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Organisation Skills

Coolness Bears

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I'm making a bid to become more organised with my work this Half Term as it is effecting my peformance but i severly lack organisation skills and any work i do gets lost in the mountain of paper on my desk.


I was just wondering how you keep your work in order and whether you can give me some advice on how to do the same thing or whether you are as unorganised as me and regularly lose and forget to bring it in. :D

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As you know Coolness, I am terribly bad at organising my work and therefore leave work til the night before it is due in, which makes me stressed and moany! I need to get organised aswell!


Hmm, ideas... get folders with dividers and put work in relevant sections?

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I try all the time but after a bit i revert back to my normal ways. :)


I never forget to do the work, i do it straight away but we have a week between handing it in so in that week i lose it.


It doesn't sound that long but i lost a ticket the other day with in the space of a minute of getting it! :D


So far folders haven't worked for me, i have about ten empty folders!

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My latest organizational thing is to carry a folder round with me where I put all my work that has to be done or handed in. Its worked so far this year.


I only have 2 folders, the one I just described and one other where I chuck everything it and forget about it forever....I might as well use the bin actually.

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males cant organise for shit! i for one have tried many times, some improvements followed ending up in square one one week later.


Utter bull shit.


I am HORRIBLY anal about organisation. You haven't seen my games draws. Everything has its own place, all my games are in format specific draws in alpahabetical order and everything in my room has a 'place'.


I don't have OCD, i can deal with the place being a slight mess, but i like things being organised. At work, i have all my "to do's" on sticky notes will i get something more perminant.


Its because i'm Aeries apparently.

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I don't have OCD, i can deal with the place being a slight mess, but i like things being organised.



I have severe OCD and I can handle mess, I always know where everything is. I jopke that I can find my way to anything in my apartment in the dark. I tested it once, after a lot of banged knees and a scraped finger I found what I needed. However, leave me without a toothbrush for more than 6 hours and I go mental.


Anyway, dividers in a folder are useful, but sticking to it can be difficult. Organise your time using the reminder system on your phon e and have an alarm go off when you need to be doing something important. That way the noise will galvanise you into taking care of the problem. iCal and other programs can work, but your phone is alway on and with you so no need to delay entering those important reminders.


Also, set yourself a routine and stick to it. Just do it rigidly. What this takes is discipline, and that is something you have to learn.

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males cant organise for shit! i for one have tried many times, some improvements followed ending up in square one one week later.


No way.


I'm very organised. I have to be with the job I do and in my personal life. I would hate not being organised. I also have to have everything very tidy. Hate a messy room or desk at work.


I have folders for all kinds of personal paper work, a diary (and next years diary already with things noted down) I just like to know what im doing incase I double book myself up!


Yeah I just like being organised.

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I'm organised-ish. But for some reason a pr0 urge to clean comes at a right dodgy moment, like when I'm about to sit down to watch a movie. Or something which really pisses me off is that I feel ready and able to start/do some work on an essay or something, but the problem is I've just got into bed. The next day I can't be bothered as normal.


I do like my shizzle organized. Not 100%, but I like to see folders on shelves and being able to see the floor.

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Actually, though my room is messy, I tend to remember the position of everything in it, and can tell quickly if something has been moved... it really irritates me when that happens.


That's the same with I have what i like to call Organisated Mess. :heh:


I know exactly where everything is and when my room gets cleaned i have no idea where it is as it has been moved! :D


My bedroom isn't that untidy though, my study is where most my unorganisaton goes, I like to keep my games in order. :)

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I just keep work in the relevant subject folder, which I sub-divide into sections for each module, and then divide again for lecture notes/seminar notes.


At the moment I'm struggling less with organising things and more with just getting on with work. I sit at my desk and waste time tidying and arranging things. I need to get into a better routine.

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Okay so today i'm going to Clear up my Study!


I'm going to put my subjects into different Leverarch Folders and keep them tidy upon my shelf and put my subject books alongside them. I'm then going to tidy up all the stuff from my desk and throw bits away that i don't need! :)


Then i'm getting trays labelled Monday-Friday so i can put work that's due in those days in the seperate trays instead of in a giant mess on my desk! :D Good idea?



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Okay so today i'm going to Clear up my Study!


I'm going to put my subjects into different Leverarch Folders and keep them tidy upon my shelf and put my subject books alongside them. I'm then going to tidy up all the stuff from my desk and throw bits away that i don't need! :)


Then i'm getting trays labelled Monday-Friday so i can put work that's due in those days in the seperate trays instead of in a giant mess on my desk! :D Good idea?




Sounds like an AWESOME idea Coolness!

Hope it works :)

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I am 1/2 organised and 1/2 not, my shelves have stuff organised on them as well as things that i just put there for the sake of it because i can't be bothered to find the actual home for them.


I really ought to put everything in it's place, and i'm also trying to start a mega-clean out of my room getting rid of everything i don't have a use for anymore, which could be quite a bit.

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I'm organised-ish. But for some reason a pr0 urge to clean comes at a right dodgy moment, like when I'm about to sit down to watch a movie. Or something which really pisses me off is that I feel ready and able to start/do some work on an essay or something, but the problem is I've just got into bed. The next day I can't be bothered as normal.


I do like my shizzle organized. Not 100%, but I like to see folders on shelves and being able to see the floor.

I act the same way with concerns to tidying my room. Just randomly think to myself 'fuck, it's getting bad, tidy up you fool'.


The worst thing for me is that I do all my work on my computer, and that's a mess tidyness wise with the desktop half filled up with crap a few hrs after I've just organised things on there. Also having 16GB's worth of textures which aren't organised into 'what's what' is really frustrating, and also knowing that the majority of them aren't edited to be useful off the bat. Waiting to get a 500GB external to sort out that and a RAID setup me thinks.


Currently my desk has on it 4 empty cans of redbull, an apple juice carton and a yogurt pot all surrounding my keyboard.............I think I should get rid of them. :indeed:

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