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Its a great game. The only complaint I had was that the side missions are really repetitive once you get to the 2nd and 3rd burrow. Searching the side of a building for security cameras to destroy while enemies shoot at you is only fun the first couple times you do it. Some of the side missions are fun though, especially the evil ones. Speaking of playing the game evil, I'm rather surprised this game managed to get a Teen rating from the ESRB with all the stuff you can do to enhance your evil reputation. I guess killing pedestrians by electrocuting them isn't as bad as using guns, or running them over.

Posted (edited)

Say, chaps, do any of you who dwell on the Belgian Store know where Marvel vs Capcom 2 is at?


With the (2,5 year overdue) release of PSN-vouchers, it's time to do some crazy shopping! Arcade-addict that I am, I'm currently playing SSFIIT HD-remix, OutRun 2, Turtles in Time Re-shelled, Flower (OK, not arcade, but soothing in an awesome way), MKII, etc.


I've tried to find MvC2 on the Belgian Store (where I also downloaded the demo not so long ago), only to find it gone. Does anybody know why such a gem has been removed?


Some people are so fuckin dumb. I just got this message on PSN:


"'PS3 is releasing MW2 betas to all people who send this message on to 10 people on their friends list. The beta keys are given out on the 21st Oct. These messages are tracked by the PSN moderators"


And, this is true I swear, I got this:


"PS3 is releasing HALO & LFD BETA KEY if the Playstation community cooperates and sends this to 1,000,000 players all messages will be traced by the PSN community manager pass it on!!!"


I shit you not.


Time to thin out my friends list I think.


God what sort of idiots have you got on your friends list...


I got the same messages! And one of them came from a respectable member of this board. ;)


Anyways, Infamous is a great game, if a little repetitive. It's surprisingly down-to-earth, without OTT-gore or setpieces. It's quite realistic for a game that has someone jumping of buildings and shooting lightning from his hands. Less clichéd too than some other games. I love the animated cutscenes, even though I seem to be the only one who does. Heretics...

Edited by Strange Cookie

Have you tried using the search tool — magnifying glass icon in the top right — or have you just been looking through the categories? It might still be available just not properly categorised or something.


'Fraid all I can say is that it's still up on the UK Store. If it genuinely isn't there then your best bet would probably be enquiring as to its absense over at Capcom Unity.

Posted (edited)

Yep, search in Fighting, Arcade, under the M, even in Puzzles. :p Nowhere to be found.


Odd. Mighty odd. But I'll live. I played it enough on Xbox back in 'the dayz'. ;) Thanks for the advice, though!


Now, where is that SFIII: Third Strike, Capcom...

Edited by Strange Cookie
Ah got my Ps3 back today, it took £99 and 6 days. Not bad but they could have cleaned it for me as well :P


Complain. You might get something out of it.


Is this Sony who fix it for £99?

Posted (edited)
Sony's PlayStation Motion Controller now codenamed Sphere?




Sony may still have officially been using the less-than-imaginative "Motion Controller" name for its, um, motion controller at the Tokyo Game Show last month, but it looks like some developers working with the technology weren't sticking as close to the script, and may have revealed the project's proper codename. As Joystiq notes, Sega producer Yasuhito Baba referred to the device as "Sphere" during an interview at the show, and Polyphony Digital's Kazunori Yamauchi also seemed to respond to the "Sphere" name without missing a beat when asked if Gran Turismo would support the peripheral. So, certainly less of a mouthful, and not exactly the worst of names if true -- in fact, it's such a good codename that none other than Microsoft has already adopted it for one of its projects.





Edited by Daft

Sony London Working on New IP




Sony London Studios have been hard at work as of late. They’ve put the finishing touches on EyePet (which sadly has been delayed in North America) and they’ve revealed that Eight Days and Getaway 3 haven’t been abandoned. Now SCE London’s creative art director Nicolas Doucet spills the beans on the possibility of a new IP.


When Nicolas Doucet spoke to Gamespot, he spoke candidly on EyePet, Getaway 3, and Eight Days. Gamestop asked the creative art director if they had another game in development to which he replied:


(Smiling) Yes.


After reading the rest of the interview, we gather that it’s another augmented reality game, possibly using the upcoming PS3 motion controller.


We’ll keep you updated to any further developments.




I'd love to see SCE London do some real big AAA titles again.


What do people think of the Escapist TV news spoofs? I think they're pretty funny, not quite as good as the lethargic gamers show but still pretty entertaining.

Posted (edited)
Sony Brings PSN Digital Offering to Online Retailer [update]




Since the launch of the PSPgo, Sony has become even more intent on bringing digital PlayStation Network content to PlayStation owners around the globe. Games, Add-ons and more can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store, straight to your PS3 or PSP.


Now Sony has teamed up with a major online retailer to bring PlayStation Network titles to the retail level, where interested gamers can purchase the content along side their other everyday purchases.




