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I find it is a must watch, no matter if the previous episodes have been shit. Tonight's one wasn't great, and I think a new cast is necessary. The characters each get their own episode but you don't get enough sense of the group dynamics.

Even if it is a teen drama, it would be nice if the dialogue consisted of more than 3 or 4 lines. It seemed like there were a ton of scenes where a couple of words are spoken and then someone walks off or it cuts to something else.


It's strange because I thought I wanted to know more about these people after series one but now I want a fresh start with different personalities. Trailers suggest a retreading of old ground :/




I feel the same and I normally love this programme.


I normally like Thomas and Pandora but tonight's was boring for some reason, I can't put my finger on it! But yeah, next episode looks awesome, Naomi and Katie's episode :yay:


I rate it a 6/10, I loved the music too.


Dexter: Season Three


I've heard many people slag it off but I have no idea why, I absolutely loved it. Each episode's cliffhanger left me wanting more and the last two episodes were brilliant.


Miguel couldn't be trusted, like everyone else suspected of course. But my God, it was awesome with the whole two or three episodes being a battle of wits. Just loved it!



10/10 (as usual for Dexter! Watching Season Four which I've heard so much about!)

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The last series was very variable in quality terms. It looks like this will be the same.


I'd like an episode that shows these characters do actually like each other. There's been so much meaningless sex and unconvincing conversation that you never really forget that they're just actors.


I hate Freddy.

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Mad Men


So glad this is back on television. My favourite show by quite some distance. The actors all play their parts very well and there is constantly an atmosphere of lingering mystery which helps to make the show so intriguing. More seems to be happening in the episodes this season, but only just, the pace is still pretty glacial. The pacing of it, however slow, just seems to fit the mood and atmosphere so well. A great deal of the characters are rock solid, but highlights for me are Donald Draper and Peggy. I love this show.



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Skins series 3 is highly unnecessary. :p


What I saw of it anyway.


I won't comment on the first two series as I never saw them and I think people prefer them BUT 3 was about as dramatic as a seahorse.


Desperate Housewives Season 1


Good. I enjoyed it. Over the top in a good way. I felt for Bree, I'm like attached to her physically/mentally or something. The whole scene of her crying at the table. :heart: The mystery was wrapped up well as well as leaving questions I like how it lingered at the end and seamlessly set things up for the next Season as oppose to just sticking them in. It feels like it has more of a plan.



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Ahh Skins, what a load of shit. Highly disappointing too, given a facebook 'friend' who went to the premier has been bigging it up all week in her statuses. I think perhaps they were trying to go for a kind of Bret Easton Ellis Less than Zero esque feel, what with the emotionless sex, the drugs, the nihilism and the lack of... well, emotion, but it just ended up being incredibly dull. Though to be fair Thomas was always my least favorite character of the new bunch (alongside Pandora).


Not enough of the group as opposed to just one character too. 4 / 10


I've heard such conflicting things about Skins...I've never watched more than an episode (on the plane, half-heartedly) and wasn't impressed, but obvs. won't judge it on that.


Is it actually any good?


The first couple of seasons pretty fantastic. It's easy to hear conflicting things because the episodes themselves fluctuate so much in quality, probably the most of any show I've watched. The soundtrack's always worth watching for though, if nothing else, very eclectic.


Mad Men's so high on my list. I've heard it's too good.


But then so is The Wire, and I never finished S1...it was too no-let-up, and I kinda slipped in watching it. Brilliant though.


Do it. I keep saying this but for me season 2 takes it to another level. I had trouble getting through the first. Now I'm beyond fucking hooked.

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Yeah its so good like that. Like random things walking in the back ground that refer to really obscure jokes from previous seasons. Amazing. The cornballer is the best thing ever.




Bellamys People episode 2


Not as good as the first, but still excellent. I was sad to see no "grumpy chops" but hopefully he'll be in the next episode. A very clever show actually. Just love it. Just thinking about the characters really makes a smile errupt over my face.



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I think the best "reference"-joke AR ever had in terms of OMGhowfuckingrandom is one I think in Season 3 where it's a shot of Michael

signing some papers, which is a direct reference to a previous shot in Season 2 of the same thing. Or something like that. (I think the season 2 one is when he's buying the corvette)



Not even really a joke, just an out-of-the-blue visual reference.

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I think the best are the ones that aren't obvious. "You're a regular Brad Garrett" for example.


Veronica Mars - Season 1


It all makes sense now.






Caught a bit of 'Clash of the Tritons' on TV yesterday during lunch. I love how she can be snarky with song. I miss the show :(

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On the pie :o!


Nip/Tuck 7.04 - Sheila Carlton


I can't believe they have killed Kimber off. She was my favourite (and I feel one of the most interesting female characters on TV in recent years). It makes sense. Christian has been slowly destorying her for the last seven years, and its good that he's aware of this (thanks to confirmation by Phantom Kimber).


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A good way into How I Met Your Mother season 1 now.


It's good, like Ashley said, the characters are endearing. The only character I'm not 100% sold on is Robin, she seems to be the only one lacking spark. Like you know she's an actress playing a role.


Plus (nitpicking) it's really unrealistic, and just plain weird, that a guy would go into so much detail about his past sex life while talking to his kids in the future. :p

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A good way into How I Met Your Mother season 1 now.


It's good, like Ashley said, the characters are endearing. The only character I'm not 100% sold on is Robin, she seems to be the only one lacking spark. Like you know she's an actress playing a role.


Plus (nitpicking) it's really unrealistic, and just plain weird, that a guy would go into so much detail about his past sex life while talking to his kids in the future. :p


Robin is amazing. I think maybe she gets better in time (to be fair its five years since I watched the first season with fresh...eyes?). Perhaps when they start to add to her character, rather than "the girl Ted wants".


I beg to differ. I plan to tell my kids EVERYTHING! :p


Nah as I look at it he does clip the stories down, they're just expanded for our benefit. And I presume he doesn't go into any details.


For example:


Future Ted starts the episode by saying "Kids, there are some stories you don't tell" and the episode is based around his maybe-threesome (he won't tell his friends if he did or not) and some people have said how shocking it is he'd tell his kids, but at the start he says there are stories you don't tell. So I presume he just said that to his kids and spoke about something else, but the story was expanded for us.



Maybe we see more into Ted's mind, like he has flashbacks to it all but doesn't tell his kids.


I did once see someone state that Ted is destined to be perpetually upset in a sense, as in the present he's constantly looking to the future and in the future he's constantly recalling the past. I thought that was interesting.

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After I posted I saw a bit where he's like "So that's what we did, we went to the zoo, ate at a restaurant, all that..nice...stuff", and it shows them having sex. So that made sense I guess.


And when it freezes as Victoria is about to tell her embarassing story, and that skips through it to their reactions.


So yeah, I'll eat my words.

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Yeah it does play with that quite a bit. Look out for the sandwiches ;)


Apparently Dollhouse's finale was accidentally leaked on Amazon but has been taken down. It doesn't appear to be anywhere else at present. Guess I'll wait til tomorrow :p

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