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Urgh... sitting/lying in bed trying to work on a psychology report which is apparently on laterality in the brain ::shrug: Don't remember that being mentioned but oh well. I've written out the template of headings and filled in some of the sections but the report can't be finished because we haven't and won't have all the information needed to complete it until 2 days before the hand in date. Great organisation skills by the university there :nono: Have to do some research as well because they want 2 sources of information about previous/other similar experiments so that'll be fun. Think once I've finished writing the procedure section I'll call it a day on that.


Kinda want to go out but can't be bothered. I'll probably just end up going for a walk through the town or something to clear my mind of all this psychology crap I'm writing about now.

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Had a good sleep, went to bed at midnight and woke at 11 ^_^ Currently sitting cross-legged to get pins and needles, to get the day started on a fun note.


God knows what I'm going to do today. The temptation to go and buy some booze, then play xbox all day, is rather grand!


Hmmm, although. I don't find her particularly attractive :woops:. She has nice hair and a devious face though. She said something (can't remember what) when she logged off that added only more fuel to the fire, but I can't remember what.

Feminine wiles! She will win you through your curiousity. Be careful!
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Sometimes my school is such a failure. Me and a friend were supposed to have our lecture at 1:30, so we went to the classroom where we thought it was going to be in (since our schedule didn't mention any class at all). We waited around, but no one showed up. We looked into the other classrooms on the floor, but still no one familiar around.


So we went to the other building to the student secretary and asked if they knew where our lecture was. They called around trying to find out, then gave us a classroom number where "the lecture might be going on, but we're not sure". So my friend and I go back and check out the room, yet no one is in there, and neither is there anyone in the other rooms on that floor. So we just decided to go home. =P


Normally the lecture should be on again tomorrow afternoon so I think I'll just email the lecturer to ask where exactly it is, since no one else in school seems to know. :rolleyes:



Anyway, nap time!

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Good day, got paid and I only worked 8-11. The rest of the day is my oyster really.


ReZ are were orange wednesdaying tonight? I'll text you now actually.


Ouch busy tonight. Text backage.


I've been totally pimping the oven for literally two hours. I thought I'd make cookies....thought I'd double up the recipe to make loadz. Turned out making epic loadz. Like 150 loadz. I was literally sweating so much (Why? Its not exactly strenuous work)


They are fucking amazing.


Cooking thread/FaceBook (the official source for 24 hour ReZ comedy ~Add me Michael Jamieson if you want me~) for more details/flavours.


I've also been having a lot of fun with the Juda Bean game (link in signature) and the players seem to be loving it.

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Ouch busy tonight. Text backage.


I've been totally pimping the oven for literally two hours. I thought I'd make cookies....thought I'd double up the recipe to make loadz. Turned out making epic loadz. Like 150 loadz. I was literally sweating so much (Why? Its not exactly strenuous work)


They are fucking amazing.


Cooking thread/FaceBook (the official source for 24 hour ReZ comedy ~Add me Michael Jamieson if you want me~) for more details/flavours.


I've also been having a lot of fun with the Juda Bean game (link in signature) and the players seem to be loving it.

150 cookies and you can't give me any because they are probably not made from vegetables, damn! I have now replied. Tomorrow is good for moi. I've just said this in the text. But that is fine.


MY WISDOM TOOTH HURTS. I better have more wisdom or it's just not worth it.

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150 cookies and you can't give me any because they are probably not made from vegetables, damn! I have now replied. Tomorrow is good for moi. I've just said this in the text. But that is fine.


MY WISDOM TOOTH HURTS. I better have more wisdom or it's just not worth it.


Actually the plural of Wisdom is Wisdomz.


Tomorrow sounds good for me also. I'll make you an Aubergine Cookie*



*I probably won't.

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Had such a pointless trek out to Stevenson College (ugh) in Sighthill (ugh) to attend a thing run by Duncan of Jordanstone art college, showing off successful protfolios to potential applicants.


I saw my friend Tasha's folio, for a joke. Otherwise, I kinda hated the feeling I got. How the standard was really varied, and how so many of the amazing painters were really shitty, typical girls. Like...diary-cum-sketchbook, adding wings to paintings of themselves, going on about topshop in their artwork. Reminded me of everything I hate about insincerity. [/generalisation/sexist]


I screamed inside (remained stoney-faced on the exterior) when during the introductory speech, a school group arrived in late, and one of the girls looked exactly like Maeby Bluth, with nicer hair. I wanted to touch. (her) (hair)


The trip back to art college took an hour and a half, since Sighthill is both literally and figuratively filthy, and our bus broke down.


I did do a brilliant drawing/rubbing away of charcoal on a page this afternoon though. FUCK ASSESMENT TOMORROW I should finish off some of my sketchbook pages. UGH BIG sketchbooks. My least favourite kind.

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I made a massive post about why I didn't like it, but it was locked when I posted, meaning I lost it all.


There's no rules, so I hate.


Theres rules. I even underlined it. Rules. Rules.


I'm going out now. I am so beaned out, but thankfully I'm caught up.



Jay if possible....actually any mod can you please open the thread at 11:30PM....or there abouts? If you're online? If you're not don't worry about it.


(Biggest bean clue ever)

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My friend has asked me to do a speech at his birthday.


The very idea is nerve destroying but I can't not.






Why me....


Why would he need a speech at his birthday? If it were a wedding and you were bestman fair enough, but i've never heard of someone asking a mate to give a speech at a birthday

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