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No. Fortunatly.


He spoke very fast, had broken English and i had to tell him to a complex procedure. It was not fun and apparently he's calling back later.


Thing is, its 5:50pm their time so i doubt he'll be calling back today. Unless they work like... quite late.

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Guest Stefkov

Woke up with 15 minutes to get ready earlier this morning. Got to College on time, had first lesson learning how a computer multiplies and divides Binary/2's complement. That's the stuff that gets me perked up to learn.

After a practical lesson of wondering if the roller skate shoe thing I want to make will eventually work, got picked up late, went to work for an hour and a half, then came home and had a reeeally nice shower.

Next on the agenda is to have a driving lesson at half 1, last one hopefully.


PS: Anyone who is applying to University, any of you know where to find your UCAS number? Is it your Personal ID on the letters UCAS send you?

Bloody cat smells sausages so he's pissing about on my lap, it's too funny.

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Today was kinda poopy. I was supposed to get up at 6:45 but somehow overslept (one alarm was turned off though I don't remember doing that and my cellphone never did the snooze thing), so I got woken up by mom at 7:20. Making me feel really tired and making me have to rush.


Classes were boring and we only got 20 minutes of lunch break (instead of our usual hour) because the people doing Illustration (me) needed extra information about old Roman objects we need to draw in our next assignment. Then more class (Art History)... where I was kind of falling asleep again. So I decided to skip Art Philosophy and come home, where I'm now hoping to take a nap cause I really need it. D:

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Oh well, Bill Bailey tonight :yay:


If someone mugs you of your tickets (I presume you're seeing his live show), then it wasn't me! Got that? Good.


*shifty eyes*


Elsewhere, I asked a girl I like to my school's Christmas ball (as friends, as I'm a terrible coward in such things), and she said yes.






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I've been a good mood since last night. I mean, I didn't think we'd win 4-0. :grin:


Feeling very satisfied with my day, just written a very nice letter to my parents, coming out to them, even enclosed a few photos, just wish I could be there to see their faces when they read it and see the photos.


:laughing: Well, you had to at some point. To be honest, I don't have the balls you have, rokhed. :bowdown:

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Ok day. Went on a trip to the hospital for a tour about stuff like x-rays, radiotherapy, MRI, stuff like that. Was terribly boring. Although I did get a free hot chocolate and a kitkat. Tonight i'm off to see Bugsy Malone at my mum's school. Hopefully it's alright!

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LIDL. Yes, you heard me. I have just been to LIDL for the first time in my life. It opened up in my town today.


Well Claire said "We're never going in there again" but I feel that was a little naive. I mean, its frigging LIDL. What was she expecting?


Anyway, I went in there, feeling ashamed and that I was a total pikey, which is totally true, but I knew thered be some good stuff.


Got ;


12 Waffles (59p ish)

Walnut Ice Cream (Woot, £1.59 ish)

Spiced Biscuits (LOADS in the pack 79p)

BN BN imitations (79p)

Raspberry Jaffa Cake imitation (59p)



...And....the big one.....


IMITATION FROOT LOOPS! Woot. Like 99p. Havnt tried them yet. If they're even half as good as Kellogs, Ill be going to LIDL again.

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Nothing wrong with LIDL for the most part. Their fruit and veg is amazing value, and alcohol is quite good too. My parents do a main shop in Sainsburys/Waitrose, then pick up the cheap essentials in LIDL.


I agree, I really dont think LIDL is that bad, and Id shop anywhere if it means I pick up a bargain. (Their carrier bags are 3p though, Lol)


I must admit, I did half expect some asylum seekers to run out of the storage rooms. :heh:

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Something about Thursday always makes me hate them, probably because I have to go to work in a few hours and that I'm in Uni until 5pm.


So found out I got an A in my Flash project, which is very good. Got a few parcels I ordered through the post including a nice new 2GB flash drive (needed that quite a bit).


But the postman hates me whilst delivering many goodies of which were mainly christmas presents. My Guitar Hero 3 from HMV still hasn't arrived, tomorrow better be the day.


All in 6/10.

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:laughing: Well, you had to at some point. To be honest, I don't have the balls you have, rokhed. :bowdown:


Had to be done, they needed to know that the way they abused me as a child didn't stop me being the person I was meant to be.


Nothing wrong with LIDL for the most part. Their fruit and veg is amazing value, and alcohol is quite good too. My parents do a main shop in Sainsburys/Waitrose, then pick up the cheap essentials in LIDL.


They've got a really good special on on bacon at lidle at the moment, good stuff too.

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Had such a shit day. Don't really have shit days that often but today was definitely one of them.


Went to college in the morning. One of my best mates really started to piss me off. Seemed to be really cocky today, cockier then usual (he's a cocky guy, not arrogant though otherwise I wouldn't be friends with him). Started to really annoy me and get on my nerves, so I punched him. Quite hard. He deserved it though and I think he knew that too. Not too worried about him but nonetheless it has made my day shitter.


Another thing that pissed me off was my Subway sandwich I bought for lunch. I bought a foot long and when I opened it at college to eat it, it was all messed up! It wasn't even a sandwich anymore, just one big mess! So my lunch was not enjoyable in the slightest.


Then I made my way to the college library and decided to finish off one of my essays. I always see the girl I like on thursdays and there she was again! I really like her. We've already went out for a coffee but when I asked her out to see a film, she said no. When I saw her today, she just seemed disinterested in me. So I just sat on my own, doing my essay, while I could hear her talking and laughing with her mate in the background. It hurt me a little I guess.


When I arrived home from college, my mum told me that there was a letter from college waiting for me. I opened it, and they have basically banned me from using the intranet at college for 10 days. All because I use Firefox portable instead of internet explorer, something which alot of students have done at college.


God, today has really annoyed the hell outta me.

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