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Resident Evil 4 - :)


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The castle was amazing tbh; very well thought out. There were some awesome set pieces, and the maze was incredibly scary.


Best thing about the game? I'd say Mercenaries. It's bloody ace. And on top of that, Weskers music was simply amazing :heh:


Hope you're enjoying it flinky!

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Wesker was without a doubt the best on Mercenaries. Split kick was an instant kill for pretty much any enemy. I think I racked up 178,000 on the Village level with him.


Man, that game, everytime you think that it can't stun you with yet another amazing location and enemies, it kicks your ass again.

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I have to say this game is pissing me off right now. Dunno why but I am dying a heck of a lot more than I ever did on the PS2 version and im playing almost exactly the same way on the same difficulty section.


I have only reached the castle section where you have to kill a ridiculous amount of enemies and I think I have died as many times as I did throughout the whole of the PS2 version.


Have they made the game harder or something because I know almost everything that will happen, yet i seem to be in less control of situations.


Utterly confused and a tiny bit tired of being instantly killed by a flying scythe after killing so many los illuminados and supposedly getting to the easy bit of the horrible crank room

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Haha, that sounds like the dreaded Water Hall to me. :D That and the Sewers (that come right after it...) are the most difficult sections of the game.


I hated that room so much. the best thing to do was just hide in the room at the back for what seemed like 10minutes, killing all the groups of enemies one at a time...


Took ages i swear..

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That's one way to do it, but doesn't that consume all your ammo?


Another thing that annoys is that the game actually gets easier if you die a certain number of times. Like, if you die for example 4 or 5 times, when you lower the ramp there will no longer be the 3 or 4 scythe monks coming down it. And I think there won't be any archers in the two balconies either. So you feel kind of cheated if you pass the area but it's a dumbed down version of it because you died a few times. This dumbing down should be optional, not forced.

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so THATS why the archers did not appear! Was very confused by that. I really think they made the game harder because I even though i get pure headshots, I have been hit by the enemy countless times. And I have tried many strategies for that damn room. Dont have enough ammo to sit in that room for 10 mins i think. After I calmed down, i think Ill give it another bash.

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That's one way to do it, but doesn't that consume all your ammo?


Another thing that annoys is that the game actually gets easier if you die a certain number of times. Like, if you die for example 4 or 5 times, when you lower the ramp there will no longer be the 3 or 4 scythe monks coming down it. And I think there won't be any archers in the two balconies either. So you feel kind of cheated if you pass the area but it's a dumbed down version of it because you died a few times. This dumbing down should be optional, not forced.


It doesn't waste ammo if you stand infront of the door (stopping them from entering). Then, when they're all next to door you can open it quickly to stun them. I usually just use the door to kill em and save up me ammo tbh.

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I think the game was made a bit harder on the Wii version, because the controls have been easier. You can now easily pick off enemies far away, which would have been a lot harder on the PS2/GC versions. To compensate it, same levels have a few archers more I think.


I didnt notice till I got to Mercenaries' Castle level. On the first plateau where you find a timer and a few barrels, you notice there'll be archers shooting down on you. They weren't there in the GC version.


Resident Evil 4 is definitely one of my all time fave games. The Wii version is just the icing on the cake. The game is just so much fun, nicely paced and so diverse. And the Mercenaries mini-game is just brilliant. I've spent as much time honing my skills there as in the main game.

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Oh my fucking jesus. I was playing this about 5 mins ago whilst talking to Haden on MSN and he just had to listen to me whilst I crapped my pants.


Ok, so, Salazar chucks you down a big hole, right. He says he has some friends after you.


I think, hmm, I can take anything.


So, I keep going, and it switches to first person monster mode (red vision) and it shows something is after me. I said this to Haden, who then said something along the lines of "haha, you're dead!"


I thought pffft. Ok, went to the elevator room, turns out the power is down. So, left the room, and a TAIL attacks me. I cannot see where this tail is coming from. It attacks me, then disappears.


Me: something just attacked me

Me : i cant see it

Haden : :D

Haden : haha

Haden : its gonna rape u!



Me: dude i cant fucking see it

Me :how do i kill it?!

