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Guest Captain Falcon
I am beginning to believe I may have bitten off part of my tongue during my last fit. It shouldn't still be hurting this much this long after.


Fun times!


How's your speech - any different?




On the way home from work it has absolutely slatted it down but it seems to have stopped now. Hopefully it will hold off until I've finished playing football as i was really heavy sleety stuff and no one wants to play in that.


Should be fun...

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Bahhh I hate my teeth. There was a small part in one of my teeth that seemed to have come loose, but it was still in there. But just now the piece came out and so now I have a pretty big hole in my tooth. D:

I'm in school so txted dad to call the dentist for me. I hope I can have an appointment soon cause this hole is very very uncomfortable. Plus I probably have other stuff she needs to take care of. My teeth are horrible. =(


Edit: yay, appointment tomorrow. Will have to miss some school but oh well, my health is more important. =P


Argh I hate my teeth too. Similar thing happened to one of my wisdom teeth at uni. I couldn't afford to have it out though and parents were on holiday so they couldn't bail me out. Was in utter agony for about 2 weeks solid. Literally, agony ALL the time. Hope you get yours sorted soon as I know what the pain is like :(


Annoys me though as I clean my teeth all the time, rarely eat sweets or drink fizzy stuff and my teeth shit... Yet, my brother, RARELY cleans his teeth and is always eating sweets and pretty much only drinks fizzy stuff yet his teeth are perfect pearly white.


Damn family members that don't even make an attempt to prevent transmitting their germs!!! =( Ironically my dad moaned and moaned about it, went to the doc and got meds and everything. Made a big dramatic deal every time he coughed yet couldn't be DAMN ARSED covering his mouth. Fucks sake.


Awww hope you're feeling better soon :( Damn winter with the flus flying around everywhere :( One of my friends never covers their mouth when coughing either and it's grossss.


I am beginning to believe I may have bitten off part of my tongue during my last fit. It shouldn't still be hurting this much this long after.


Shit dude that aint good.. Is your tongue bleeding or anything?


My day: Boring. Took the car to the carwash. Came out more dirty than it went in... Go figure.

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How's your speech - any different?
Shit dude that aint good.. Is your tongue bleeding or anything?

Seems alright. I might retract my tongue removal comment. Either way I have some amazingly painful teethmarks on my tongue. But I'm going to add insult to injury by having a McD's Drive-Thru later. See how M.C Tonguemon copes with salty chips.

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Argh I hate my teeth too. Similar thing happened to one of my wisdom teeth at uni. I couldn't afford to have it out though and parents were on holiday so they couldn't bail me out. Was in utter agony for about 2 weeks solid. Literally, agony ALL the time. Hope you get yours sorted soon as I know what the pain is like :(


Annoys me though as I clean my teeth all the time, rarely eat sweets or drink fizzy stuff and my teeth shit... Yet, my brother, RARELY cleans his teeth and is always eating sweets and pretty much only drinks fizzy stuff yet his teeth are perfect pearly white.


Luckily I wasn't in too much pain, though drinking (cold) water hurt quite a bit heh. I got to go to the dentist today, though I was only in there for 15 minutes. She put in a temporary filling as she's too busy right now to do a real one yet. Have to go back on the 21st for a real filling heh.


And yeah, it's not fair how some people can eat whatever and not clean their teeth, yet still have perfect teeth... But since both of my parents have false teeth I blame it all on their genes heh. Darn them genes. =P

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Luckily I wasn't in too much pain, though drinking (cold) water hurt quite a bit heh. I got to go to the dentist today, though I was only in there for 15 minutes. She put in a temporary filling as she's too busy right now to do a real one yet. Have to go back on the 21st for a real filling heh.


And yeah, it's not fair how some people can eat whatever and not clean their teeth, yet still have perfect teeth... But since both of my parents have false teeth I blame it all on their genes heh. Darn them genes. =P


Yeah I think it is genetic (and if there's fluoride in the water)


I've only got a couple of fillings thanks to good genetics, hygiene, and living in the north of scotland growing up there was flouride aplenty in the natural water.


It makes me really sad and angry that kids are having their BABY TEETH FILLED. What the fuck?! If that's what kind of environment their adult teeth are growing into they won't last long.

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Yeah I think it is genetic (and if there's fluoride in the water)


I've only got a couple of fillings thanks to good genetics, hygiene, and living in the north of scotland growing up there was flouride aplenty in the natural water.


It makes me really sad and angry that kids are having their BABY TEETH FILLED. What the fuck?! If that's what kind of environment their adult teeth are growing into they won't last long.


I had fillings in some of my milk teeth. =(

I take good care of my teeth and I don't really drink stuff like coke (if I do it's maybe once every two or three weeks, if that), don't eat too many sweet things etc. Bah.

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Some people just have bad teeth, I've always had discoloured teeth, having braces at such a young age made it worse.


Today has been upsetting, I was all excited about having my flat with my mate for next year and one bag decided to try and make me all worried about it by saying my mate was awful to live with, turns out he isn't. But god damn it just wasn't needed.

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My ear is killing me. Left one been blocked since yesterday. It was okay this morning then slowly came back with a vengeance. Thankfully wasn't otherwise as ill today as yesterday though. It's fluid in my ear drum or something, I can feel it when I bend up and down.

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How does braces give you discoloured teeth? I was thinking of braces in a few year but that has put me off. My teeth are quite white naturally.


Because I'd just brush using a normal tooth brush, it left me with white marks on the bottom. :p It doesn't happen to everybody but when I had them I was given three different sized brushes to use each time I had to clean morning and night and as a 12 year old I just wanted to brush my teeth and get out the door!

