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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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I'm sorry but xbox live does have some amazing games - I LOVE Geometry Wars more than most "proper" games, but I am sorry, I really do laugh when anyone thinks anything can compete with 20 years of gaming genius that is on the Virtual Console, I'm sorry but you are not telling me that ANY of the games you mentioned are even close to Mario 64, ocarina, Donkey Kong Country Trilogy, Super Mario World, Paper mario etc etc. Please tell me you're not!?!


Though I agree about the new games, though I am certain the Wii Ware channel will also house some classic downloadable games!


VC games are overly expensive, the only reason i have so many is due to working on VC weekly for a few months.


They're releasing full games on XBLA now. Castlevania: Symphony of the night, Lumines, Every Extend Extra Extreme and Rez HD in the next month or so.


I'm not saying they're 'better' but they're propperly realised. The VC is an utter cash cow for Nintendo, theres little to no effort after emulation is completed. No extra features (bar Pokémon snap.), nothing reworked. Its as simple as a copy and paste job. Then they have the cheek to over charge us on them.


Thats why i feel XBLA is better over all.

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The VC is retri, it's not trying to recreate games or do what you want, it's trying to make playing the games feel exactly like it did 20 years ago when we were growing up and experiencing 3d gaming and the like for the first time.


WiiWare should fix what you're asking for come next year, there are so many games being made for it at the moment it's kinda scary.


Anyway, this debate seems pretty stupid. I must say I'm getting a bit underwhelmed looking at 2008s line up and I'm thinking I'll get a PS3 to play over summer, I guess that depends on how the Wii line up ends up though. It's really too soon to be judging though, I reckon the Wii and 360 both have some big games to be announced for them in the upcoming months, and PS3 obvious has all the games which got delayed.

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I'm sorry but xbox live does have some amazing games - I LOVE Geometry Wars more than most "proper" games, but I am sorry, I really do laugh when anyone thinks anything can compete with 20 years of gaming genius that is on the Virtual Console, I'm sorry but you are not telling me that ANY of the games you mentioned are even close to Mario 64, ocarina, Donkey Kong Country Trilogy, Super Mario World, Paper mario etc etc. Please tell me you're not!?!


Though I agree about the new games, though I am certain the Wii Ware channel will also house some classic downloadable games!


Agree with this 100%.


Unless XBL Arcade gets DKC then VC will always be superior. Fact....IMO.

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The Wii isn't marketed to people like you. So naturally you don't like it.


Anyway, back to the topic at hand, it seems that a console's Christmas sales peak roughly during it's third year. Let's see how well the Wii does in two years' time.


The Wii isn't marketed to him because Mikey appears to be a person who actually cares about the quality of his games. I've had a Wii for a year now and I never use it because there is nothing worth playing on it. Admittedly I do not own SMG or Metroid 3 and to be fair those do look like AAA games but theres nothing else out there. The Wii is marketed to people who want a new toy if you will, something gimmicky with bright enough lights to distract them for about 5 minutes before they never use it again. The controller is not revolutionairy, it is just a marketing tool and nothing more.

The games are also, apart from brand new ones, more expensive than 360 games and the Wii versions of games are always so much worse. I really doubt about how long term the Wii can be, without releasing some updated model with better graphics or a dvd drive or whatever. Personally I think it's the worst console out of the 3 and I'm not a 'hardcore' gamer, I just want some decent games. The PS3 and Xbox 360 may be more expensive but there is sooooo much more for your money with these consoles. The Wiis control system, while awesome for some games (such as Wii sports and...erm...) just hinders other games and make it more frustrating to play. l Also, like Mikey and others have said, the online side of things is so dire with the Wii. As are the graphics, the features, the service and even the gameplay.


Ok I think I'm just about done with my rant here :heh:

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Admittedly I do not own SMG or Metroid 3 and to be fair those do look like AAA games but theres nothing else out there. :



How can you say all that you've just said and not played its best games?


Fuck me...

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Ah but those games are what the GC had last time, basically i see the Wii taking the same route with the "hardcores" as the cube did, but selling so much more because of the casual market. Mostly the same people who stuck by the cube will stick by the Wii, and Sony/Microsoft will have their shares as they did last time with their audiences.


You're right, I forgot WiiSports and Nintendogs both appeared on the GC...;)


We're still getting new titles, and there is and will be plenty of games there for the hardcores. Like I mentioned, the likes of WiiSports have proved that Nintendo can really innovate. Third parties are starting to pull their fingers out as well, which is why we're getting titles like NiGHTS also finding their way onto the system as well.


The Wii isn't marketed to him because Mikey appears to be a person who actually cares about the quality of his games. I've had a Wii for a year now and I never use it because there is nothing worth playing on it. Admittedly I do not own SMG or Metroid 3 and to be fair those do look like AAA games but theres nothing else out there. The Wii is marketed to people who want a new toy if you will, something gimmicky with bright enough lights to distract them for about 5 minutes before they never use it again. The controller is not revolutionairy, it is just a marketing tool and nothing more.