Me : there must be a way

Haden says: haha

Haden says: kill it?

Haden says: dude

Haden says: SURVIVE IT!

Me : dude its dark i cant see shit!

Me: and the music

Me : ahhh!"


funny enough, I found the switch to turn on the elevator, and it said I had to wait for three minutes. Then, I saw IT! I thought, Haden, I am so dead.


I died about three times. I stupidly thought I could kill the fucker, but it wouldnt go down. I froze it with the nitrogen, and it still wouldnt go down.


On the Fourth attempt, I ran. I opened the shutter doors and ran to the lift. I get there, and the lift still hasn't come...now I know how Ripley felt in Aliens when the Queen is after her.


I stayed in the elevator room...and the 'thing' just broke the door down. It started walking towards me, so I dodged it and hit some more of the nitrogen. And STILL the lift hadn't arrived. For crying out loud, the President's Daughter is at stake here.


I made for one of the other rooms, and froze the thing again when it was coming to get me. Then, the lift arrived! I made a dash for freedom, with my heart pounding, because I knew that fucker was after me. Before I get in, I turn around to see if it's behind me, and breathe a sigh of relief. I get in.


Chapter 4 - 1 FINISHED, thank you very much, maam.


Jesus Christ, that was euphoric.


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I hated that room so much. the best thing to do was just hide in the room at the back for what seemed like 10minutes, killing all the groups of enemies one at a time...


Took ages i swear..


LMAO! Thats what I did...Thinking I was in a safe haven with my trsuty shotgun pointed at the door a luminados jumps down from the ceiling!!! I died about three times but it was great, haven't had a challenge like that in years. But to save ya ammo just use the knife for close quarters it also works well on multiple enemies; the first slash slashes their shield away then a few more swings and their dead, time it right tho cos those shifty buggers like to do a little dodge.


Btw, does anyone know what the illuminados say? Some of their lines crack me up, like the one where they point and shout "Matanor!!".

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LMAO! Thats what I did...Thinking I was in a safe haven with my trsuty shotgun pointed at the door a luminados jumps down from the ceiling!!! I died about three times but it was great, haven't had a challenge like that in years. But to save ya ammo just use the knife for close quarters it also works well on multiple enemies; the first slash slashes their shield away then a few more swings and their dead, time it right tho cos those shifty buggers like to do a little dodge.


Btw, does anyone know what the illuminados say? Some of their lines crack me up, like the one where they point and shout "Matanor!!".

It isn't Matanor, it's "¡Mata lo!", which means "Kill Him!".
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Next time if you wanna save time, just save up some cash for a rocket launcher and buy it from the Merchant down in the hole. When "Right Hand" appears after you flip the switch freeze him with Nitrogen, and smash him with a rocket...just remember you only have one shot with the rocket..... it is also possible to kill him with conventional weapons but it uses a lot of ammo...magnums are good too

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Next time if you wanna save time, just save up some cash for a rocket launcher and buy it from the Merchant down in the hole. When "Right Hand" appears after you flip the switch freeze him with Nitrogen, and smash him with a rocket...just remember you only have one shot with the rocket..... it is also possible to kill him with conventional weapons but it uses a lot of ammo...magnums are good too


Yeah the bastard can be killed with conventional weapons. I think you should have the striker buy this time so just abuse that with equally liberal use of the magnum. It gives a hefty amount of cash if I remember right.


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I love this game so much, The best thing about it is that it just gets better as it goes along. When you get to the islande it gets so intense that you cant put the game down. Its so awesome when you first fight the regenerators.

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I love this game so much, The best thing about it is that it just gets better as it goes along. When you get to the islande it gets so intense that you cant put the game down. Its so awesome when you first fight the regenerators.


Nearly crapped my pants when after a

long drop in some trash, you encounter quite a few of them in close confines. also i was low on ammo and did not have the infra red scanner on my first play thru:shakehead



So funny when they give you their version of a hug

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Next time if you wanna save time, just save up some cash for a rocket launcher and buy it from the Merchant down in the hole. When "Right Hand" appears after you flip the switch freeze him with Nitrogen, and smash him with a rocket...just remember you only have one shot with the rocket..... it is also possible to kill him with conventional weapons but it uses a lot of ammo...magnums are good too


You don't need to buy the rocket launcher, the game gives you one for free just before Luis is killed. ;) You just have to save it all the way up to "Right Hand".


