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Just had a clean out at work and I got a free copy of:




Kindom Hearts 2

FF Tactics for the PSP

a couple FF T-shirts and a load of other tat!! WOOHOO!! :p


Edit: Just got some random game called Valkerie Profile 2...whatever that it....


I love free stuff.

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MGO has potential. It's a bit clunky at the moment, however you can speed up characters with a skill. Haven't actually tried it but I know it's there.


But yeah, keep getting kicked off of servers and some really bad lag, the only game I have connection problems.


Other than that I quite enjoy it except for the fact that it's Konami id's and I have the sneaking suspicion we'll have to pay monthly for the full version.

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MGO has potential. It's a bit clunky at the moment, however you can speed up characters with a skill. Haven't actually tried it but I know it's there.


But yeah, keep getting kicked off of servers and some really bad lag, the only game I have connection problems.


Other than that I quite enjoy it except for the fact that it's Konami id's and I have the sneaking suspicion we'll have to pay monthly for the full version.


Try turning your router and modem on and off again, that worked for me! Also perhaps turn the upload limit down under options which will (I think...) stop you from getting the 'connection unstable' thingy as much.


I don't think they'll make us pay monthly because it's only one game. No one would pay it. I very much hope you're wrong!


After stabilizing my connection I've found it's quite fun. It's no Call of Duty though...

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I haven't had a problem playing online except for losing the connection once.

There is no way I can see Konami charging for it.


The more I'm playing it the more fun I'm having. I can see some awesome team games happening.


I'm not really noticing any difference between say the M4 and the AK so I'm not that impressed with the guns.


I've had the fast movement skill from the start and I haven't really noticed the game being slow.


Aren't there meant to be 2 maps on the beta? I've only had the one.

Does this come with MGS4 or is it a separate game altogether.


The more I'm playing, the more I enjoy it.

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Try turning your router and modem on and off again, that worked for me! Also perhaps turn the upload limit down under options which will (I think...) stop you from getting the 'connection unstable' thingy as much.


I don't think they'll make us pay monthly because it's only one game. No one would pay it. I very much hope you're wrong!


After stabilizing my connection I've found it's quite fun. It's no Call of Duty though...


Well there were rumours that developers were going to make you pay a "developer license" for PS3 to play their games. So buying a Konami license would allow you to play Konami games online. The rumours started with Rockstar contemplating a Rockstar license for their games. I thought it was all bull until I saw "buy Monthly Game tickets" in the MGO license agreement. At this stage it could be anything however.


I don't have links, it was awhile ago I heard about it when GTA4 was announced and paid it only a passing interest as I didn't have a PS3 at the time.


I hope it isn't, but I have a sneaking suspicion. I seen the rumour awhile ago but I think it only applied to the PS3 because it's network was free and I can see companies trying to capitalise on the internet market.


And yeah I always routinely turn the router on and off but I may try changing the upload speed to see what happens, ta much.

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The melee attack in MGO is so turd!!


Its a load of fun. I'm surprisingly good at it. I think its because most people are just running and gunning, I tend to play really slowly.


What skills has everyone gone for?


I got the assault rifle one, faster movement, added scope (but its a bit lame imo) and the one that relays info to your team when you salute (but since no one else does the salute thing it doesn't help that much).


I really don't like the small map but I love the Grosvny (sp?) map.

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I've got Pistol and Sniper expertise. Faster movement but not tried it out yet and the one that relays info to your team when you attack enemies.


Last ones good for when you're snipering and they dive for cover. watch em crawl for safety.


I usually play quite slowly aswell, favouring sniper rifles. Alot of covering and careful observation. Camping really.

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I've got Pistol and Sniper expertise. Faster movement but not tried it out yet and the one that relays info to your team when you attack enemies.


Last ones good for when you're snipering and they dive for cover. watch em crawl for safety.


I usually play quite slowly aswell, favouring sniper rifles. Alot of covering and careful observation. Camping really.


Isn't the faster movement automatic?


I was thinking about trying the sniper out. The M4 is pretty powerful though. I actually managed to out snipe a sniper with it! :p


I had the pistol but I now use the tranq gun which is so much fun to use. Last match I tranqued someone and while another player was trying to revive him I blew them both away! :heh:


The tranq gun is really weird though, I've shot people in the body twice and it doesn't seem to do anything. It might only be headshots.


Mild camping is the way to go me thinks.

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What I mean is I've switched but haven't played with it on yet. Before I had the one to see traps until I realized nobody but me really bothers with them.


I usually get to the high altitude points and sneaky spy holes. ot many games really accommodate sniping with smaller maps, bad cover etc. but I love to do it. COD4, Battlefield, QW and this are my favourite sniping games so far.


Is there a place for Konami ID's? My character is The Mighty Duuz but I think the GAME ID is the_mighty_duuz if anybody wants a game sometime. Only just got a PS3 so don't really know the friends function that well.

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Thought so but for a second I thought I had fast movement but didn't activate it! :p


I only got a PS3 a couple months back so I'm still pretty clueless. If we set up an N-Europe clan that would be the easiest thing to get everyone together. I'm not sure how that works exactly but I saw an option on the menu somewhere.

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I'm really starting to get into MGO at first I hated it as just used to this beast of shooter. But really got into it and especially today was in a team where people were communicating via text and it really worked and we managed to coordinate a lot of attacks etc...can only imagine what it will be like with voice chat.


I'm defo looking forward to getting the starter pack and then deciding from there whether or not to commit to some DLC.


One slight query I have about it is, when press L1 how come sometimes there is no aiming reticle and other times there is...am I missing something is it certain weapons or certain add ons? Is it perhaps performance related? Also can you jump/roll from being crouched or do you have to stand up and roll?

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