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Dilemma - Please help!


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Dilema, please confirm.


Party A, keeps their phone on top of a small draw unit made of straw. On top of this is a basket, that hangs over the edge slightly both sides, full of products. This makes the unit rather wobbly. Party A has a pint glass of water at night and leaves the glass directly beneath the phone by the draw unit.


Party B goes into draw unit to get something. When putting said item away the phone is knocked off the unit and into the water.



Whos fault?


(Also how do you post a poll? Tried making this one)

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I don't remember him saying what party he belonged to or even that he was actually involved.
The bias against Party A and trying to blame things like 'wobbliness' suggested that ReZ is, or is siding with, Party B :heh:


It's Party B's fault. Precarious positioning doesn't excuse lack of cautiousness.

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Party A's fault! I mean if you're stupid enough to leave a phone around like that then you're asking for trouble. Party B just happened to be the one that accidentally knocked it off, but anyone could have, inlcuding Party B. If you cared for the phone that much you wouldn't leave it lying around like that would you?


Definitely Party A's fault.

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Party B, although party A was asking for it. However party B shouldn't have been such a muppet since he/she should have been able to assess the situation before said incident. Party B is guilty in my eyes and the eyes of the law.


I kind of agree with this tbh. However, I think it's six to one and half-a-dozen to the other in this case.


Okay, so party B should have been more careful. However, Party A should have kept their phone in a safer place, so both are equally to blame. And this is the reason I have my phone insured, you never know that might happen.

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(It is Party As unit)


Yeah. I realise I am partly at fault, but seriously the phone literally is 3/4s on and 1/4 off on top of a wobbly as frag thing, with a PINT glass (Ie huge top) of water right below it Lol, so foolish of Party A.


(I dont have my phone insured....Because I trust myself to not be foolish. If I get mugged etc, then new phone I guess...No worries)

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Party B has his own entire draw in Party As draw unit, and Party B uses it almost every day, which Party A is aware of.....how does that affect it.




Well if Party A is aware that other Parties use the unit then it could be argued Party A knew the potential risk and chose to ignore it.

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*slams hands down on little desk*


knowing the risks and ignoring them doesnt make party a guilty, just stupid; but for the actions of party b, the phone would not have moved ~ i suggest therefore that it is indeed party b's fault.


p.s. daft - i love you \(^__^)/

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If Party A knew that the unit was going to be used then Party A should have secured said valuables.




And now I will call my final witness!!




Would you please point......uuurrrrmm....bark at the culprit?


*Missile runs off*



P.S. Best thread ever!!

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I was involved in a similar "who was to blame" incident recently -- except it was my fault and I knew it immediately :P I trod on a friend's laptop screen that one could have argued was placed carelessly on the floor. But the fact is that it was an accident and I broke it. SO I paid for it.


Just money in the end.


Oh, but please continue the Phoenix-wright-ing :)

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