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Seriously....the cleaners at this place are so so shit. They basically completely ransack (sp) the desk, monitor at a completely weird angle, decorations flung everywhere, headset in Antiga somewhere, phone on its side (practically) yet...the desk hasnt actually been "cleaned"


Im at a new desk so theres this blatant ....grimey bit and its not even been touched. Hate...world...destroy....everything. :)




Our cleaner is probably the most annoying person ever. She insists on spraying wood polish (wtf) on our plastic desks -they aren't allowed to use bleach anymores- especially when we have cups on our desks =( polish flavoured tea = fail. And she sprays it on the bottom of the (office type) chairs = slippery carpet (who the hell does that anyway?!)


And dusting... Its like faffing the dust around, and added onto the massive amount of spray in the air, my lungs are fucked. Forget passive smoking, i'm gonna be killed by passive cleaning >_>


I just clean my desk myself with bleach wipes. It just doesn't get cleaned if I don't.




Today I was at occupational health after i was off sick (trashed my knee on the knneeee meetup -lolirony-) Apparently if i'm sick anymore in the next year, I'll be on stage 2. rinse and repeat until stage 5, then termination is considered. The O.H nurse said my medical "issues" would be considered come stage 5 -what that means I don't know-. She sat there the whole time giving me a pitying look, as i showed her the injury and told her my medical history.


"you've fairly been through the wars, for a 22 year old"


Condescending twat >_<

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Today I found out that my internet connection will be activated on Monday!!! Can't wait to finally getting the internet without having to troop across the city to the library.


BT took 3 weeks to get my line installed!! 02, being awesome, are getting broadband set up in 6 days!


I'll be back soon, people!


(actually I'll be here pretty much all weekend as I'm going to be home all day tomorrow, Saturday afternoon and all Sunday)


((New sig coming soon too))


It took BT 8 weeks to do ours -_- Stupid morons.


But for the mean time (line active tomorrow...apparently, then ordering internet) our neighbour has given us one of those mobile broadband dongles. Score.


Spending four hours in the library with the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature (and barely scratching the surface) makes me want to violate something. Seriously painful stuff. But lalala.


Going to London tomorrow for an open evening so another full day of travel but it aint all bad ;)

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I was having a good day until my existence as a person was questioned. But then I watched new heroes and now all is well :)


that happened to me 5 or 6 years ago, i did well in college, by accident (solved physics questions by fluke), lecturer got frustrated and asked what the point of my existance was. i wasnt his favorite student.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well I asked and girl out and she said no. Not so much "how was your day" as it is "how was your year"?


The answer being crap. Those who know me say that I have a habit of going after the unobtainable so I brought it on myself it seems. But still...


Why did I post this? It seems there's some truth in the saying that misery loves company.

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Well I asked and girl out and she said no. Not so much "how was your day" as it is "how was your year"?


The answer being crap. Those who know me say that I have a habit of going after the unobtainable so I brought it on myself it seems. But still...


Why did I post this? It seems there's some truth in the saying that misery loves company.


ah, we've all been there. chin up mate, good thing about being told no is it leaves open a tonn of possibilites. also, you saved a tonn of time and money. in a way, you win.

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Guest Captain Falcon
ah, we've all been there. chin up mate, good thing about being told no is it leaves open a tonn of possibilites. also, you saved a tonn of time and money. in a way, you win.


Yeah, but I'd have give up everything I own for her to have said yes (that's right I don't own much - but it's the principle).


Besides, what good is time and money if you don't have someone to share them with?

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Yeah, but I'd have give up everything I own for her to have said yes (that's right I don't own much - but it's the principle).


Besides, what good is time and money if you don't have someone to share them with?


yeah, well, you'l soon find some one wirth hsaring it with.


ive had pleanty of one way crushes in my time (and a couple of people have had crushes i couldnt return) and all you need is time. worst thing to do is dwell on it. and if you gave up everything you owned to be with her shed probly be freaked by her constantly nude bf:p


either way, dont stress it to much. in a few weeks you'l have moved on.

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Went on a "Psychology trip" to York for the afternoon/evening and I just got back. 12 of us went, and it turned out I was the only guy. We spent an hour in monks cross shopping (God, women annoy me when they shop) and then we went to the dungeon. Scariest fecking thing ever, no joke. I had hold of my mates hand all the way round, and everyone was screaming constantly.


Then we went to Pizza hut for a meal, and I got a peice of Pizza lodged in my throat because I was laughing hysterically half the time. I sat opposite my teacher, and half of us ended up listening to her bitch about other students, and then we gave our own opinions. It was epic, she now hates everyone we hate.


Then we went on a "Ghost walk" through the streets of York with this strange old dude with a feathered hat. It wasn't scary in the slightest, but it was a good laugh anyways.


Best trip ever.

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Well I asked and girl out and she said no. Not so much "how was your day" as it is "how was your year"?


The answer being crap. Those who know me say that I have a habit of going after the unobtainable so I brought it on myself it seems. But still...


Why did I post this? It seems there's some truth in the saying that misery loves company.


Don't worry too much about it. There's always a better day.


All you can do really is just keep going and living your life. Then, sooner or later, a right hottie will look at you and say "shit, that Captain Falcon dude is actually pretty cool, I like him. I want him to SHOW HIS MOVES!"


Then, you can Falcon Punch her to victory. To a nice and healthy climax. HWOAR HWOAR!

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Don't worry too much about it. There's always a better day.


All you can do really is just keep going and living your life. Then, sooner or later, a right hottie will look at you and say "shit, that Captain Falcon dude is actually pretty cool, I like him. I want him to SHOW HIS MOVES!"


Then, you can Falcon Punch her to victory. To a nice and healthy climax. HWOAR HWOAR!


And when you accidently get her pregnant you can always utilize your Falcon Kick.

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I have decided the only way to get this sodding game even half way finished is to put on loud music, get over this damn mood and bloody do it.


So far I have the first menu screen done and one level done. Half the text bit done too (which only needs to be about two pages long). Wahey! I've done most of my reading too.


I still don't feeel any better though, weird. Never mind.

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And when you accidently get her pregnant you can always utilize your Falcon Kick.


Dude, too bluddy far. You sicken me.





Anyway, don't worry, dude. My history with the opposite sex is like a rail disaster. Messy, and not very pretty. Don't worry too much, as things will find their own way of falling into place, when the time is right.

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Well I asked and girl out and she said no. Not so much "how was your day" as it is "how was your year"?


The answer being crap. Those who know me say that I have a habit of going after the unobtainable so I brought it on myself it seems. But still...


Why did I post this? It seems there's some truth in the saying that misery loves company.



Its a horrible feeling and im sorry to hear that happened. I once asked one of my best friends to be with me and they said no, gutted doesn't cover it. Actually since then ive never been the one to do the asking, but those are my deep rooted psychological problems so ill shh about that. Anywho hope you're ok captain.

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