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Got some xmas shopping sorted thanks to flatmate and his girlfriend. xmas shopping is totally better in small bursts :) Been watching my Improv Everywhere DVD's. They're comical, not too different to the web ones, but at least it's a one-off physical thing now.


Just started watching the second episode of Eerie Indiana and got mah 2ltr cider bottle at my side.


Eerie Indiana. :yay:


The 90's version or the crap 00's version?

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My day already wasn't very great, but it turned even worse.


As if I haven't enough work already for school, my sister keeps throwing more stuff my way. She has this big project she's working on (making a DVD on how to raise your kids and stuff, complete with a manual for parents and blabla), but actually she doesn't seem to have to do that much for it herself. Sure, they have to find people to do stuff, like how she got dad to film everything -and- edit the entire video (footage from two camera's, end result being about 45 minutes long). She had me do the cover for the manual and DVD and I helped her with how to set up the pages for the manual and I drew her some images to put in there.


But that hasn't been enough yet. No, now she wants even more images -and- I have to draw a vector image of the one on the cover so she can get a freaking sticker printed of it. I don't have time for this!

But everyone seems to think I have nothing to do or something. While my sister is the one constantly going out to see movies or to parties or whatever. The concert yesterday was the first time in a long while I had been able to go out, and only because I allowed myself a break from school work.



Gah, I feel like shit now. I need that Christmas break -now-.



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My day already wasn't very great, but it turned even worse.


As if I haven't enough work already for school, my sister keeps throwing more stuff my way. She has this big project she's working on (making a DVD on how to raise your kids and stuff, complete with a manual for parents and blabla), but actually she doesn't seem to have to do that much for it herself. Sure, they have to find people to do stuff, like how she got dad to film everything -and- edit the entire video (footage from two camera's, end result being about 45 minutes long). She had me do the cover for the manual and DVD and I helped her with how to set up the pages for the manual and I drew her some images to put in there.


But that hasn't been enough yet. No, now she wants even more images -and- I have to draw a vector image of the one on the cover so she can get a freaking sticker printed of it. I don't have time for this!

But everyone seems to think I have nothing to do or something. While my sister is the one constantly going out to see movies or to parties or whatever. The concert yesterday was the first time in a long while I had been able to go out, and only because I allowed myself a break from school work.



Gah, I feel like shit now. I need that Christmas break -now-.




Your always sound that your busy doing one thing or another Eenuh. :hmm:

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im trying to add a debit card to paypal ( as i got a new one through the post) and this message appears


This credit card has been refused by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your card was refused, please contact your credit card issuer's Customer Service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card.


but im not trying to add a credit card - its a debit card :(


because of this my day is sucking - ive been sitting here for the past half hour tryin to fix this.. its pissing me off greatly

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Guest Stefkov

I had cheesy pasta on pizza, with some BBQ sauce for dinner tonight.

Man it was filling. Now I need a poo.


I see the capitol 'had'. Sly little modification.

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My day all in all was a bit meh. College, no frees, but I had Pyschology with the attractive teacher which is always fun.:) Everytime she bends down/leans forward someone whistles at her which is always a laugh. Other than that has been pretty dull. I didn't realise old members were back on the forum either, I think I'm getting slower by the day. :heh:

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Okay shit, I'm sorry if this shouldn't go in here but I just sort of had one of the biggest scares of my life.


I decided to stay home from school today to work on assignments, and all morning there have been hunters out in the fields behind our house, probably shooting at pheasants. Those gunshots are really loud and annoying, but I try not to listen to them.


But just a couple of minutes ago, there were two really loud gunshots and I looked out my window and could see the hunter facing our garden, and a black and white dog running through the field like crazy, towards our dog pen thingie. And I was like, 'why on earth is that dog running towards -our- dog?'... and then it hit me that maybe that was our dog.


I run downstairs and just like I thought, our dog managed to break out of her pen (probably disturbed by the gunshots) and is running around the house and acting all hyperactive. I locked her inside the kitchen now.


Glad I decided to stay home today. Fucking hunters.


Edit: thank god dad is home now, hope he'll figure out where she managed to break through.

