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Oh dear lord jordan reminded me of how much I need to buy a xbox360 when I get to uni.




Today has been quite productive already, did my pass plus, my tutor was so confident infact that he'd signed the papers before he saw me, but we went and did two hours etc and it was fine. Although we drove around manchester town centre and mosside, which is quite tiring!


Made lunch and now I'm going to re-dye my hair and shower. wheeeee.

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I've nearly got the funds together to purchase myself a Wii with Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Just £40 short of the target.


Took me an hour to fit the new Processor and Graphics card, the old processor was stuck onto the fan and the handle was located under the cooling fan the processor. So had to yank the fan off, the processor came with it and i had to pull out the broken pins. Fitted the new one, plugged everything back in that i unplugged inside the PC and all works fine, and much faster now.

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i had a pretty crappy afternoon... feeling really ill and homesick, and as a result of that, frustrated at myself for being all girly and emotional (its annoying!)

thankfully my mum was online for me to cry at... but then she had to go... but eerily soon after that jamba came online and we talked while he looked for a house in landun.

so i feel better having hung out with someone - even virtually...


...and all it took was jamba spending 6 straight hours with me on skype. poor guy. i'm generally quite easy on his wallet, yet horrifically demanding of his time >_<

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Whose that awesome looking girl in you're avatar, Jordan? She must be really cool!


Also, today was kinda good. My boss has awful teeth (smoker), and suddenly left us all to go to the dentist. He came back and wouldn't talk, and eventually he opened his mouth and he'd had like, 4 pulled out 0_o

Poor guy!

And it was his birthday yesterday, and his mum came in today and gave him loads of presents ^^


Now I'm off to BISH it up!

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Im feeling very well, i downloaded a program called Human Japanese, its a great program to learn Japanese, the only disadvantage its that it doesn't explain the worst part of Japanese:





So, i'l try to get a software for that part :heh:


Im doing very well, i already know how to pronunciate (its not very hard, tough, most of it is already in the Portuguese language), now im going to Hiragana ^^.

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I passed my theory test, woo!


I also was ID'd buying champagne (for an entirely unrelated reason) in Sainsbury's. Fair enough, but it took them 15 minutes because they read my ID wrong and thought I was 17, and then accused me of having a fake on as they 'tested' me on my age using the date of birth they'd written down, but they'd written it down wrong (they'd put the month as the date, and vica versa). Cue argument!


At least they apologised, but I damn well hope the person I bought it for enjoys it. :heh:

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Im feeling very well, i downloaded a program called Human Japanese, its a great program to learn Japanese, the only disadvantage its that it doesn't explain the worst part of Japanese:





So, i'l try to get a software for that part :heh:


Im doing very well, i already know how to pronunciate (its not very hard, tough, most of it is already in the Portuguese language), now im going to Hiragana ^^.


dude ~ all the japanese you need to know:


1. yo! => greetings, mortal!

2. nomehodo des ka? => is there an all you can drink deal?

3. funanori wo sagashite masu ga. => i am looking for sailors.




japanese youtube for the procrastination WIN!

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Was that a Shenmue quote? xD


Anyways, i already know 15 Hiragana (or 25, if we count with ten-ten), this shit is really good, full of quizes, with a lot of sounds, and i only started some hours ago, i may learn Hiragana and the cousin in some days ^^.


Its epic, pure epic...


Edit: PM me if you want it (and crack, of course) for it, believe me, its the best way to learn Japanese.


Also, Bluey, are you Japanese from nature, or you did immigrate to Japan?

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Was that a Shenmue quote? xD


Anyways, i already know 15 Hiragana (or 25, if we count with ten-ten), this shit is really good, full of quizes, with a lot of sounds, and i only started some hours ago, i may learn Hiragana and the cousin in some days ^^.


Its epic, pure epic...


(is slightly embarrassed to ask, but) does that work for macs??

plus, yes - shenmue quote ^__^ my students laugh their asses off when i tell them that all the japanese i know is that, and "kocha ippai okudasai" (can i have a cup of tea, please?)

