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Well, better wish you all an Early Merry Christmas - I'll be back in the UK tomorrow with Mrs Iun and we'll be internet-less until we get back to Shanghai.


So, Mary Kiss My Ass, What A Dapper New Beard!




Merry Christmas To All, And To All A Good Night.


I'm so watching Christmas Vacation when I get to my parent's house...

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Free hug man is awesome.


Alright day, went to class and my tutor has basically given me every piece of coding I need for my work, so thats sorted. Also got peoples opinions on my work, not sure whether to change it quickly and re-render, but it took me 9hours last night and I'm abit worried it'll be even longer..luckily I have the time.


Now to hurry up and right my report.

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Stressful day of this term. Who knew getting a fucking movie from iMovie onto another laptop to play in iDVD to be projected would take all day?


The fates were stacked against Solanne and I, the two film editors. The film was done last night, so we assumed this would take an hour at most, setting it all up. Large files, tiny USBs, locked files, admin passwords required when admins can't remember their passwords, broken projectors that projects what to the right of the laptop screen (i.e, the video box is shoved all the way off the desktop, and can be seen on the wall via projection - no idea how that happened).


Yeah, just so tiring and hopeless at points. Not perfect, and a shame cause we put a lot of work into it.

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So my day has been omg.


Got home from uni, set up my computer, and installed windows 7 on my (new :D) laptop.


Then my parents walk into my room, with a new 360 (old one RROD'd out of warranty), an extra controller, Forza 3, and to top it off, a shit-tonne of Mt. Dew.


I am currently giddy with excitement.

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Last two days haven't been particularly exciting but I've done some more drawing, found a facebook group for the course I want to do so hoping I can bug them for info and decorated my room with some tinsel in the hope it will make me feel more Christmassy. Even the hamster has some round her cage which I'm sure is putting her in the festive mood.

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Got up at 5am (AHH) and went to Old Street in Laaandaaan to do my E-tray for the fast stream. My Dad had described it as though it would be like arriving in Beirut, but it was actually alright.


The E-tray. Meh. Really difficult. The worst thing is, I don't know if what I did was totally rubbish or actually ok, no way of knowing. I'm not at all confident though. Potentially won't know if I've got through until February.


We were done by lunchtime so myself and a lovely girl called Anna who I'd known for all of two hours went to Covent Garden to look at the Christmas market. It was nice, I bought some truffles and cupcakes for the family. Then it started drissley snowing and my friend couldn't get out of work to meet me for lunch so I came home james.

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Balls. I appear to have done something to my ankle. I mis-stepped on a step at work and bent my foot upwards a bit too far. It hurts a bunch. And tomorrow, we have to move a load of office furnature around so I'll be on my feet most of the day. Good times.

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Looong day. Left my house at 12, got home at 11. Got some food about to be burned in the oven, then some Friday Night Lights and Sons of Anarchy (TV shows) to watch with some cider, then bedbedbed.

What was it like? I've always wanted to go on one of those Mystery Dinner shizzles.
It was a pre-made game that someone found at a car-boot. Had a tape with a recorded intro and outro, and pre-mdae booklets for several characters. You had to stay in character throughout the evening (we had a 3-course meal of niceness), and each 'round' (there were 10) we simply turned a page, and had some more info/questions to share with the group. Most of the fun was had in acting, ideally, with some preparation it could be epic.


Maybe when you think you're being more mean [as was your plan] you're coming off happier.
That's the thing - not had a chance to be mean yet! Just sorta... accepting life.
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Drunkest I've been in a while,m everythinf;s sort of from DISTSANCE an yeah. tutors came to pub/bar to lots of free drink. loving life in general advised to gert a taxi but it's so mucvhe funniuer ewtting ;ost in a park that you assumed would get uou home, but then fin ding your obvious way home. Yes, said.

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Were you the murderer?

Nope :(

Drunkest I've been in a while,m everythinf;s sort of from DISTSANCE an yeah. tutors came to pub/bar to lots of free drink. loving life in general advised to gert a taxi but it's so mucvhe funniuer ewtting ;ost in a park that you assumed would get uou home, but then fin ding your obvious way home. Yes, said.


I thought you were invulnerable to alcohol? :P

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