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To be fair, the substitute is going on the holiday for £300 instead of £500 (taking EEVILs example) so if that person really was a good friend then they would pay him the difference. He's paying £200 for nothing. Yes, he backed out, his fault, but its a bit harsh to let someone go in his place for a fraction of the cost.


Put it this way. You'd be pissed right?


Tbh, I don't see why. I'd be utterly pissed yes, but it would be entirely my fault. Had we not found someone else, he would still have to had payed the rest of the money to us, because otherwise we would have had to cancel the holiday. He backed out, therefore he lost his cash.

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It's really a question of friendship.


For a good friend I'd say, "Legal matters aside, friend, this is friendship dear friend. And here is the money, friend, I shall simply take your place."


However, if it was just some friend of a friend, I'd say, "I'm totally going to bang your sister on holiday*".


*I'd have to also be a dick though.

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It's really a question of friendship.


For a good friend I'd say, "Legal matters aside, friend, this is friendship dear friend. And here is the money, friend, I shall simply take your place."


However, if it was just some friend of a friend, I'd say, "I'm totally going to bang your sister on holiday*".


*I'd have to also be a dick though.


I'm obviously a dick. But, the fact he could of ruined the holiday for all of us, means I just can't feel sorry for the guy. It's his own stupid fault for saying he'd go in the first place. I just can't stand when people don't follow through with things and then expect everything to just fall pefectly into place.

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I hate being awoken rudely. And this morning annoyed the hell out of me.

At about 9 o'clock I hear barking. Then for the next 20 minutes all I hear is bark after bark after bark. Then occasional whining in there as well. I can't describe how annoying it was.

I wish I could have just smothered the dog with a pillow...

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Off today as I didnt feel well. I'm gonna phone art shops later to ask abut stocks of alginate moulding powder.


Watched the videos everyone is masturbating to from Britain's Got Talent. WTF. Still don't get it.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I don't know why, but I seem to feel some pressure in my head above my right eye. I've had it a few days and gets really uncomfortable whenever I lean forward and face downwards. Really noticed it whenever I lent down to pick the ball up playing squash the other day.


And paracetamol seems to make no difference - I thought they were supposed to be pain killers...


Other than that, can't complain too much except for one problem - my friendship with someone really close looks to be going down the toilet but nothing new there I guess...

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Off today as I didnt feel well. I'm gonna phone art shops later to ask abut stocks of alginate moulding powder.


Watched the videos everyone is masturbating to from Britain's Got Talent. WTF. Still don't get it.


Thats because Britains Got Talent is mildly entertaining at best.



If I wanted to see some woman cry at every other performance, then I'd stare at my girlfriend after we've had sex.

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I don't know why, but I seem to feel some pressure in my head above my right eye. I've had it a few days and gets really uncomfortable whenever I lean forward and face downwards. Really noticed it whenever I lent down to pick the ball up playing squash the other day.


And paracetamol seems to make no difference - I thought they were supposed to be pain killers...


Get yourself down to the opticians, please.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Get yourself down to the opticians, please.


Well I already wear corrective lenses, so it's not been that long since I last went but my vision hasn't actually been affected thus far.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Yeah paracetamols are pain killers. But they don't kill little creatures that are sitting on your eye.


Well it's not on my eye, it's in my forehead directly above. It's only slight sore to the touch, but I can constantly feel it.


And if there is something in there, it could be a whole new species so maybe it's best not to kill it. I don't think the eradication of a life form would go down too well with folks - I'm sure they'd rather see me offed instead.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Dude, that... sounds really bad. Doctors!


I'll see how it goes. If it gets worse then I may take a trip. I always feel like going to the doctors is like the ultimate sign in wimping out though. I've already been there once this month and would rather not go back if I can help it - even if the two points are probably unrelated.



Note: I have nothing against anybody else going, but I've managed to avoid them almost all my life thanks to generally excellent health but I wonder how much of it is psychological.

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Guest Captain Falcon


Probably the most ridiculous sentence I have ever bore/boar witness to.


I take it you don't read your own sentences?

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I'm generally of the same opinion, but if it's been a few days then you've already seen how it's going, and it's still going, so doc-it-up just to be sure.


I once had a thing in my vision, left it for a weekend to see if it would go away. It didn't, and now i'm half blind! Yay!

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Guest Captain Falcon
I'm generally of the same opinion, but if it's been a few days then you've already seen how it's going, and it's still going, so doc-it-up just to be sure.


I once had a thing in my vision, left it for a weekend to see if it would go away. It didn't, and now i'm half blind! Yay!


Well I never missed a day of high school, college, university, and thus far work through illness or injury. The amount of things as a child I've fallen on/in/through/off (sometimes on purpose) and walked away without a scratch is unbelievable - the only bones I've broken belonged to someone else. Maybe this is retribution for years of physical abuse as a kid.


It could be a sinus infection. I had one a few months ago and it felt like toothache, but it moved from tooth to tooth so I knew it wasn't. Faces are funny things.


That that does sound like a possibility - I'm still feeling the effects of a cold I got over 2 weeks ago.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Mine affected my lower right cheek area, but your sinuses are also above your eyes, so it could be what you have. After, or part of a cold, is a common thing too.


I used decongestants regularly and it cleared up in a few days.


But I'm no doctor.

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Pics or it didn't happen :p


Seriously though, how do you know its her?


If I post it here I'll have them damn red names after me.


I don't know for sure it's her, but it looks exactly like her, and its not a stretch to imagine that she's the sort of person who would take such a picture.

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