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With so many uncompleted games that are hard to get back into, I just wanted to start and finish a game I haven't (really) started yet, in the few free days I had last 2 weeks. With no new Zelda around, the next best thing was resident Evil 4, it just screamed Christmas to me :D. It was the Cube version by the way, but I'll just post my experiences here.


Not having experienced the other games, and this being my first play-through (apart from the first few hours I've played months ago), I probably didn't do things the most efficiently probably. You people may find it funny that I completely upgraded the minethrower ;). When I bought it I really thought it would come in handy.. I like explosive things.


Anyway, my memorable moments (most already posted, but they're great moments for a reason):

- Like many people posted before.. You're very decapition, an awesome experience :D. This happened actually in those first few hours I played the game months (maybe a year even) ago to see what I've just purchased, when I got decapitated for the first time, I knew this game was great ;). It was the very first Dr. Salvador you come across, in the village.. Not knowing what you needed to do to survive, I attempted various things, like climbing the tower, running around completely depleting the little ammo you have by then, and.. Running towards the exit marked on your map, where the chainsaw guy awaits you.. Hearing him start up his chainsaw for the very first time, I thought "Oh shit", then I thought "well, how bad can it be, I'll just pump him full of lead". Thing is, as you all know, Dr. Salvador can take a few hits, especially from your standard not upgraded handgun, so I shot him in the head, emptied my clip that way, then had to reload.. Then my head came off. Fantastic.

- Not being used to expecting action command, like the first time you're bound to the chair with Luis ;)

- First fight with El Gigante, wonder what happend to the dog afterwards

- Additional cutscene I missed on my first few houres trying out the game, I went back into the room with what's his name, Chief Mendez? Those are some sexy legs Ada.

- Chicken eggs?

- Your stand in the cabin with Luis.. Very cool. Also a great time to have fun with knocking down ladders. Those screams are hilarious.

- Right after that you can choose between the left route and right route, I chose the left. It's the first time I ended up being killed over & over I think.. Those Bella sisters are pretty scary (& deadly) in such a small arena.. I also tried the right route, and I found fighting the El Gigante to be easier and more rewarding.

- Most tense moment for me was maybe the room after the clocktower, with the 2 wolverines (forgot the names).. I probably just am not used to dealing with these bastards efficiently, but I thing those things scare me the most of all enemies in the game.

- Also a great moment many people already mentioned, that thing you encounter when you're waiting for the elevator..Crazy scary bastard. This playthrough, I was content with just escaping with my life, but on a next playthrough, I'll kill the thing.

- Plenty more.


Not all was good though:

- I also noticed the game got easier with every retry. More herb rewards, and less parasites. Really a shame, especially in hindsight I wonder how easy my game actually got. Next playthough, probably no retries, just reloads, how aggravating that may be. Also kind of defeats the purpose of choosing your difficulty..

- Would've liked more backstory

- Last boss, was less than epic. After so much tense moments and scary monsters, I would've expected an epic fight with some scary big mutated Sadler, who (which?) isn't destroyed with a few spare handgun bullets and your knife (and a rocket launcher which you get on the spot).




Anyway, that's quite some text. I conclude with saying the experience overall was fantastic, and I'll definitely play through it again some time, getting the things I missed first time around. I also hope a port of RE 5 will make its way to Wii someday, although I do plan to buy a PS3 somewhere in the future, so I probably get it either way. I might even try to pick up the older games.


Edit: nobody's probably gonna read so much text, so I shortened it a bit..

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Wesker was without a doubt the best on Mercenaries. Split kick was an instant kill for pretty much any enemy. I think I racked up 178,000 on the Village level with him.


Man, that game, everytime you think that it can't stun you with yet another amazing location and enemies, it kicks your ass again.


Wesker was amazing.


As for the Waterhall, that was sooo difficult. It took me back the days of NES frustration! After reading through this thread I need to pick up the Wii version.

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