The games are also, apart from brand new ones, more expensive than 360 games and the Wii versions of games are always so much worse. I really doubt about how long term the Wii can be, without releasing some updated model with better graphics or a dvd drive or whatever. Personally I think it's the worst console out of the 3 and I'm not a 'hardcore' gamer, I just want some decent games. The PS3 and Xbox 360 may be more expensive but there is sooooo much more for your money with these consoles. The Wiis control system, while awesome for some games (such as Wii sports and...erm...) just hinders other games and make it more frustrating to play. l Also, like Mikey and others have said, the online side of things is so dire with the Wii. As are the graphics, the features, the service and even the gameplay.


Ok I think I'm just about done with my rant here :heh:


I fail to take anybody who claims that the Wii has no quality, yet fails to play big titles such as SMG and Metroid seriously. List me the games that you have owned, or played for an excessive amount of time, and we'll see were your points stem from.

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Ok I think I'm just about done with my rant here :heh:


Woah, wall o text o rama!


Here is the gist of your post from what I could tell:

Wii is aimed at casual gamers. I bought a Wii but wish I hadn't. I want some decent games but I haven't bought any. I'm a casual gamer but I prefer the PS3/XBOX360.

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I buy both XBLA and VC games... and what you just said is beyond funny.


Would I rather buy, Street Fighter II' Turbo Hyper Fighting on the Virtual Console, which is exactly the same as the original.


Or for cheaper (around £1 cheaper infact) I can get the same game, only with sharper and HD 'tuned' graphics, online play for up to 4 players, leaderboards and achievements.


Its uncomparable. And there are many other examples of this.


Untill the VC gets some astounding original games such as: Geomatery Wars, Jet Pac Refuelled, Pac-Man Championship Editon, Carcassone and alot of arcade remakes/ports with added features there is simply no contest.


Sure i have to pay £40 a year for XBL Gold, but i basically use it every single day.


Exactly. Live arcade shits on the VC.


And lol, we can now download original Xbox games from the arcade.

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You're right, I forgot WiiSports and Nintendogs both appeared on the GC...;)


We're still getting new titles, and there is and will be plenty of games there for the hardcores. Like I mentioned, the likes of WiiSports have proved that Nintendo can really innovate. Third parties are starting to pull their fingers out as well, which is why we're getting titles like NiGHTS also finding their way onto the system as well.





Nintendogs is out now on Wii is it?

My point is that with the "hardcores" Wii sells the same as the Gamecube, the same Nintendo fans as before and from as far as the N64, Snes, NES era, are buying into the Wii because they love their Marios, Metroid, and so on. The extra amount it sells is all down to the casual market that Nintendo now also appeals to, people that don't usually play games.

GC had its exclusives + its version of Mario, Metroid, Zelda, etc too, Wii has this, but now the casual market too. That's where we're seing record breaking sales, and i'm not gonna fault Nintendo on it, it's all any company is out to do - make money, never to "make a better experience for gamers", a TV company doesn't say "we're a company that's hell bent on providing a great viewing experience" they're a company that makes good TVs, with the intentions of making money, Nintendo have found a way to make their money.


I just realised i completely stemmed off from the original point there...

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Nintendogs is out now on Wii is it?


If you look back at my original point, I just specified new franchises, I didn't say which consoles. I think you read the first half of it, saw smash bros and f zero were on Wii and jumped the gun a bit. :heh:


My point is that with the "hardcores" Wii sells the same as the Gamecube, the same Nintendo fans as before and from as far as the N64, Snes, NES era, are buying into the Wii because they love their Marios, Metroid, and so on. The extra amount it sells is all down to the casual market that Nintendo now also appeals to, people that don't usually play games.


Why's that a bad thing? If they can appeal to their own fanbase and reach out to others, surely that's excellent business?


GC had its exclusives + its version of Mario, Metroid, Zelda, etc too, Wii has this, but now the casual market too. That's where we're seing record breaking sales, and i'm not gonna fault Nintendo on it, it's all any company is out to do - make money, never to "make a better experience for gamers", a TV company doesn't say "we're a company that's hell bent on providing a great viewing experience" they're a company that makes good TVs, with the intentions of making money, Nintendo have found a way to make their money.


But then surely you could argue that, with HD for example, the quality enhances the experience? Therefore, you can enhance the experience whilst making money. That's why many of us go to cinemas, isn't it?


I just realised i completely stemmed off from the original point there...

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Why's that a bad thing? If they can appeal to their own fanbase and reach out to others, surely that's excellent business?



Hey i never said it was a bad thing, i'm just not into that.



But then surely you could argue that, with HD for example, the quality enhances the experience? Therefore, you can enhance the experience whilst making money. That's why many of us go to cinemas, isn't it?



Yeah, quality does enhance experience, but that's not what the company sets out to do, the company sets out to make money, and the best way to do that is by providing a better experience than the next company, but their sole purpose is not to provide a better experience.

(i don't even know what that had to do with any of this..)

