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Oh dear, offensive to j0rdan and letty, good one tellyn :heh:




I had an okay day, work was cack, I still feel ill but not ill, and I took out my 2nd nose piercing cause it was gettin' on my nerves so much. The first one will probably go soon, because the second one seemed to have a knock on effect with the irritation :(

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Was suprisingly upbeat at work which I suppose was a mixture because of the relatively not-bad news and the fact im now off until Sunday :D


Treated my grandparents to a meal at work. All three meals and drinks came to £11. Bargain. Yay for 50% off.


And work tonight was quiet and a bit slow but alright.

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ok day today. i saw Baby Mama. nearly two hours of tina fey = wonderfull. the film was pretty good, some very funny moments.


then i rang my mum. Speaking to my mum has become the single most depressing thing i can do at the moment. She knows I'm feeling down about my life, so she points out my failings and all the things that have gone wrong for me, and worse makes it all seem my fault. I can't stand speaking to her any more, i think i'm going to not answer the phone for a while.

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Wellll, today work was really really boring. Was a really slow day so I was constantly waiting for work to come in. Don't like that.


The surprise party/BBQ for mom's 50th birthday was really nice though! I think about 30 people from the family showed up (pretty much everyone who got invited from her sisters/brothers/my dad's siblings...). The food was nice, especially dessert with brownie my sister made and other cookies stuff my aunt made. Mom was really surprised and touched to see everyone here. =)

They stayed until 11 pm (everyone has to work so they couldn't stay too long) and dad, mom and I spent until 00:30 cleaning up. Was a nice evening. And again I feel a bit tipsy from the wine. =P

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Had a long day, was up early making a few phone calls to estate agents and insurance companies.


Then had lunch with my mom, and finished working for the day. Cooked dinner for the falmily and then we settled down to watch tv for an hour. My mate asked me out to celebrae the return of one of the lads from LA and we went out and had a few beers, danced with some lovely women and now I've returned home with the idea of being up at about 7.30 am to sort out tomorrow's schedule!!

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Guest bluey

hah.. tellyn, i bow to your (albeit accidental) comedic genius *bows*


in other news ~ i just accidentally went ever so slightly nuts at my housemate's boyfriend... i left them a note this morning under the door (at 5am when i was woken by the pain of many big insect bites on my ankles O_O!!) asking to borrow my phrasebook back so i can go get medicine for them. i even added - for ease - "just leave it in my mail slot before you leave for work!"

did she? did she hell.

a little earlier when i heard movement i knocked on the door and rather firmly asked for my book. in that kind of "now." tone...

poor guy was a little shaken up but meh - i know for a fact *shudder* he got lucky this morning so i have no sympathy,

plus it was hormonal rather than personal. he's not all that bad.


anyhoo... OFF TO THE DRUGSTORE!! *skips* ...owww...

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just came back from ikebukuro with my friends ~ we went to see the new ghibli movie.... it was.... OK. i have the stupid theme song in my head and a banging headache to go with it now @_____@





Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko...


Did it have subs in the cinema ( I realise it probably wouldn't)? How good is your Japanese?

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Guest bluey
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko...

Did it have subs in the cinema ( I realise it probably wouldn't)? How good is your Japanese?

i shall kill youuuuuuuuu!!! *shakes fist*

one of my students kids started singing that while she was waiting for her mum to finish her lesson. i was like NOOOooooooooo terrifyingly cute and nauseatingly irritating all at once!! X____x i think the kid must've caught my "eeh do i hug it or kill it?!" expression cause she clocked me and trailed off into silence.. which made it even cuter >_<


nooo it wasnt subtitled... and my japanese is greeting/basic conversation level at best... but the storyline for this film is very simple.. so i caught a fair bit :smile: not sure it has subs anywhere yet unfortunately...




OWCH!! ye bastad!


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I was supposed to go see The Dark Knight last night but when we got to the cinema, 5 minutes after the scheduled start time, there was a queue going down the street! We ended up going to the pub instead and I ended up getting drunk, fun times, although would have definitely preferred to see the film. Got tickets booked for Friday instead now though.


My friend also asked me if I wanted to do some charity its a knockout style thing on Saturday for the company she works for, so Friday and Saturday are gonna be two very awesome days!

