Rate The Last TV Show You Saw (Spoiler Tags for Recent US Shows!)


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It's not that girl friendly :P Definitely a boy's tv show buut it's gritty, real and very, very good TV.


Odwin; of that list I'd return to Lost, because it's the least generic/predictable out of the lot of em, which is what you'll notice most after BSG probably.


Odders, do you not watch 24? Also apparently Heroes is getting better. I have personally gone right off Lost, but I'm like the only person in the world who has, so take that with a kilo or six of salt?




Castle - Episode 1


Erm....I thought that was FUCKING sweet. : peace:: peace: I actually loved it, Nathan Fillion was obviously awesome, had loads of wicked one liners, and it was just bloody entertaining. Had a massive smile for pretty much the whole thing. One of the best pilots I've seen in a while tbf. Hooked from the first ep.



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Seriously. Watch Life! It's goooood.


This will be lost in the automerge.




Usual blah-blah-blah... but! Potentially getting cooler after the end bit.


Breaking Bad - s02e01 aired last night/night before in US, and it's bang on form. AAAND! Pre-airs of e02 and 03 are 'about', which is awesommz.


Eastbound & Down is... hmm. Well, if you like Will Ferrel (Farrel? Feral? Lol) then you'll like the humour. The main character is a dick and he's pretty much surrounded by idiots. It's kinda like a huge, drawn-out version of one of those Farrelferrel movies, so it's predictable but fairly humorous in execution. I'm on e04 of it now, and I'm starting to warm to it.

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Chuck - Chuck vs the Lethal Weapon


Part of me was hoping he would remove that Tron poster and replace it with a Tron 2 poster but I suppose this idea was better.

Strahovski looked different in some way but I can't figure out how...


Heroes - Shades of Gray


The rabbit thing offended me slightly and now of course I want one.

What happened in the rest of the episode?

Oh Angela was enjoying that dinner a bit too much. And champagne and oysters? Someone's going to be drunk and horny.

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Battlestar Galactica


I won't talk much due to spoilers, but it was a very interesting episode, even though it was more of a set-up for the next three hours of....well, hopefully words won't be able to describe the amazingness of the next three hours.


Chuck vs the Lethal Weapon


A cool episode, but not one of the better ones. It was cool to see Robert Picardo, too.

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Desperate Housewives - Latest episode from America...


Most of it was blah but I couldn't believe when Tom (context: he and Lynette were going for the same job and pointing out negative aspects of each other because thats what people do on TV) turned around and said "Yeah Lynette's great, unless she gets cancer again." I actually :o!ed That was one of the most cuntish things I've ever heard anyone say, particularly to his wife.


Other than that, was a shame to see Big Dick Casablancas (or whatever his the actor's character is called on this show) go.

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Dollhouse Ep 3 + 4


Ep 3 felt too much like a filler. It wasn't bad, decent storyline and that, and they made it work, so it was a good watch. Ep 4 however was amazing. The remote wipe made things very interesting, and it was just awesome all round. Very cute and convinving acting by Eliza. I'm starting to really like this show. The more complex and original the situations get the better. Plus they can pretty much do anything in a filler episode, just have to give Echo a new personailty, paste a story onto it and voila. As long as they are good episodes i dont mind. Just so long as they keep the overlying Alpha story going at a good pace without too many filler breaks.

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Eastbound & Down is... hmm. Well, if you like Will Ferrel (Farrel? Feral? Lol) then you'll like the humour. The main character is a dick and he's pretty much surrounded by idiots. It's kinda like a huge, drawn-out version of one of those Farrelferrel movies, so it's predictable but fairly humorous in execution. I'm on e04 of it now, and I'm starting to warm to it.


*IMDBs* The....the main character is Danny McBride....zommgmzzzz!!!!!!!! :blank:


Do want so badly its putting tension on my foreskin.

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Ashes to Ashes Series One

Pretty good considering it had a lot to live up to after Life on Mars. Two or three episodes were rather lacking, and the whole thing with her parents did get a bit boring at times, but overall it was most enjoyable. Roll on series two!


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Finished Arrested Development, and thoroughly enjoyed it :) The end did feel midly rushed, but the whole in/out of prison stuff was slightly getting stale/repetitive. I look forward to the movie, and rewatching the show :)


New Supernatural and Smallville tomorrow. Word on the street, Smallville's not going to be anything epic, but I've got my fingers crossed for Supernatural.


Flipside: I need a new show to watch. Again. Any suggestions? Big Love is a maybe, but anything else?

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Finished Arrested Development, and thoroughly enjoyed it :) The end did feel midly rushed, but the whole in/out of prison stuff was slightly getting stale/repetitive. I look forward to the movie, and rewatching the show :)


New Supernatural and Smallville tomorrow. Word on the street, Smallville's not going to be anything epic, but I've got my fingers crossed for Supernatural.


Flipside: I need a new show to watch. Again. Any suggestions? Big Love is a maybe, but anything else?


Friday Night Lights.

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I'll promote that to next on the list, odders :) I found some FNL last night, and got some Big Love too.


New Supernatural finally back on track with the major storyline. An above average episode, but only because the average has been slipping a lot recently.

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Effy's ep, definitely the weirdest one so far. More questions present and less answers provided. I don't feel like there is as much continuity as last series, they all seem to forget their problems mainly within an episode. Katie heard the other sister is a lesbian and saw them kissing on a bouncy castle, I thought she wouldn't have invited the blonde girl along. Meh its skins so I like it.



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