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Because I'd just brush using a normal tooth brush, it left me with white marks on the bottom. :p It doesn't happen to everybody but when I had them I was given three different sized brushes to use each time I had to clean morning and night and as a 12 year old I just wanted to brush my teeth and get out the door!


Eh, I was never given different brushes or anything. I just cleaned them like I normally did and I don't think my teeth got discoloured from them (but they naturally are a bit more yellow so maybe that's why haha).


I'm glad I got braces, even though right now I'm still left with a wire behind my bottom teeth. Not like anyone notices but me. =P

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Eh, I was never given different brushes or anything. I just cleaned them like I normally did and I don't think my teeth got discoloured from them (but they naturally are a bit more yellow so maybe that's why haha).


I'm glad I got braces, even though right now I'm still left with a wire behind my bottom teeth. Not like anyone notices but me. =P


I got my standard tooth brush, was told to floss (looking back how I don't know) and I was also given this type of brush..




Like the light blue one, but even less bristles than that.

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I got my standard tooth brush, was told to floss (looking back how I don't know) and I was also given this type of brush..


Hmm that does look familiar (the pic you posted first, with the thingie at the end)... maybe I did get one of those but I don't remember haha. It's been ages already and I'm getting old.

And yeah I don't think I flossed back then, don't see how that would work with the braces being in the way. =P

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How does braces give you discoloured teeth? I was thinking of braces in a few year but that has put me off. My teeth are quite white naturally.


Depends, the teeth can go yellow as you cannot reach parts of the teeth once the brace is on. Glue remains on the teeth once the pieces of the brace are removed, but it comes off with brushing.


It's been an ok day to be fair. Some of the stuff i ordered arrived, namely my Two and a Half Men DVD's and a polling card ready for a local election.

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Disaster! I have run out of House DVDs to watch. =(

I feel your pain. I lost the DVD gizmo about a week ago so I can't watch House; I'm in the middle of a disc. Bah.


My manager, of all people, is trying to set me up with this guy. I'm not interested. He's a Daily Mail reader. (There are more reasons but I think that's all you need to know).

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I feel your pain. I lost the DVD gizmo about a week ago so I can't watch House; I'm in the middle of a disc. Bah.


My manager, of all people, is trying to set me up with this guy. I'm not interested. He's a Daily Mail reader. (There are more reasons but I think that's all you need to know).


God shes a cunt (generally)


Nearly threw an absolute shit fit earlier, I was in the staff room playing Band Hero and all the managers came in, anyway she was standing in the door, and turned around to walk out and she walked into the door frame.


Was amazing. :D

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I'm itching to watch Buffy Season 2, finished season 1 a week ago. I'm borrowing them from my friend, but he is in Aberdeen, and only comes down every few weeks (and so has access to the DVD's at his house).


I may just cave and buy myself season 2 if it's cheap. I've come into money.


Need to get a girl on my course's secret santa pressie, not sure what though. I want it to be decent, but not too personal..or rubbish. Hmm.

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I'm itching to watch Buffy Season 2, finished season 1 a week ago. I'm borrowing them from my friend, but he is in Aberdeen, and only comes down every few weeks (and so has access to the DVD's at his house).


I may just cave and buy myself season 2 if it's cheap. I've come into money.


Need to get a girl on my course's secret santa pressie, not sure what though. I want it to be decent, but not too personal..or rubbish. Hmm.

Just don't make me watch the singing one or the silent one AGAIN *screams*

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I'm itching to watch Buffy Season 2, finished season 1 a week ago. I'm borrowing them from my friend, but he is in Aberdeen, and only comes down every few weeks (and so has access to the DVD's at his house).


I may just cave and buy myself season 2 if it's cheap. I've come into money.


Need to get a girl on my course's secret santa pressie, not sure what though. I want it to be decent, but not too personal..or rubbish. Hmm.


Give her Heroclix.

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No, she'd hate. She's really intimidatingly too-big-for-her-boots. 20, but her boyfriend looks like an old man, and she always feels like she has better things to do, like pick up the kids from practice.


I'll go shopping tomorrow. I'm un such a mood to buy a Wii game now I have money, but I wonder whether I should just wait and see if I get any of the ones I've asked for on Xmas morn. Maybe if I see a cheap stunner.

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No, she'd hate. She's really intimidatingly too-big-for-her-boots. 20, but her boyfriend looks like an old man, and she always feels like she has better things to do, like pick up the kids from practice.


I'll go shopping tomorrow. I'm un such a mood to buy a Wii game now I have money, but I wonder whether I should just wait and see if I get any of the ones I've asked for on Xmas morn. Maybe if I see a cheap stunner.


May I recommend Siege : The Cabal?


How about an issue of Invincible so you have a physical thing?


Or start The Walking Dead, which they're bound to have in stock.




Night night fuckers. :):love:

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May I recommend Siege : The Cabal?


How about an issue of Invincible so you have a physical thing?


Or start The Walking Dead, which they're bound to have in stock.




Night night fuckers. :):love:


I could get her a stunning trade paperback. She is good at life. She did an animation for her piece when the rest of us were still being shite with paint and pastels.

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Both my students turned up which is a shocker. Starting to make friends with some other people from one class but if I don't have a lecture with that student (and thus, that class) next semester I'll just disappear. While a new job would be nice I would hate to get one over xmas and just vanish. I'd feel...rude? I dunno. Afternoon student skipped seminar so it meant more money for less work. Take that government!


In a lecture today (taken by angry Scottish guy who I hate, as he's a cunt) there was a sentence that read;


The word stagflation is a conflation of stagnation and inflation.


-ation much? It amused a pea-mind like mine.


Oh and family drama. Yaaay >_>

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