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NEVER use ammo against him! He usually just runs towards you so just stab him a few times with the knife and your done. Easiest boss imo.


That only really works before he mutates. Anyway, I can do it so I can reach the mutated stage with plenty of ammo now, but not exactly brimming with health items. That time limit is also way, way too strict. I don't see myself getting past this any time soon.

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I just bought the Wii version today. I like the atmosphere and everything, but the controls feel quite awkward. I haven't played it much yet though (Only just past the bit where you have to run away from that rock the people throw at you). I'm sure I'll get used to them.

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I just bought the Wii version today. I like the atmosphere and everything, but the controls feel quite awkward. I haven't played it much yet though (Only just past the bit where you have to run away from that rock the people throw at you). I'm sure I'll get used to them.


..yeh.. give it a little time :heh: Once you get the hang of it you'll realise it's the best way to play Resident Evil 4 (and hopefully a Wii-exclusive Resident Evil in the same style..)

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..yeh.. give it a little time :heh: Once you get the hang of it you'll realise it's the best way to play Resident Evil 4 (and hopefully a Wii-exclusive Resident Evil in the same style..)


Dude, your sig...is so beautiful! I almost pissed myself in delight. Then, I remembered that you were a Liverpool fan, so I came to my senses. :heh:


I've played Resident Evil 4 briefly on the Gamecube, so I've used the controller, but not for a huge period of time. I think I prefered the Wiimote/Nunchuk control scheme at first glance, and the more and more I play this on the Wii, the more and more I think it's really suited for these controls. I can't really imagine trying to get a headshot with the 'Cube controller. It would...just seem to fiddly, imo. Less fluid.


Christ, try getting a headshot on REmake with the old camera scheme and controls...it's not easy. Nowhere near as fun, either.


Also, my playing session of this has come to a halt...as I have run out of batteries and my battery pack is uncharged. I should have planned ahead. :(

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I inverted the analog stick and I'm finding the controls so much better now. I managed to get to the canyon level. (Just after the first time you meet the merchant).


Is there a way to rotate items in the inventory?


Do you mean with regards to placing them sideways, or horizontal instead of vertical?


I think the B Button does that. Just select the item which you want to rotate, and then try that. Either that, or just...fiddle with the buttons until you find the right one. I do it, but I do a lot of things instinctively without ever knowing which buttons do what exactly. With some footie games, I'll shoot, but if you ask me what the shoot button is, I'd have to take a moment to think.

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I inverted the analog stick and I'm finding the controls so much better now. I managed to get to the canyon level. (Just after the first time you meet the merchant).


Is there a way to rotate items in the inventory?


Ew inverted.

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I inverted the analogue stick aswell. I just cant work analogue sticks normally ::shrug: i always end up looking at my feet or something stupid??


To rotate items with GC controls, you press X (i think) to pick up an item and then R to rotate. At least thats how i think i did it.

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Don't joke, man. Some games just seem...easier to play that way. I swear I played Lylat Wars or Starwing with inverted controls.


A third person flight game....good example. Generally speaking 3rd person games are inverted(speaking of ones with full camera control ala GTA), and flight controls always are (As is real life).

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Dude, your sig...is so beautiful! I almost pissed myself in delight. Then, I remembered that you were a Liverpool fan, so I came to my senses. :heh:



Don't make me say it again.. I'm a cleaner :heh:


Killer7 is actually a game I wouldn't mind seeing given the 'Wii Edition' treatment.. not for my benefit, but for those who never got to experience it first time round :smile: ..it doesn't require many buttons so it would certainly be possible :grin:


I'm getting a bit confused with all this talk of inverted controls.. it depends on the default setting :heh: ..for me, the game will affect what way I go!


For example.. Lylat Wars or any game where you have to aim with the left analogue stick.. up has to be down and down is up :heh: ..and likewise, on the N64 in Goldeneye for example, C-Up was Look Down and C-Down was Look Up.


On the Gamecube though, if all aiming was taken care of on the C-Stick it had to be normal.. Up for Up, Down for Down..


But who cares.. Resident Evil: Wii Edition.. point and shoot :heh:

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Picked this up for £7 at a local car boot ^^


o_O The Wii edition?


I've played a bit more today, after recharging my battery pack. Oh my God, the battle against "It" was really tough. When I was in "the maze" (as I call it) trying to get through with It right behind me (and over me), I felt my heart pounding. Christ.


Was so relieved to finish that.


Although, I'm finding Krauser now...and he's a fucker. Not just any fucker - but a fucking fucker. Hate him.


A third person flight game....good example. Generally speaking 3rd person games are inverted(speaking of ones with full camera control ala GTA), and flight controls always are (As is real life).


Hey, it was the first game that came into my head. :heh:

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I'm quite amazed some people are playing RE4 for the first time just now!


I'm tempted to give the Wii version another bash. I completed the GC version on both normal and professional but I've only finished Wii once, might go back and do pro. Kinda wish they'd added a new difficulty mode on Wii to go with the improved aiming.

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The only reason I didn't get it back on the cube was because my parents were really annoying about keeping me from playing "M" games. And they still are.


story time kids!



at school, me and my mates knew a canidian guy, we sorta hung out with him, but we werent exactly close, rarly getting together outside school.


we were 15-16 at the time, he lent one of our mates a game, and when he asked for it back the guys said hed drop it through his letter box that night. the guy asked him not to, saying his parents would see the 12 logo on it. we were all a bit shocked, our parents all let us play what ever kept us out of their way, but mostly because he was old enough to play by like, 3 years.


so no matter how unfair you think your parents are about age ratings, thank god you arnt that guy.

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story time kids!



at school, me and my mates knew a canidian guy, we sorta hung out with him, but we werent exactly close, rarly getting together outside school.


we were 15-16 at the time, he lent one of our mates a game, and when he asked for it back the guys said hed drop it through his letter box that night. the guy asked him not to, saying his parents would see the 12 logo on it. we were all a bit shocked, our parents all let us play what ever kept us out of their way, but mostly because he was old enough to play by like, 3 years.


so no matter how unfair you think your parents are about age ratings, thank god you arnt that guy.


If my mom saw me playing metroid prime she would probably freak out TBH.

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