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I thought the way they portrayed it was fantastic!


No-one when watching Episodes IV,V,VI, would have guessed that Darth Vader (seemingly straightforward evil!) became the way he is, out of Love!


Anakin thought his vision showed Padme suffering and ultimately dying in childbirth and so took the path to the darkside (knowing it was wrong, but all that he could do) in an attempt to save her.

However, he had misinterpreted the vision (as the future is hard to see)! Ultimately it was him choosing the darkside that caused Padme to loose the will to live; and this is what his vision had actually been showing.


It's such a tragic story!! That had he not tried to save her (from what he'd thought he'd seen), she would have been absolutely fine!!


Pure Genios!!


Yeah, I thought that was portrayed right. I wasn't that part. Maybe my mind is warped by "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

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What I find intreging is that even after he loses Padme and becomes Darth Vader..he chooses to remain loyal to the emperor...you might say he'd have nothing to live for anymore...but yet he chooses to go own...
But that's it really; he has nothing else, he's lost the person most important to him and the Emperor is all he's got.

He can't go back to the Jedi after all he's done and had the Emperor not found and restored him he wouldn't have made it, so he may as well just give in, even though he is distraught at all he has done!!


And don't forget that the Emperor has been playing mind games with Anakin all along to get him on his side!!

The final one was lying to Anakin that he had killed Padme when he threw her aside, just so that Anakin would be filled with pain, loose his will and surrender to be by his side (as he has nothing else).

I think i would have prefered if they kept the whole "how darth vader came to be" a secret, because everyone's expectations for episode 1 were much higher than it could ever be. The imagination is far greater than any film George Lucas could have come up with.
Good to see you Fierce' !!(maybe i've just missed you when you've been on!)


Whilst the actual story behind him becoming Darth Vader wasn't known; I think it was known that it was due to a fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I definately knew long ago that Darth Vader needed his suit because he'd had a run in with lava. Whether George Lucas revealed some of Vaders backstory at some stage I don't know, but i heard it all the same and so i guess he wanted to tie the story up for alot of people!

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Goddamn Jar jar binks the punk, only thing of the entire star wars series that i hate....i wanted anakin to cut him up nice and properly at the end of episode 3. But my mate says hes not really meant to be in it...i dunno what he means by that but i'll take his word for it, i loved episode 3, it was so great except for the 'noooooooooo!' bit, episode 1 and 2 didnt compare although 2 was better then 1 - i felt so depressed after watching 1 that was £5.25 down the drain (yeah our local cinema is a bump its so not worth that, no leg space lame seats etc etc but this thread isnt for ranting about your local cinema)

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Episode 7-9 Luke mentors new Jedi to once again bring the peace keepers back to the galaxy and bring balance


Where do the Yuuzhan Vong fit into that?.. Although Luke is meant to establish the New Republic, I thought before that Luke had to turn to a Sith to finally destroy a Palpatine clone. And not to mention the years of fighting after Return of the Jedi (destroying the reamining Imperial Forces and Admiral Thrawn).

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I thought before that Luke had to turn to a Sith to finally destroy a Palpatine clone. And not to mention the years of fighting after Return of the Jedi (destroying the reamining Imperial Forces and Admiral Thrawn).
Yeah i heard that the Emperor's spirit returns, and Luke actually becomes the Emperors apprentice in order to get close enough to him to ultimately destroy him! However, where he thought he would be strong enough to not get tempted to the dark side, he isn't and falls under the Emperors power! It's then up to Leia to save him; which she does!
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It's such a tragic story!! That had he not tried to save her (from what he'd thought he'd seen), she would have been absolutely fine!!


Pure Genios!!



Romeo and Juliet anyone? Memory of it is slightly rusty but as far as I remember they both killed themselves because they thought the other was dead, and felt they could only live happily together in death. Love killed em both.


I'll stop now, I must seem like such a jerk.

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But when Padmé dies, im sure she tries to say something like 'theres still good in him', or something? Maybe she thought she'd let herself die then had second thoughts but it was too late :P


Still, if she had gone along with Anakin and overthrown the emperor and ruled the galaxy the way they wanted, as in, she wanted democracy. Well, hey, come with me and we'll restore democracy, or you can have a fit, die, and let there be a reign of tyranny for about 20 years.

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It really doesn't matter if the story is new or originial or not. It's the way that the events unravel that's important. Anakin's demise to the darkside.


Nah I was never that concerned, just like to be awkward. As I said, I'll stop.