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I went to see the Stereophonics last night and they were absolutely amazing! It was actually XFM Winter Wonderland at the Carling Academy in Glasgow a few other bands were playing too. The Twang who were pretty good, Fightstar - we went up to the proper bar after about 5 minutes of them, they were terrible and Figure 5 or something who we missed.


Had a great night, Stereophonics were on for about an hour and only played 2 bad songs, all the rest were classic Stereophonics.

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Thats distinctively crap. You should sue their ass.

They most likely have permits to hunt around here; there's hunters here quite often. =/

Luckily they're gone now though.


I went to see the Stereophonics last night and they were absolutely amazing! It was actually XFM Winter Wonderland at the Carling Academy in Glasgow a few other bands were playing too. The Twang who were pretty good, Fightstar - we went up to the proper bar after about 5 minutes of them, they were terrible and Figure 5 or something who we missed.


Had a great night, Stereophonics were on for about an hour and only played 2 bad songs, all the rest were classic Stereophonics.


Man, lucky! I noticed at the concert I went to on Sunday that the Stereophonics will be playing there on March 3. I want to go see them, but I wouldn't have anyone to go with, so it's not gonna happen. =(

Good to hear you had a great time though.

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Yesterday was a bit up and downy.


Txted my friend to try to get our friendship back on track, and he's blaming me for the entire reason why we ain't talking. A few of my mates who are friends with both of us are being quite fake and are like "dudddeee, we looove you!" and all that bollocks, even though he's been blatantly in the wrong. I don't understand.


I went for a walk into town, and managed to see so many people I knew on the way. I saw a guy I used to work with, then I saw my neighbours, and then I saw an old friend who I haven't seen for months, all quite randomly and that cheered me up.


I was still feeling a bit meh, so wandered off and sat by the sea for a while, which was quite relaxing. Managed to catch the wrong bus home, which was quite funny. :)


Arrived home, and my housemate who I'm close to was a bit upset with me cos I'd passed on some stuff that she had said to me to somebody else, and thats cos I was pressured to do so by this other person. I didn't wanna pass it on, but I felt quite intimidated, and knew my mate would then be angry or stroppy with me if I didn't say. Then, she just goes to my housemate and says "jim has said this..." etc, landing me in the shit. So now my housemate thinks she can't tell me things now.


We sorta sorted things out, will have a chat with her later to rectify it.


Then, the majority of us got our gladrags on and went off into town. I didnt get home til 2-ish, pretty fun night. I've drank a fair amount of strongbow, and my head is banging this morning.


So, that was my day, yesterday.

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sunday night - Went to chepstow with some mates some of which are newish...well ive known for a while but not really hung around weekly until recently. Anyway wasnt drinkin as had to drive was a good night presides the one girl crying near end of night as she was bullyed in school and something just started her off on that thinking shes ugly etc....when shes very attactive.


Monday - went to town got some xmas shopping done...and played guitar hero

today - relaxed watched simpsons movie and playing guitar hero

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Txted my friend to try to get our friendship back on track, and he's blaming me for the entire reason why we ain't talking. A few of my mates who are friends with both of us are being quite fake and are like "dudddeee, we looove you!" and all that bollocks, even though he's been blatantly in the wrong. I don't understand.



You are both men! Tell him to suck it up!

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Yesterday was good.


Beat Lou on Expert on GHIII.

Not a lot actually happened until 1am, when I watched WWE Monday Night Raw's 15th Anniversary Special. Which was mint! It was great seeing RVD, Al Snow, Steve Blackman, Scotty 2 Hotty and Lita again.

As well as getting some idea of what Evolution were like when they were around.

Also the flashbacks, there were so many moments I remember.


It was definitely worth enduring all those damn commercial breaks to watch. :grin:

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Last night:


It was a bit wierd for me. At 8:00 i was doing my Coursework and feeling perfectly normal (and not at all tired) but at 8:30 lost concentration and thought maybe to take a break but i couldn't concentrate on anything for more than about 20 seconds without feeling weird and getting a headache and so i got into bed and fell alseep straight away, in my school clothes!!!


Then woke up again around 2:00 am went downstairs and got a drink...


As a result i didn't get much work done and still have a fair bit of History Coursework to do tonight! hopefully the same thing won't happen again! :)




It was a good day! All my lessons where interesting and i bought The Simpsons Movie on DVD! :grin::yay:

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