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Your first 'go' is ALWAYS the best. Seriously, why repress yourself?


Mine wasn't. I'd say the best ones were after the fifth. The first was awkward. I didn't know what to say afterwards. I didn't want to just leave myself lying there alone but I wanted to do other things like go on the computer.



When I was a novice I pulled it too far back in the shower and made it bleed.


My first wet dream involved a brilliantly looking black woman with horns coming out of her ears fucking the hell out of me.


Fucked up I know


I love the dreams you have. (Not you in particular just in general.) But I hate the mess. Although I've not had that many. I'd say less than 15 maybe less than 10.


I used to have loads of dirty dreams when I was a kid. ABout aged 6-10. I first experienced a lasses private parts at six. It's really funny thinking back as we tried the stuff we'd heard in the playground but didn't have a clue what we were doing. It was ten years later until I experienced them again. :(

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I regularly had wet dreams (um, once a month? less i think) but it's stopped now for various obvious reasons.


You know that next time I see you, that's all I'll be able to think of. Shit. :blank:


Elsewhere, my period of abstinence is still going strong as of now. Go me?

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its not difficult to give a handjob...oh the stories ive heard of giving wrong blowjobs mind...




Since never once in the past nor in the future do have I tried/desire it, men might do some decent blowjobs...but really not my thing. this said, can only talk about women, and hell yeah they can give a hell of a blowjob...experience solves the thing. You can immediatly tell if it's new to her.

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You can immediatly tell if it's new to her.

hmpf. i cant watch porn anymore~ i find myself thinking "gah! noo girl what are you doing?! you're doing it wrong!!" =_______=

*retreats to own imagination*


:indeed: *phew*

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Wrong. :heh: Have you been using your 10 year old sister for a lab rat?


Bit too strong tbh and I very much doubt u have had a handjob from a girl, like ever :heh:


Always the wrong place, can hurt and they put all their energy in the wrong areas. One girl congratulated me on how long I could last, I congratulated her on giving a shit handjob.

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