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I love them all!!


anything and everything to do with star wars j'adore!!


the star wars saga are the greatest movies ever. I grew up watching the original trilogy on video and playing with all the toys and what not. Then when sir lucas decided to go back and do ep I,II & III i was over the moon, i love them, yes yes he may use too much digital cgi but thats what cinema is gonna be all about in a few more years time and they are all awesome especially episode III. some of the acting is a bit suspect but come on its a great movie none the less, all of them are! the story is fantastic you cant deny!


i dont care what all you lot think, in my opinion the star wars saga is the greatest story ever told by film, i love it and love anything to do with it.


*shakes fist at all you non loving star wars people....grrr*

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Star Wars is huge, it's a huge storyline, there's so many characters, theres so many locations, there's so many alien species. There's just so much in the Star Wars series to know about. There's even alot of politics in Star Wars with the Galactic Empire and there racist attitude.

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I love Star Wars, grew up with it brought millions of toys talked about it with friends etc. I loved the sense of adventure, the humour, the range of characters, the sense of personality that places had (like mos esiely), the fact that people weren't all black and white (including han solo for a while), lightsaberes, great plot twists. I mean it had it all.


Now the new trilogy retains some of this but it also loses a lot of the personality of the old trilogy. Jar Jar is an abomination and I have no idea what George was thinking, oh wait I do as he told the press that he wanted a comedy charcter based on 30's movies. Nice one Lucas.

The love scenes something that should have been superb are horrific. "I am hoping the kiss you should never have given me won't become a scar" "Your inside my very soul torturing me". That is like Dawsons Creek on crack, with Han and Leia you had derogratory humor but you could tell they were in love. Sadly no great space fights in the new trilogy. The lightsabre fights however are wonerful and I adore the episode 1 fight as well as THE big fight in 3.


So I do like the new trilogy but it has a lot of crap in it, "GET EM R2 GETTT EMMMMMM!" at the start of the new film is sick. But the emperor delivers the best comedy performance ever.


Mace Windu "Your going to die"



I love it, anyway orignial trilogy wonderful, new trilogy great and awful. But thats just my opnion kids.

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Episode 7-9 Luke mentors new Jedi to once again bring the peace keepers back to the galaxy and bring balance


Where do the Yuuzhan Vong fit into that?.. Although Luke is meant to establish the New Republic, I thought before that Luke had to turn to a Sith to finally destroy a Palpatine clone. And not to mention the years of fighting after Return of the Jedi (destroying the reamining Imperial Forces and Admiral Thrawn).


I think they should make Episodes 7-9 as a cartoon animation in the style of The Clone Wars. That'd be great. That way they could use the actors voices and not them in person, which let's face it, wouldn't work now.

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I think they should make Episodes 7-9 as a cartoon animation in the style of The Clone Wars. That'd be great. That way they could use the actors voices and not them in person, which let's face it, wouldn't work now.
GREAT idea!!


I also want to see;

- an Episode 0 film featuring Yoda

- and (although i'm not keen on the idea) Lucas wants to make a TV series i think; which in this case i think should be the Adventures of Han Solo (meeting Chewy, Jaba, Lando, Bounty Hunters etc...)

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GREAT idea!!


I also want to see;

- an Episode 0 film featuring Yoda

- and (although i'm not keen on the idea) Lucas wants to make a TV series i think; which in this case i think should be the Adventures of Han Solo (meeting Chewy, Jaba, Lando, Bounty Hunters etc...)


I believe the series will be the stories of several characters, linking episode III to IV.


I'd like to know more on Boba Fett, he's cool. Thats another thing about Star Wars even the lesser characters are special in their own way.

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yeah if you read some of the books and things about the exteded universe, quite a lot happens between ep III and IV.


obi wan learns that a jedi friend is still alive and in trouble and goes and helps him out meanwhile always hiding away from darth vader which proves a tough chore. Also on the case is boba fett, he has grown up and is kicking arse on his own around the galaxy.


after epVI there are lots of things that could be told. Han and leia get married have 3 kids, one of which they call anakin. Luke starts a new jedi training school on yavin 4, he learns new powers for himself, the emporer has a clone and tries to secretly rebuild the imperial forces. Luke faces him and turns to the darkside for a bit before seeing the light and finally killing of the emporer.


ermm han solo's evil brother comes into it and causes some havok, theres another evil guy of a planet that thinks he is beyond the new republic and again causes loads of crap and of course there is still all the imperial forces and fleet that are left out there whom are lead by another evil man who was possibly once a jedi but gave up on the religion.


there are loads and loads of stuff, of course none is from George Lucas they are from writers who tell there own story in what they would like happen in the star wars saga, they do however get george lucas' thumbs up for them. Lucas has never said he will do 7,8,9 although he probably has enough material to do so now and carry on, it would be awesome.


i would be very happy with an episode 0: chronicles of Yoda. That would be good. Im still unsure about a TV series. It would work as plenty of people would watch it but i dunno if it would take away the magic from the films and turn into crappy poo poo like star trek.

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