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I HATE it too. I'd rather just have the exams, that way I know when to revise for and thats all the work I have.


But seriously, like you I'm worrying about Pyshcology. I got a D because I did well in cognition and law but I got 1 mark/15 for memory. I've not gone to the revsions classes and I've not been doing revision either. I've got so much other work to do, I keep putting revision on hold.:(


If I can get through this week, when both my coursework pieces are handed in I should feel a little less stressed. But I know by wednesday I'll have a mini breakdown. Oh, the joy of college.


Anyhoo, awesome! It's always great to have such a positive person around, makes me feel all happy when I'm a little down and reading the forums.:D


Cool! thanks :awesome: :heart:


What i hate MOST about coursework is the fact that i have to learn a whole new topic for a whole term just to do the courswork with that extra time i could have been consolidating the work i'd already been doing in the other class! so it wouldn't be so much to revise now!


Some how i'll manage to pull it off in the exam.... :)


Psychology is so easy to mess up it's scary you have to do well in all 6 papers!


Which scares me! and the questions are ones where if you know them there easy as a pear but if you don't then your a bit stuffed!


Once i had finished my History Coursework i fell ill for the rest of the half term!


I'm much better at exams! :D


Anyway i've now cleaned my room (shoved some things in the cupboards:heh:) time to look at more Uni's!

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Hehehe yeah I agree, it was kind of silly why they would do that. Plus nothing was ever explained about why those people all had to die or how the pheromone thing worked and whatever. Or the gender transforming. Ah well, it made for a nice little distraction anyway.


And I've probably seen the last episode (I followed the show religiously back in the day), but I can't remember it right now. Looking forward to it, whenever I get to watch it (probably won't be anytime soon X3 ).

I wanted to watch all 9 seasons and the movie before the next one comes out (apparently this summer), but I don't think I'll make that deadline. @___@;


Yah I'd basically seen like 3 episodes ever before I watched season one and now I most definitely want to watch it ALL. I think I've seen the movie already, though. Friend's said she can get season 2 for me soon (as she gave them to her mum for a present and now she's borrowing them from her :P) but once that's done... well I have no idea what I'm going to do. Might actually have to RENT them!!


I'm back tomorrow! Argh!


I'm going back to 5/6 weeks of hell. I've got:


Phil/Eth coursework due in next week

Pysch coursework handed back and 5 days to finish it

Revision for English (GCSE) and Geography (AS) resit

Then revision for the pysch exam, which I NEED a B in, but my mock a few weeks back was a D.

Oh, and learning the entire years course of Biology - I've got 4 weeks left to finish it before the exam. I can't resit this exam either (long story).


Help me.


Ok- psych c/w is... a pile of poo :P you can straighten that out in a good evening/night sesh of 4 hours or so. English GCSE is also surely a doddle - do you know what texts you're looking at? I might be able to help you a littlethere. Psych exam, again, not too tricky if you're willing to knuckle down for a few days. I did my revision in 3 days and aced a couple of the papers. Just learn 3 case-studies, 3 theories.


The rest-- I have no idea :P



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I'm back tomorrow! Argh!


I'm going back to 5/6 weeks of hell. I've got:


Phil/Eth coursework due in next week

Pysch coursework handed back and 5 days to finish it

Revision for English (GCSE) and Geography (AS) resit

Then revision for the pysch exam, which I NEED a B in, but my mock a few weeks back was a D.

Oh, and learning the entire years course of Biology - I've got 4 weeks left to finish it before the exam. I can't resit this exam either (long story).


Help me.

Right, well English GSCE is relatively quick to revise for - just look over set texts and maybe think about themes. As for biology, you'll have a lot to learn, but that's all you've got to do - learn it.


Anyway, I've been doing even more thermodynamics. Anyone who did Chemistry past GCSE will know and love those equilibrium constants... well, it turns out that the maths to derive them is actually really cool. And it also explains why you often leave out water.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been away in Derby/Stoke-on-Trent/somwhere near Derby ish over weekend.

Went down Saturday morning, took a few photos for one of my photography units. Helped set up the shooting range which took us from about midday to past 3, maybe 4. In that time though we cleared out the hut we use, set up the orning/tarpaulin I forget what it's called. Had a go at using the air rifles. Started out good, started to get bad, then I picked up the most amazing rifle. Serial #5838. Beautiful gun. The result of two days shooting at 10 yards from the target. Today was the tournament which I won because of that gun. Had a go at field target, involved knocking a small circle down, then knocking it back up. Then shooting a frangible, then another, then shooting 5 pellets in a target. I would have won that if some annoying man didn't beat me.

I've gone on too long and I doubt anyone really cares.

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Yesterday I went to pub for my birthday that coming up soon with my sisters and today nothing much happened because i got up at 4pm and had my dinner.


I should eat more because I am about 8 stone and starting to feel bit sick quite alot now. :hmm:

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I've been away in Derby/Stoke-on-Trent/somwhere near Derby ish over weekend.

Went down Saturday morning, took a few photos for one of my photography units. Helped set up the shooting range which took us from about midday to past 3, maybe 4. In that time though we cleared out the hut we use, set up the orning/tarpaulin I forget what it's called. Had a go at using the air rifles. Started out good, started to get bad, then I picked up the most amazing rifle. Serial #5838. Beautiful gun. The result of two days shooting at 10 yards from the target. Today was the tournament which I won because of that gun. Had a go at field target, involved knocking a small circle down, then knocking it back up. Then shooting a frangible, then another, then shooting 5 pellets in a target. I would have won that if some annoying man didn't beat me.

I've gone on too long and I doubt anyone really cares.


Hot shit, next time take me with you.

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Guest Stefkov

If you're on about what I wrote. I had like a few hours sleep last night and I've just had small amounts of sleep the past few days. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn.

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