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Guest bluey
ooh brutal bite, kiddo.

i have 6 of those bad boys... 2 on the soles of my feet too. >_<!!

and dont call me kiddo :heh:


So nervous about today.

dont be nervous rok!! you can do it!! ..whatever it is! :yay:

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Guest Jordan

Can you walk okay Bluey? O_o Must have been something fairly large/nasty to have gotten you so many times... or a few of them thinking "mmm.. Bluey blood."

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hah.. tellyn, i bow to your (albeit accidental) comedic genius *bows*


in other news ~ i just accidentally went ever so slightly nuts at my housemate's boyfriend... i left them a note this morning under the door (at 5am when i was woken by the pain of many big insect bites on my ankles O_O!!) asking to borrow my phrasebook back so i can go get medicine for them. i even added - for ease - "just leave it in my mail slot before you leave for work!"

did she? did she hell.

a little earlier when i heard movement i knocked on the door and rather firmly asked for my book. in that kind of "now." tone...

poor guy was a little shaken up but meh - i know for a fact *shudder* he got lucky this morning so i have no sympathy,

plus it was hormonal rather than personal. he's not all that bad.


anyhoo... OFF TO THE DRUGSTORE!! *skips* ...owww...


Ahh insect bites. I get them all the fraking time in one place or another. But thankfully I've been having them for about twelve years so I'm used to it and can scratch a bit and ignore it by and large. Or know that if I scratch it so much it just bleeds and then all is fine :D


But my best advise is to scratch somewhere else, to remove the urge to scratch. Everyone always gives weirdface to that suggestion but it works.


Anyway. Today...part of me wants to lounge around but im going to go to town. Just need to you know..get dressed first. And decide if im riding or walking down there.

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Guest bluey
Can you walk okay Bluey? O_o Must have been something fairly large/nasty to have gotten you so many times... or a few of them thinking "mmm.. Bluey blood."

i think something got trapped in my bed with me ... :blank:


yeah go on...


and ash!!! thats a really good idea! i actually get this kind of perverse satisfaction from letting it itch though... it's like hah-HAH you want me to itch you but i'm not gunna and there's nothing you can do about it.... *squirm* i win i win i win!!


...now i come to think of it! WHY the hell do bugs have to make us itch too? they already numb the area to drinksteal the blood.. why've they gotta make it worse by leaving it to itch too?! it's like a burglar breaking into your house, stealing your 360 and your wii...then replacing it with a PS3 and a copy of heavenly sword...then peeing on your sofa. :hmm:


in other news: and along the same vein as BLUEY'S BUG BONANZA~


saw this guy on my telephone wire today... he was HUUUUGE.

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If you think it might be in your bed its best to strip all the quilt and stuff off and leave the matress to stand by the window. It needs to be chilled to quite a low temp to kill them off. Best to leave it before work in the morning and come back (and put a jumper on) to it later.

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The other week my girlfriend got bitten and her foot swelled to about twice the size. She went to the hospital and got some antibiotics. It took ages to heal and when it had done it was fine for a day or two and it got bitten again a few days ago. We're going on holiday as well on saturday. Plus the antibiotics stop her pill from working. Gah

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The other week my girlfriend got bitten and her foot swelled to about twice the size. She went to the hospital and got some antibiotics. It took ages to heal and when it had done it was fine for a day or two and it got bitten again a few days ago. We're going on holiday as well on saturday. Plus the antibiotics stop her pill from working. Gah


haha plastic hatties for you!


Days going to be boring, although I refuse to play super paper mario until later, that game is so addictive and time seems to whizz by abit too quickly. :blank:

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Guest bluey
If you think it might be in your bed its best to strip all the quilt and stuff off and leave the matress to stand by the window. It needs to be chilled to quite a low temp to kill them off. Best to leave it before work in the morning and come back (and put a jumper on) to it later.


i'm doing that now - unfortunately the only way to get anything cool in the tokyo heat is to shut myself inside my room with the aircon on full blast.


...it's amazing ^________________________^


plus ~ moogleviper have you and your girlfriend ever considered the contraceptive injection? afaik it's not effected by antibiotics, you only need 1 shot every 3 months and statistically it's as effective as the pill. oh, and it's awesome.

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