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(is slightly embarrassed to ask, but) does that work for macs??

plus, yes - shenmue quote ^__^ my students laugh their asses off when i tell them that all the japanese i know is that, and "kocha ippai okudasai" (can i have a cup of tea, please?)


I don't know, lol...


But its a small software, it probably works.


And that means you aren't Japanese by nature, right?


Edit: Just one thing tough, don't expect this to fully make you understand Japanese, this is to learn Hiragana, the cousin (forgot his name), and most of the basic things to make complex Japanese dialogue, even in the Human Japanese they say that:


You've come a long way in your study of Japanese. Just a few months ago, you had little or no knowledge of the language, and now you can confidently create complex sentences. Best of all, you have a solid understanding of basic grammar, which means you can use a dictionary to look up words you don't know, and then correctly use them in your speech.


However, you still have much to learn. Although you have an introductory knowledge of all the main particles, you need to hear them in use a lot in order to really grasp their many uses intuitively. You need to be puzzled at hearing Japanese people use what seem to be odd constructions, because after you figure out what's going on, you'll be that much stronger linguistically.


Sometimes people write to ask me if they'll know the whole language after using Human Japanese. While I think this is a great text, I can confidently answer no to that question. See, if there's one thing you'll learn when studying a language, it's how big a subject it is. Even adults who have spoken their native language for decades still encounter words or turns of phrase that they are unfamiliar with from time to time. So it is simply not possible to "learn the whole language" in a few months or even years.


But it doesn't matter to me, with this, Kanji and Anime/Manga, i'l have everything i need ^^

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thanks night, i'm sure i'll feel much better once i get used to being so far away again... and get back to work and stuff. just in a post-holiday low...


and maase no, i'm british ~ only in japan for 7 more months teaching english with a private company ^__^

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Cool, i would like to be a Portuguese Teacher in Japan, then :P


Going to Japan, having fun, AND GETTING PAID!!!



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I've had a rather busy week.


On a lengthy busy intensive course at work with a big assessment tomorrow.... gah.


Been to two gigs (the Cribs and Foals) and just in general had lackage of sleepage!


I'm now listening to Bloc Party's new album which is awesome! love it.

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Week has been insane at work.. Couldn't get time off to go to my uncles funeral due to summer shortstaffy-ness (raging) and left to do the majority of the work, cause the other person in can't be bothered.


Had blood taken today and just looked down at my hand, realising its gone all black from bruising (hurts a bit too)


STILLL NO new meds. These things take for-fucking-ever to get. Had to get certain bloods tests before going on (hep b and whatever else) had to do a test thing, answer a questionnaire, wait for funding, wait for dermy to fill in the invoice for the payment from a private company, take details for delivery of said meds, wait for a phone call for delivering meds, and then arrange to be supervised with skin dr while i give myself the injections.


Its been over 3 months. :(


These meds better fucking work or. I. will. scream.

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Just beat a very cocky player on Soul Calibur IV, he was giving me all the abuse he could give. I'm a level 1 online, haven't been online a lot and he is a level 45. He kept telling me he never loses, so i thwarted him 3-0 then left. He used a custom character, i used Yung-Seung.


Made my already great day quite pleasing even more. Which currently has gone well. With the improvements done to my PC, it has taken my Vista score from 1.8 (yes, it was seriously that) up to 3.8 which is much better. The performance of the PC is much better and i can get a lot more done now than before.


Work has gone well, out-did my boss with the workload completed. I did 35 programs today compared to her 6. I'm working to her targets and she isn't and work are noticing. And it is 1 year to the day since i joined Fairfield's.

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Week has been insane at work.. Couldn't get time off to go to my uncles funeral due to summer shortstaffy-ness (raging) and left to do the majority of the work, cause the other person in can't be bothered.


You know that's illegal, they cant legally refuse you time off work to go to a funeral.

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