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Yeah, didn't have anything else to do xD.


I played Godfather, and even that bored me... HOW... CAN... I.... BE.... BORED... OF GODFATHER? Its not possible, its not logical... At least not in my mind.


Which means that me sleepy = me (even more) stupid.


Seriously, how can you get bored of The Godfather :nono:

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As i said before, even if i woke up by being beaten up, i would sleep later, like, 30 minutes, so, unless i have a Vigilante (Vigilant/Vigilante?) looking at me 12 Hours in a day beating me up when i sleep, it won't work..


But anyway, i think this time i'l finally get my Clock in a good state :D

Im sleepy, its 7:00 PM, i just have to wait 5 hours without sleeping and doing exercice, and i pretty much will get my Biological Clock alright ^^

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My day was going well until this bitch of a woman declared she was our new manager. Luckily I'm leaving in about a month but I don't even know if I can last that long!


My week ahead is looking good. Clubbing tonight, V festival tommorrow, clubbing monday night, rave tuesday night, packing for Reading on wednesday, READING, and then sweet sweet nothing :)

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Raaaage! All my mates have already seen The Dark Knight. I'm thinking of being a loser, going out now, getting a bottle of scotch and seeing it on me bill. Suggestions?


yes. Just see it, I'm going to go again next week it transcends traditional film. As pretentious as that sounds.

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See it right now :nono:, don't get too Hyped tough, it could ending let you down.


Even if you don't like/don't know Batman/didn't saw Batman Begins, it doesn't matter, just try it, its really very cool.

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I saw Batman Begins 3 times in the cinema, so I'm probably going to love this pretty hard. Aight, that decides it, I'm seein the 8:15 showing. Cannae waaaait!


Why is it people view going to the cinema alone as such a taboo?


As I believe Nightwolf said recently, you sit in the dark and don't talk anyway. Why the big drama about going with friends?


Oh and I had the awesomest three course meal;


Starter - Choc Dip

Main - Veg chilli with rice and cheesy nachos

Pudding - Ice cream

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Had a little run in with someone today....was kinda funny.


I was coming out of a multi story car park, and stopped due to a man on a bike crossing, and his daughter was behind him on another bike, she stopped and waited to go, I gave her a smile and put my hand up, and she smiled back and carried on across the road, then I caught the fathers eye and he said "Its give way there, you twat" and pointed to where I had stopped. I was like (WTF?...I'm stationary) I think I yelled out to him something like "What? Fuck off." and he said something like "Fucking idiot." So I said "You're a fucking paedophile" and drove off.


Heh, was pretty happy with that. Hope it really riled him up. :heh:


I got my Darkrai from Woolies. Hes coool! Gonna watch The Shining tonight.

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Why is it people view going to the cinema alone as such a taboo?


As I believe Nightwolf said recently, you sit in the dark and don't talk anyway. Why the big drama about going with friends?


Oh and I had the awesomest three course meal;


Starter - Choc Dip

Main - Veg chilli with rice and cheesy nachos

Pudding - Ice cream


There's a Taboo?


LOL, didn't know about that one, lol.


But now that i think about it, i always notice that im the only one who enters alone in the Cinema... That makes me kinda sad :'(

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Why is it people view going to the cinema alone as such a taboo?


As I believe Nightwolf said recently, you sit in the dark and don't talk anyway. Why the big drama about going with friends?


Oh and I had the awesomest three course meal;


Starter - Choc Dip

Main - Veg chilli with rice and cheesy nachos

Pudding - Ice cream


think I can claim that one actually, telling nightwolf to go alone as her friends were being dweebs :heh:

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With pretty much everyone I know having seen The Dark Knight already (well the people I'd go with), I may have to follow the path of The Bard and see it on my own. If it come in once the Trailers have started and it's dark, I don't think anyone will notice it.

It's pretty much been drummed into me as being a taboo thing, maybe because a lot cinema stories/comments made about things in the cinema have been about people who go on their own. Although it is true, you view it in silence anyway, most of the times you block out your surroundings too.


Day was alright, although, whilst clearing up the work car park, me and my friend had to dispose of a used condom that was leaking out...

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I go on my own quite a lot. And I see loads of others who do the same. I also don't mind going for something to eat on my own


Couldn't give a shit. It's a film. Do you need somebody with you when you watch TV? Are you that needy and insecure?


Day was ok. Spent most of it watching the girlfriend playing Mario Galaxy.


It's strangely fun to watch her play.

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Couldn't give a shit. It's a film. Do you need somebody with you when you watch TV? Are you that needy and insecure?


I could supply you with research, insight and conjectures about the issue but I presume you don't actually want it :p

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To be fair, the "couldn't give a shit" came prior to the wonderings and could have been "I couldn't give a shit about going alone or not" :p


Oh and the final productive thing I shall do; email about a job I've seen advertised; 'nightclub photographer'.

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Oh and the final productive thing I shall do; email about a job I've seen advertised; 'nightclub photographer'.


? Sounds really cool, but what does it state is involved. Imagination is only stretching so far by the title. And as one of the things I'd love to once I've gratuated involves photography, it's always nice to know you can cross over fields for a little extra.

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? Sounds really cool, but what does it state is involved. Imagination is only stretching so far by the title. And as one of the things I'd love to once I've gratuated involves photography, it's always nice to know you can cross over fields for a little extra.


Taking and selling photos to drunk clubbers :p http://www.picture-pal.co.uk

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Thanks. Although oddly it says you'll need transport but I will live in the city centre...Anyway. I don't particularly want a job but £7/hour and five hours work ain't bad. Plus bonus apparently. We shall see. We shall see.

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