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Hmm, I have so much revision to do this holiday... 4 fat files worth.


Anyway, today was alright. I slept for most of it, only finished getting up recently. I'd still rather be at university.

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I'm sitting at the PC, munching chocolate and watching anime vids on YouTube.


Quite bliss, it is. :grin:

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Today has been alright, but tomorrow should be awesome - some friends and I are going to see Northern Lights!

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Today has been alright, but tomorrow should be awesome - some friends and I are going to see Northern Lights!


You know its shit, right?


(I just dont want you to be disapointed)


Although to be fair ;


A) I havnt seen it

B) Im only going off reviews.


Mind you the most positive review Ive seen is 3 stars.


PS Its called The Golden Compass. ;)

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You know its shit, right?


(I just dont want you to be disapointed)


Although to be fair ;


A) I havnt seen it

B) Im only going off reviews.


Mind you the most positive review Ive seen is 3 stars.


PS Its called The Golden Compass. ;)


I know the film is called by its retarded American name, I'm not an idiot.

Oh, and I'm going to take the word of people who have seen the film on this one - they all say it's very good.

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Oh, and I'm going to take the word of people who have seen the film on this one - they all say it's very good.


Oh right. Dunno where you heard that, but I guess we'll see. :)


(Also note the wink at the end of my last post, I wasnt being instigative or anything)

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Oh right. Dunno where you heard that, but I guess we'll see. :)


(Also note the wink at the end of my last post, I wasnt being instigative or anything)


Aye, I got that.


I should point out to you that the first result on Google for "Golden Compass film review" is the Flim4 website, which gives it a score higher that 3...


Also, the negative reviews out there have a tendency to spew crap, I don't quite get what they don't like about the apparent bad parts.

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Fair games. I cant really talk anyway, having neither seen it nor read it Lol.


(Two folk on here reviewed it on the rate the last film thread mind)

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Depressed =[ Got rejected from LSE uni.


I think my aims were too high >_> I really hope I don't get rejected from nottingham.. I want to go there a lot >_<

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aargh! i'm so... ARGH!!!

i'm SO not in the mood at all after today. fuck it! everyone around me is so negative! i spent a whole day at work among grumpy-ass co-workers and even grumpier customers and friends... the only person that was slightly less than grumpy to me today was the guy behind the counter in boots and i suspect THAT was only 'cause i BOUGHT HIM A DRINK! (got a meal deal - didnt want a drink... trying to do the random acts of kindness thing - worked! cheered me up for all of 10 mins till i got BACK to work.. where the grumpy vibes were collecting..) i just couldnt take any more of it today. got home and had a good cry... (i'm a girl - so i'm allowed to - "i look forward to a good cry. feels really awesome" ..hasnt helped yet.) changed into my PJs and a jumper and THATS IT.

bluey has no more positive vibes to give away. i'm done trying to cheer all these miserable bastards up. /nono


word of advice: if you cant say anything nice - STFU! *is grumpy*





edit: [sarcasm]OH YAY!!! a text. oh fantastic it's my ex. ooh yeah joe go on, have a random go at me! thats fan-fucking-TASTIC! i see you've learnt to spell too. well done you genius.[/sarcasm]

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Sorry to hear that Bluey. Work can be a bitch.



....Thats lesser good advice and more...just a depressing statement.



This is worse than the time I kicked my (then) girlfriend.


In the head.


On her birthday.




Wish I was joking.

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Todays been very boring and to make it worse I won't be going out tonight.


Although I am going to be drinking more lager at home alone than I would if I went out.

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Had a maths exam today, i've done two years of a maths degree (till i failed ><) so now on my new course they give us all a maths test to see what level we are at... i think i did quite well. Finished in 25 mins, it was a two hour exam and i think the hardest thing was finding the standard deviation of some data.


tonight its my mates 21st :D then the gf is staying at mine so should be a good night :D

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Turned out nice again.

A friend turned up with a big bag of weed, and left some behind.

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ARGGH! Bluey that sounds depressing...


I know how you feel, People have been acting really negative this week at school, which makes me sad!


i'm still Positive and Happy. :yay::grin:


Anyway today was a good day! really? at school? i can hear you all asking!


Yes it was. :) I actually decided to participate and talk in a lesson about nuerosis and had quite a fun discussion and Psycology gets increasingly interesting (the new teacher is great! :D) we also got chocolate from him!


Then we also had a mini secret santa in another lesson which was cool, i randomly got given a unwanted DS game (yoshi's touch and go) which was good, except i already have the game. :heh: We also watched The Simpsons. :awesome:


And now it's the Weekend. :bouncy:

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Woo with the postive vibe coolness!!! :yay:


I had a good day! Only had one lesson which = awesome. I've done a bit of work, completed (final boss) galaxy and now it's the weekend. Woop!

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My day has been okay but all night I had my family saying bad stuff about my hair and its not long. :hmm:

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My day has been okay but all night I had my family saying bad stuff about my hair and its not long. :hmm:


When my hair was long my Grandma always complained about it to my mum of course I wasn't supposed to know.


Now its actually not that short but because it's not past my shoulders it's supposedly not offensive to my grandma.


Maybe I'll post a picture in the image gallery now or maybe I won't.

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Thanks Haggis : peace:


Oh god that really is depressing yet great way to go Dante never noticed until now.

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Today was alright. I've just been working from half 6. I thought I could last till 2 like last week but it was half 11 and I was bored shitless.

Come home and now I rest.

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Today was alright. I've just been working from half 6. I thought I could last till 2 like last week but it was half 11 and I was bored shitless.

Come home and now I rest.


What do you do Stefkov?

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Today was a pretty boring day in school. Again kept almost falling asleep in some of my lectures (especially Psychology). Not good.


Also, it was extremely windy today! We have to walk like, maybe 100 metres or less to get from our school building to the restaurant, and it was a real challenge to get there. I had to cross that distance a couple of times (had to retrieve a friend's USB stick from the computer room) and at one point I almost got blown over. XD

The front door of the building even broke cause of the wind. O.o


Right now I'm working some more on my site design for school. I actually already have the required five pages done (except for one error I can't fix), but I'm being weird and making pages for every other section. Instead of sleeping.

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