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Point & Click Games ***With Human Avatar***?

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Basically I am after some quality and/or mediocre point and click adventure games on PC and/or console. There is one condition however, in the game(s) recommended, I want the actual game to feature a human avatar as the main character and possibly even as characters in the game.


To give you an idea of what I am after, i'll post a few examples of what I mean, games in which I have played and know about:


Toonstruck --> Played and beaten (both discs).




Ripleys Believe it or Not: The Riddle of Master Lu --> Played and beaten.




Phantasmagoria --> Haven't played but want to acquire as is scarce where I am because it was banned...




Any recommendations as to point and click games that meet the criteria of having a human avatar as the main character and/or the games characters as well would be much appreciated.


Can also be of this nature:


Dreamfall: The Lost Journey -->



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Phantasmagoria was a notable outing for designer Roberta Williams, best known for her family games like the King's Quest series. Featuring graphic gore, violence and a rape scene, the game stirred controversy over age restrictions and target audiences in the maturing game industry. It was banned in Australia; while CompUSA and other major retailers simply refused to carry it. The game was never banned in Germany, but had an 18-Rating.



Only banned in Austrailia by the looks of things.

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The 7th Guest I think, or maybe the sequel The 11th Hour


That's the one. Some of the puzzles were pretty difficult. And the owner of the house (I forget his name) with his constant put-downs were . . . interesting.


"If you only had a brain"

"Come on Carrrrl - Even a blind pig finds a truffle . . . occasionally"


There was a Phantasmagoria 2 as well, which I remember enjoying.


I wouldn't recommend Escape From Monkey Island though (this is the fourth and final one). It's the only Monkey Island game I didn't enjoy enough to actually finish. The other three come highly recommended.

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don't bother getting an old machine to run the classics, just download SCUMMVM.

You then only need to get the games which are nice and cheap or some are free tot download Beneath a steel sky for instance can be downloaded legally on the scummvm site.


I playall my point and click games on scummvm, and they work a treat.

I even have monkey islands on my DS :)

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Oh i love click and point games!


Monkey island

Made me fall in love with Tim Schafer :Þ


Flight of the Amazon Queen

(You can get it free and legally on Abandonia.com)


The Broken Sword games


Simon the sorcerer


Gabriel Knight


Runaway: A road adventure

Haven´t played the sequel though


5 days a stranger & 7 days a skeptic

Excelent games, made as free ware games. can get them on Abandonia.org


Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis


I´m quite positive i´m forgetting something :Þ



Dammit now i want to play most of them again!

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Flight of the Amazon Queen

(You can get it free and legally on Abandonia.com)


I remember playing a demo of it waaay back. I was frustrated that I couldn't find the solution to the demo.


From the wiki article:


Prior to release, the game was sent by the publisher to Future Publishing's Amiga Power magazine, to be reviewed by Jonathan Nash in issue 51. Whilst playing he found an error which prevented progression through the game (at the start, the bellhop would not relinquish the door key). He informed the publisher which resulted in the game release being delayed for several months as, at the time, the game had been sent to the disk duplication factory ready for reproduction. As it was also too late to change the magazine content and layout, the issue went to press with an apology that they had unintentionally reviewed an 'unfinished' game, which was against one of their policies


:o:o It wasn't my fault! :yay::yay:


All these years I thought I missed something!

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