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Most awkward day ever. I was in the study room with my best mate and....my faux best mate (He's a bit of a wanker, but thinks I like him masses). They've been randomly having dirrty conversations on facebook and acting like the have the desperate need to rip each others clothes off (More so her than him. He acts as though he thinks she's a "total munter", and then does this) Thing is, he treats women like dogs...even though he's never actually managed to get 'any'. She hates him, but can't seem to help herself.


In the study room we were sat at the computer, and those two were very close to each other, and I was on the opposing side of the table. Apparently, he thinks I'm either utterly dense, or blind. He was OBVIOUSLY randomly feeling her up...I was trying not to laugh, but the fact he was...enjoying it a little too much was HILARIOUS.


I asked her to come with me to go and get some lunch, and as soon as we left the room we looked at each other and literally collapsed with laughter. God, the women I know at college are thick. I hate that when it all goes tits up, I'll have to listen to her moaning/crying/screaming about him for weeks. Plus the fact we're going on a holiday in 3 months, so when it all fucks up, the holiday will end up being filled with arguments. Fun.


...Is it me, or did that sound like an abysmal episode of Hollyoaks?


Why are women thick? Why was she laughing? She was being felt up? Didn't she enjoy it? I'm confused.

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Why are women thick? Why was she laughing? She was being felt up? Didn't she enjoy it? I'm confused.




Haha, because he's a total wanker, and yet she can't seem to resist doing something with him. A conversation basically goes "Omg he's such a wanker.....but he's a bit of a fit wanker. Maybe I'll just do him once? No! He's a wanker...but". (But yes, she was being felt up...infront of me...and he obviously thought I didn't have a clue).


She did enjoy it, but as soon as she's not around him, she realises how much of a douche he really is, and therefore manages to laugh hysterically at the situation whilst being utterly annoyed at him...but then as soon as he's around it's like she changes into a completely different person.


Make more sense?

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How A Lion Becomes A Mouse


A playlist based on Haggis' day. Full of Tori Amos songs.



Programmable Soda

Teenage Hustling

Sweet The Sting

Hoochie Woman

In The Springtime Of His Voodoo

Cruel (Live Chicago 06/11/07)

Little Earthquakes




Don't mind me. I have nothing better to do with my time/life.

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You sure it's not just when she's around you she feels she has to pretend that she doesn't like him because she knows that you don't really like him? And this is the dude you felt up at a party once, isn't it? I say felt up but I don't remember you saying any specifics of what happened.

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You sure it's not just when she's around you she feels she has to pretend that she doesn't like him because she knows that you don't really like him? And this is the dude you felt up at a party once, isn't it? I say felt up but I don't remember you saying any specifics of what happened.





And no, she's talking to me now, and she's utterly genuine. She hates herself for it. Anyway! I'm hijacking the thread, and now I feel bad. Ignore me.

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Automerged Doublepost
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And no, she's talking to me now, and she's utterly genuine. She hates herself for it.


Maybe she's an exceptional actress, distracting you while he/she/they plan their runaway/marriage/love affair.

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Maybe she's an exceptional actress, distracting you while he/she/they plan their runaway/marriage/love affair.


Haha! She's too dense (she's one of those amazingly intelligent but totally dense people) to do such a thing. She can never lie to me (and vice versa), we can tell instantly. She just said "Thats the thing though, with him...I only find him attractive when he's groping me, so all my body is doing is thanking him for the attention. Oh god, I'm clearly sex starved. Help me!"


Anyway. I swear this should be in the sex thread.

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Haha! She's too dense (she's one of those amazingly intelligent but toally dense people) to do such a thing. She can never lie to me (and vice versa), we can tell instantly. She just said "Thats the thing though, with him...I only find him attractive when he's groping me, so all my body is doing is thanking him for the attention. Oh god, I'm clearly sex starved. Help me!"


Virgins always get backstage, no matter what they've got to say.

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Haha! She's too dense (she's one of those amazingly intelligent but totally dense people) to do such a thing. She can never lie to me (and vice versa), we can tell instantly. She just said "Thats the thing though, with him...I only find him attractive when he's groping me, so all my body is doing is thanking him for the attention. Oh god, I'm clearly sex starved. Help me!"


Anyway. I swear this should be in the sex thread.


Is the girl you dressed up with a fairy as?

Anyway, doesn't letting him touch her up in class sort of make her just as bad as him? Note: I'm not trying to diss your friends or annoy you. Just from my point of perspective, a simple no would suffice. She may be liking it/ him more than you think?


I like questions.

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Is the girl you dressed up with a fairy as?

Anyway, doesn't letting him touch her up in class sort of make her just as bad as him? Note: I'm not trying to diss your friends or annoy you. Just from my point of perspective, a simple no would suffice. She may be liking it/ him more than you think?


I like questions.


Hehe don't worry about thinking I'll take it offensively, I honestly won't. :)


It is indeed (That seriously isn't the most flattering picture of her :p). Oh no, I don't deny for a second that she likes him in a "Omg do me" sense. But, I don't think there's anything emotional wise there at all. She broke up with a long term boyfriend a couple of months ago, and ever since he's been...utterly desperate. He's showed her some affection (He's the guy that said he's "desperate to lose it. To anyone, I don't care") and now she's just taking what she can get. She knows he's a total crackwhore, but she can't help herself.