Sony and Amazon have opened an Amazon PlayStaton Network Store. The store offers everything from DLC add-ons, to full games. Even thought the store has just launched, it already features a robust offering. So far prices have seemed to be in line with what you would see on the PlayStation Store. The Amazon PlayStaton Network Store features games available for both the PS3, and PSP, even PSOne Classics have made it onto the new storefront.


Some games/add-ons already available include:


Pixeljunk Monsters



High Velocity Bowling


LittleBigPlanet: Metal Gear Solid 4 Pack


Killzone Liberation

and so many more!


Visit the Amazon PlayStaton Network Store now!




Digital Access Codes for PlayStation®Network Games Now Available Via the Amazon.com Video Game Store


Amazon.com is the First Online Retailer to Offer Digital Access Codes for PlayStation Network Games and Game Content


SEATTLE and FOSTER CITY, Calif., Oct. 7 /PRNewswire/ — Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) and Amazon.com, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) today announced that digital access codes for more than 200 PlayStation®Network games and game-related content for PlayStation®3 (PS3™) and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) entertainment systems are now available in the Amazon.com Video Game Store at
The new collaboration between PlayStation and Amazon.com broadens PlayStation’s reach and gives consumers another option to purchase digital access codes for download via PlayStation®Network with popular titles such as Flower™, PAIN, PixelJunk™ Eden, Wipeout Pure and classics like Twisted Metal®: Head-On.


“We are excited to expand our current library of video game platform downloads,” said Paul Ryder, vice president of consumer electronics for Amazon.com. “PlayStation Network games are an important addition and we plan to continue making it easier for customers to instantly enjoy new content as well as their favorite games from the comfort of their living rooms.”


“With more than 600 million pieces of content downloaded to date, consumers are turning to PlayStation Network more than ever for digitally distributed entertainment content,” said Peter Dille, senior vice president of Marketing and PlayStation Network. “We are excited to team with Amazon.com to expand our reach with Amazon’s market leading ability to target current and future PlayStation consumers.”


Digital access to PlayStation Network games works on a code-redemption system. Amazon.com customers who wish to purchase a PlayStation Network game or game-related content are able to purchase a digital access code for downloading content on PS3 or PSP systems with their US PlayStation Network accounts. Amazon.com customers will receive the code immediately after purchase or they can choose to email the code to themselves or send the code as a gift. Additionally, this code will reside in the customer’s Your Games & Software Library so they can retrieve it at any time.


PlayStation games and add-on content available in the Amazon.com Video Game Store are sold by Amazon Digital Services, Inc




Amazingly good news for PSN and especially the PSP Go.


Also, does this mean an easy way to import from the US PSN?!!!


Again? Remind me, what were there other ones?


I'm talking about Spice World or course. :heh:

Edited by Daft

Ok I have a technical question... kind of. So, I haven't played anything on my PS3 in a bit and finally updated it to 3.01 as I just kept forgetting to do so. But the update itself took over 5 minutes to download and install and I highly doubt the update was that big. So after that wait, I headed to the PS Store as I was wanting to give the Uncharted 2 beta/demo thing a try but it said I'd have to wait 90 minutes for it to download. Is this an issue with my internet connection or the PS3 (I'm using the wireless)? I ask because I've downloaded games that are twice the size across my internet connect for the 360 and it took nowhere near that (10/15 minutes) and I've had to download and install updates of roughly the same size as the Uncharted 2 thing on my laptop across wireless and again, it takes nowhere near that long. So yeh, is it the console's wireless or mine that is at fault here?


Wiring my PS3 to the internet really isn't an option which is why I'm using the wireless.


So I'm looking to get a PS3 Bundle since my birthday is coming up on Sunday. I just need to have peoples opinions which is the best bundle for £250 from a big name retailer preferably as i would rather not take risks.

Ok I have a technical question... kind of. So, I haven't played anything on my PS3 in a bit and finally updated it to 3.01 as I just kept forgetting to do so. But the update itself took over 5 minutes to download and install and I highly doubt the update was that big. So after that wait, I headed to the PS Store as I was wanting to give the Uncharted 2 beta/demo thing a try but it said I'd have to wait 90 minutes for it to download. Is this an issue with my internet connection or the PS3 (I'm using the wireless)? I ask because I've downloaded games that are twice the size across my internet connect for the 360 and it took nowhere near that (10/15 minutes) and I've had to download and install updates of roughly the same size as the Uncharted 2 thing on my laptop across wireless and again, it takes nowhere near that long. So yeh, is it the console's wireless or mine that is at fault here?


Wiring my PS3 to the internet really isn't an option which is why I'm using the wireless.


My PS3 is horrendously slow, as is my PSP. The PS3 is wired in so I assume its a PSN issue - all my other stuff works fine.


It's very very annoying, I'd love to know if there's anything that can speed it up a bit.

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