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House of the Dead 2/3 Return


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Why don't they just release The House of the Dead Trilogy?:S


They could remake the 1st one if unable to port it easily... "2 & 3 Return" sounds shoddy.


I think that too :S


I heard that the first game was the best of the 3, maybe they released 2 and 3, and then release 1 as "the best of HOTD"?

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I think it is a quick budget title and bringing the first one would be TOO much work; can't remember where I read that. To be honest I'd rather it be full price and have revamped version of all three!!


I love Ghost Squad and I'm sure this will be great too!!


Still want them all bundled with the underrated zapper though, that thing makes Ghost Squad soooooo good!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it's RRP £40? because i think thats too expensive. I like ordering from 'Game Online' but theres no-way i'm paying £40 for it.


I know it's cheaper on other sites, but i like to stick with VGP for my imports and GAME for my UK games.

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Is it's RRP £40? because i think thats too expensive. I like ordering from 'Game Online' but theres no-way i'm paying £40 for it.


I know it's cheaper on other sites, but i like to stick with VGP for my imports and GAME for my UK games.


You should NEVER buy from GAME, they are bastards and always over charge, plus they don;t even send the games out factory sealed even when you buy online.


its 24.99 at play.com!: peace:


Awesome! I shall be getting this now I've finished REUC, shame the first HotD isn't in there, it was my fave.

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You should NEVER buy from GAME, they are bastards and always over charge, plus they don;t even send the games out factory sealed even when you buy online.


I have never recieved a game from GAMEs online store that is unsealed. Alot of people including myself have shifted to buying games online with GAME due to Gameplays shoddy service in recent times.

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I have never recieved a game from GAMEs online store that is unsealed. Alot of people including myself have shifted to buying games online with GAME due to Gameplays shoddy service in recent times.


I got Killer 7 'brand new' online with GAME and it can unsealed and looked like everyone in the office had taken it home for a quick blast. Very pissed off I was!


I haven't had any problems with Gameplay or Play.com and hate GAME, I think their online discounts are crap and they're just eating up the highstreet.

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I have never recieved a game from GAMEs online store that is unsealed. Alot of people including myself have shifted to buying games online with GAME due to Gameplays shoddy service in recent times.


I agree, all my games are sealed as well and you get loyalty points! i've had a good 30 odd quid on my card in the last 4-5 months.

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The owners of Wii can request for the success of House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return. Indeed, according to Sega, if the title is sold rather well in the world, the editor would plan to offer to the console house of the Dead 4 and very atypical Typing of the Dead. You know what it remains you to do.

Here's hoping enough people buy this port then!
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I see IGN have a thing up about this Extreme Mode, heres a section of it:


In addition, players who battle through both titles will unlock the Wii-exclusive extreme mode, am altered single-player mode in House of the Dead III which features quicker enemy attacks and smaller bullet blast radiuses for your guns. It's hard, in other words. But aiding you in your zombie-killing quest is the ability to reload your shotgun much faster and an all-new melee attack.


"When the enemy is within melee range, pressing the A button will unleash the powerful melee attack that can hit several enemies," notes SEGA. "The melee attack can also be used to block enemy attacks, missile weapons, and even boss attacks. Don't abuse the melee attack as it requires the player to reload after each use."


Theres also a short Q&A with the games producer in the same article so check it out.



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I'm buying this game! Again! That's about the third time I'll own HotD2. ;) It's still the best, even with the corniest voice-acting this side of the universe. Now, where's that perfect shot...


...the editor would plan to offer to the console house of the Dead 4...


I wonder how'd they manage that. HotD 4 runs on Lindbergh hardware, which, with all respect for our beloved console, kicks Wii's behind in term of graphical power. They'd have to downscale it considerably: SD, less polygons, less fancy shaders, possible fps-drop, etc. I fear for what that endresult might be like, but I like to be surprised.


HotD 4 arcade




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On the whole game/gameplay argument game own gameplay. Also for those that do buy games from game online get a quidco account and you get 10% cashback from game


Yeah i know Game own Gameplay, but it's a true fact that Gameplay's services have gone slightly down-hill, they were untouchable in the early 2000's! There still cheaper then GAME though, i agree, but i like the fact i get reward points and touch-wood haven't had any problems with Game! : peace:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woohoo gotta love shopto.net got the game to me today off to have a play now. Will report back in a bit with impressions


Update: Just gave House of the dead 3 a quick bash its fantastic! Played with the wii zapper really east to control a lot better than umbrella chronicles. Graphics are pretty good as well. Gonna give 2 a bash now. Anywho would highly recommend to everyone!

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I just ordered this game. Cant wait to play it! Do you have the same options as in Ghost Squad to calibrate your reticule or even switch it off?

Im planning on getting the Nyko Perfect Shot later on. Should make the arcade feel complete.

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Do you have the same options as in Ghost Squad to calibrate your reticule or even switch it off?


I'm pretty sure it does, but can't check. Unlike PES 2008, this one hasn't broken the street date. :(


EDIT: You can. Hooray! :yay:


My shiny white BigBen gun is dying for some HotD-action. If you can't find a Perfect Shot, that's a good alternative. Well, I think. I havent actually played with the Perfect Shot, but this gun is pretty good. The revolver-design of both former guns are so better than the tommygun-design of the WiiZapper/Squad Gun IMO.


If you can't find a Perfect Shot and are looking for a decent gun, check it out. I've put up a pic in the Ghost Squad topic.




Just to let you know that a little birdie flew right past me yesterday and dropped a cope of HotD... if I payed it the sufficient amount of dough.


Anyhoo, this definitely is HotD 2 & 3 as we know and love (or hate, for you heathens). You can play it without reticule, and the calibration works like a charm. It's the closest I ever had to being in an arcade! (I never bought the DC-guns...). Still, I play with the reticle, due to being a lazy a$$ and my poor arms can't bare the effort. :red:


The graphics are amazingly colourful, even compared to the DC-version! Not sugercandy-colourful, but very pleasant on the eyes. It all runs silky smooth. When compared to the Xbox-version of HotD3, this is definitely superior visually. It's colours are more pronounced (Xbox had a tendancy to dull the colours) and there is no slowdown in HotD2, unlike the Xbox-version.


When compared to Ghost Squad, it's a bit bareboned, but lovers of ol-skool arcade shooters and light gun games (and VO so cheesy it'll make your ears bleed) shouldn't miss this one.


What I found ironic is that No More Heroes doesn't have blood in the JAP and PAL-version, and that HotD3 is pretty bloody. The opening scene of HotD3 really has Kill Bill-style blood. Yep, this game has the option to turn of the gore should one choose to.

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Just been given my copy of this along with Bass Fishing (Not sure I'll play that one). Looking forward to giving the games another go although I've already played a hell of a lot of both in the past. Not quite sure how I'll fit it in alongside Gran Turismo and still needing to finish off No More Heroes.

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I plan on picking this up later this year, right now i already have plenty to be savign and playing thats more inportant then arcade ports. I still wish they could have included House of the Dead 1 as well, it just would have made more sense. House of the dead 4 looks incedible though...

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