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Guest Stefkov

My day just got a little better. Printer was playing up before but now it's kinda ok. Taking a really long time to print a page off then I have to put the paper back in to pring on the other side.


And now my l feels wierd everytime I use it...

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So I just found out I'm going to have a clash with my one of my English GCSE exams and my A2 computing exam. So basically, I'm gonna need to find out wether I can like transfer myself to my college, from where i'm doing the English course !_!


And even if they let me, that's 4 1/2 hours worth of examination all at once !_!

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Guest Stefkov

Well there we go. 3 to 4 hours later 26 pages done, printed on both sides.

160gsm paper so it weighs...heavy.



Now my Photography essay to plan and do later this morning before my 2 o'clock lesson.

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What format is it on?


What Jordan said.


Do you have to sign/agree to non-disclosure stuff?


Done, but obviously if things are in the public domain then I can talk about them. If I told you anything else I knew, I'd have to kill you...





Do you know what you're working on next?


Nope, thats a good point. I'll ask today.


Do you have an office/desk?


I have a desk with a massive HD TV on it for lunch time ProEvo. :heh:







I love my job!

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My day just got a little better. Printer was playing up before but now it's kinda ok. Taking a really long time to print a page off then I have to put the paper back in to pring on the other side.


And now my l feels wierd everytime I use it...


you could first print all even pages, and then al odd...

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What Jordan said.




Done, but obviously if things are in the public domain then I can talk about them. If I told you anything else I knew, I'd have to kill you...







Nope, thats a good point. I'll ask today.




I have a desk with a massive HD TV on it for lunch time ProEvo. :heh:







I love my job!



Thats cruel :D.


Sure, i have my own office, but i have an old-ish PC struggling to run the application we build and an old 19" Sony CRT monitor. Exactly the one i had, only in white around 6 years ago...


Although, i can't moan about anything else. Except maybe the fact i never get a lunch break. I usually have to get food and get back to work, because i'm so busy. But that also means that when its quiet, i can just go out for an hour to do whatever.


Double edged sword... but i'd prefer to be playing Dragon Quest than trouble shooting and answering questions on cost management software.

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Oh my god. That was hilarious. I literally just laughed at a client to her face (kind of) She was asking about how protected her money is with Halifax. I said we're one of the strongest, biggest and richest banks in the entire world and that we are very safe....she then compared us to Equitable Life. I laughed in my head. Who here has even heard of them! Anyway thats not when I laughed at her she kept saying oh I need to know the actual protected amount under FSA legislation (Something which had already been noted on the system to get the answer to her) which I confirmed would be deal asap, I said it was EXTREMELY unlikely we'd go into administration etc and she said "Well, don't say that, thats not true" (It is true) "Royal Bank of Scotland are part of you and they are in big debts......" ...."Errrr....no they're not" I said. She was like "Yes they are." She was trying to tell me who I worked for lol. I said Bank of Scotland are part of Halifax, not RBS, which she further disputed which is when I chuckled down the phone and assured he they werent and that BOS and RBS are different. She quickly said "OH well yes thank you if you get that query to me soon" Embarassed or something. Heh heh. What a fool.

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Oh dear...


Still, you shouldn't have laughed :D.


It wasnt like I was laughing at her, it was more that...laughing at the situation kind of laugh, can't really explain it. Like.


"Haaa-I can assure you it is"


Kinda thing. What I really shouldnt of done is told one of the new people who was work shadowing me (listening to my calls) that I occasionally hang up on clients if they piss me off. 0_o


I just say stupid things sometimes........Left that open for you guys. : - )

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Guest Stefkov

This day goes from worse to even worse.

I need to now take the bus in, meaning I'm gonna have to carry in two essays, both not even finished on a 30/40 minute bus journey. Heavy stuff.

Then I need to get my first one bound so that it's complete.

Then I don't even have any pritt stick so I can't do my second essay. I'll have to wait till I go in to college. I can either go in early and get work started at dinner or just go in for the lesson and see how I do.

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Ugh this is stupid. I decide to skip my drawing class today cause I felt like crap, so I slept. Then I had to hurry to catch my bus for my next class (even had to skip food so I haven't eaten yet).


And I arrive here and guess what? Teacher isn't here. So I made all the effort to get here in time for nothing. Problem is we have a reading thing to go to at 7, but from now till then I have nothing to do. Not sure if I should go home again or stay here for five hours and work on whatever. -____-;


*still has a headache*

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My days been 'bleh'. Had a ride to Lincoln this morning to take my brother back to uni, twas ok.


I've developed a dodgey stomach, yay.


Got to go to sixth form in an hour for tutor review ...yay. All they're going to do is moan about my maths (Seeing as my tutor is also my maths teacher).


I have a biology essay to write, yay.


And school starts again tomorrow, yay.


(All above "yay's" are sarcastic)

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Yesterday was alright. Highlight of the day was five of us trying to break into our friend's car. And watching Juno again, although chosing to do so at midnight meant a few people dozed off.


So far today I have slept. Watched Dirt, and now trying to do an assignment.

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