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and the best way to do that is by providing a better experience than the next company, but their sole purpose is not to provide a better experience.


Nintendo seem to have gone the way of providing not a better experience as such, but a different experience, which in their case has paid off handsomely. Whether it's better than the competition or not is less clear cut.

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360 > Wii


Granted, the Wii is a great console and i love mine to bits, but you have to remember that the console is aimed at complete casual gamers. I mean, apart from Brawl and POSSIBLY Mario Kart, there isn't much left. 360 and ps3 have so much more to offer than the Wii and you have to be blind to disagree.

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Why's that a bad thing? If they can appeal to their own fanbase and reach out to others, surely that's excellent business?


To me it is. Take Mario Galaxy and Zelda:PH for example. Both games are great to play but they lack any type of challenge. I mean the amount of lives you get in Mario is just stupid, they may aswell have just gave you infinite lives to start of with. Even the purple coin challenges werent hard, sure there was one or two which caused me to retry a few times but nothing like the bonus stages of Mario Sunshine.


Both games are Nintendos big guns but both have been altered to please the casual gamer, even Nintendo stated that this is what they are trying to do and I personally dont like it.


I like my games to be fun, which both of them are, but at the same time push me so I get a feeling of satisifaction when finishing it. Both of these didnt leave me with that feeling at all.

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Blind to disagree? Narrow minded to think it if you ask me. If you don't think Wii is only going to get better and better then you will be in for a big shock. I bet you only got a DS last year and slagged it off for the previous 2 :)


And about the live thing, I agree the effort that goes into it is very good and I love the added features, would I want them on the VC? Yes I would. But I still spend 100 times more money on the VC and think it has infinitely better games.


Also, we are on a Wii board, this is an amazing achievement for the Wii and its fans, do people really have to come here and slag the Wii off? What is the point in saying the Wii is shit in a thread about it doing really well on a Wii specific board? I don't understand, it is pure flaming. I LOVE having debates about the consoles don't get me wrong, but lets starts a thread that compares the Wii to the 360, the pros and cons, predictions for the future etc etc. And Mikey, you are the only real flamer here, you flame while other people like Jordan put up real points in an intelligent way and then you just say wii's shit and agree with other wii-dissers! Please put more thought into your posts!

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360 > Wii


Granted, the Wii is a great console and i love mine to bits, but you have to remember that the console is aimed at complete casual gamers. I mean, apart from Brawl and POSSIBLY Mario Kart, there isn't much left. 360 and ps3 have so much more to offer than the Wii and you have to be blind to disagree.


Completely disagree.




Nintendo aims their stuff at their fanbase + casuals, right? In that case, don't they offer more than both the 360 and PS3?


You're only seeing this from the so-called "hardcore gamer" perspective.


To me it is. Take Mario Galaxy and Zelda:PH for example. Both games are great to play but they lack any type of challenge. I mean the amount of lives you get in Mario is just stupid, they may aswell have just gave you infinite lives to start of with. Even the purple coin challenges werent hard, sure there was one or two which caused me to retry a few times but nothing like the bonus stages of Mario Sunshine.


Both games are Nintendos big guns but both have been altered to please the casual gamer, even Nintendo stated that this is what they are trying to do and I personally dont like it.


I like my games to be fun, which both of them are, but at the same time push me so I get a feeling of satisifaction when finishing it. Both of these didnt leave me with that feeling at all.


To be honest, when was the last time a Zelda or Mario title was particularly challenging? They're both probably too easy, and I'd like to see difficulty levels (ala Resident Evil) in both of these. I've never found a 3D Zelda too difficult. I think Nintendo themselves said in the past that they wanted gamers to finish their games, to get to the end.

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Super Mario World was challenging when you tried to get all the levels unlocked. Some of Mario 64s Stars were quite hard to get and as I said earlier Mario Sunshines bonus levels without Fludd were a pain in the butt but gave a great feeling when finishing them. Galaxy lacked any of these challenges.


As for Zelda I will give you that one :) Although PH is probably the easiest one and also the most disappointing.

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360 > Wii


Granted, the Wii is a great console and i love mine to bits, but you have to remember that the console is aimed at complete casual gamers. I mean, apart from Brawl and POSSIBLY Mario Kart, there isn't much left. 360 and ps3 have so much more to offer than the Wii and you have to be blind to disagree.


I must be blind

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Completely disagree.




Nintendo aims their stuff at their fanbase + casuals, right? In that case, don't they offer more than both the 360 and PS3?


You're only seeing this from the so-called "hardcore gamer" perspective.


From a casual gamer point of view nintendo are great. I'm not denying that; it's fact.


Also, about the lack of difficulty..sunshine had some REALLY hard levels.

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From a casual gamer point of view nintendo are great. I'm not denying that; it's fact.


Also, about the lack of difficulty..sunshine had some REALLY hard levels.


That's the thing, there are now two viewpoints to consider, and its been that way from the days of the Playstation.


Sunshine had a few hard levels, but on the whole, it wasn't Earth-shatteringly difficult.

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