I think she just likes the fact she's getting affection, wherever it may be coming from.

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Why don't you feel her up? See what she says after. She might just like it. :p


You have no idea how much that made me laugh. Seriously, that would be like feeling up my sister. We've already had a dreadful experience (Year 7, spin the bottle, most embarassing moment of our lives). :p *Shudder*




I just realised a certain someone *points at Ashley and his whoreness* changed my location to "Some strangers bottoms". He did it yesterday, and I only just noticed. Shocking/I love it.

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got called up by some old work of mine, they roped me into working today, same sort of area i used to do but id given that up, but alas they pretty much told me i didnt have a choice. the job itself was kinda dubious, bassicly finding out about a splinter company of my ex employers plans for the near future. all a bit hush hush


End up in the middle of nowhere, and its freezing, though the uniform they gave me did help. had to try and avoid secutiry as much as possible, i wasnt really ment to be there.


get into the factory and over hear a couple of guys saying that theres some one infltrating the area, so every ones to keep an eye out. did my best to just blend in, didnt get noticed.


had a pretty exciting day avoiding security and staying undercover, find out about the new project, way more dangerious then we expected, and to add to it all, i find out ive got a fucking brother! not only that, but hes in the same factory!


obviosuly this is totaly fucking with my mind, i meet an old friend but have a huge bust up with him over the past, nasty stuff.


ended up bare knuckle boxing my brother ontop of the working prototype of the new project, and having to escape via a jeep.


no, hang on thats metal gear solid.


i had a nose bleed, went to the pub with my dad, he told me a bar maid was checking me out, went out again to a different pub with a mate for an hour or so. hats about it.

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Broke up with this girl even though we weren't going out. We were exclusively single. She overreacted after causing an argument herself. Dom I have the msn conversation to read its hilarious. If anyone fancies a go they can but I doubt it will make a lot of sense :)


She deletes me off everything. Then unblocks me from msn and adds me on facebook, just so she can change her picture to her and some guy (James for Dom who will know who it is :p). So decided to delete her and not give her a second thought. She doesn't deserve it, and my friends will be glad I'm finally rid of her since they all hate her :)


A bit pissed thats she's become such a bitch about it. Almost 3 years on and off and shes decided to end it like this. NOICE!

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Guest Jordan

My summarise my night:

Had a friend over, destroyed his ass at games... After him boasting how much he'd kick my ass.

Then went to another friends house with said friend, chilled out for a bit and we're going to the beach tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will keep up.

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Today I had Chinese for both lunch and dinner. It's been an awesome last day of my first Uni year. Topped it off with Left 4 Dead on hardest difficulty which lasted too long and then Gears of War 2 until about 11 o'clock. Finishing the night off with the first episode of K-ON (which is awesome) and the continuation of another anime.

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CTG: lolwtf you had me going there! I was all omg he has a brother wowowowo... Bastard.


I just had a nice evening in with a wii, and shorty and nami. Been a while, and it was most excellent, despite me harping on about my ex-girlfriend (stiillll, jayseven, wtf?!) and getting some wise words of wisdom right back at me.


Nami is up for our own personal book club (quick! Nobody mention the ne culture club...) so we ought to be buying three copies of a book tomorrow.


I've generally been feeling super-fucking-happy all day. I've sung, I've danced, I've whistled and MOAR! Too happy. This isn't right. Something bad must be happening soon.




Broke up with this girl even though we weren't going out. We were exclusively single. She overreacted after causing an argument herself. Dom I have the msn conversation to read its hilarious. If anyone fancies a go they can but I doubt it will make a lot of sense :)


She deletes me off everything. Then unblocks me from msn and adds me on facebook, just so she can change her picture to her and some guy (James for Dom who will know who it is :p). So decided to delete her and not give her a second thought. She doesn't deserve it, and my friends will be glad I'm finally rid of her since they all hate her :)


A bit pissed thats she's become such a bitch about it. Almost 3 years on and off and shes decided to end it like this. NOICE!


Send it my way! My name is James, too -- sorry if the pic is of me. But I am a studmuffinator.

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despite me harping on about my ex-girlfriend (stiillll, jayseven, wtf?!) and getting some wise words of wisdom right back at me.


*insert past MSN and forum post quotes from when I was obsessed with Norwich girl here* :D

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've generally been feeling super-fucking-happy all day. I've sung, I've danced, I've whistled and MOAR! Too happy. This isn't right. Something bad must be happening soon.


Stop questioning it, just embrace it for what it is - awesomeness!

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Guest Captain Falcon
I love you two.


I think you're in the minority there.


I've got to say, at the end of last week and the start of this one, I was feeling quite down. I originally couldn't work out what it was that was making me feel that way but I've worked it out now with a little help from my friends.


Doesn't actually resolve the issue mind even if their kind words did lessen my moping. Though as I sit here typing this, I can feel those thoughts coming back again.

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