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Is he allowed to ride a steamboat?! It feels like cheating to me!






Well he has to come all the way from Spain (at least according to our version of the story, it differs per region/country), so a steamboat seems best to do so.

And yeah, he's very different from Santa cause of the stories behind him and stuff. But he's also the same. He keeps a big book with all the names of children and writes down in it if they've been good or naughty. Good kids of course get presents, naughty ones don't. And he has a big bag where he keeps the presents in.

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Yayz, half my Christmas present from my parents just came in the work post for me :)


My current computer chair is a freaking wooden dining room chair thats really, really uncomfortable. This nice leather chair looks lovely :)

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Guest Stefkov

My brothers christmas present came today. Just need to wrap it.

Also another copy of NEO came. I think I'll have to subscibe to it.

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Yayz, half my Christmas present from my parents just came in the work post for me :)


My current computer chair is a freaking wooden dining room chair thats really, really uncomfortable. This nice leather chair looks lovely :)

Mine is a chair i found in my way home from uni last yeah, its made from metal.

It Sucks.

Before that I had a wooden Box!

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He was a saint (Sint Nikolaas is his name, Sint being Saint of course; but the name gets changed to Sinterklaas) and there's tons of stories about how he saved little children and stuff.


And Santa Claus is based on Sinterklaas, except of course Coca Cola gave him his current red clothes and stuff.


Father Christmas first suit was in green as well before Coca Cola put him in a red suit.



My day has been okay so far but my sisters day has been clearing the house non stop. :wtf:

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Well he has to come all the way from Spain (at least according to our version of the story, it differs per region/country), so a steamboat seems best to do so.

And yeah, he's very different from Santa cause of the stories behind him and stuff. But he's also the same. He keeps a big book with all the names of children and writes down in it if they've been good or naughty.


He should just take easyjet :X :P but they only have a 20kg luggage limit so he cant take his whole book! Thats why some bad kids get presents and I got coal last year! right? Right?!!

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Father Christmas first suit was in green as well before Coca Cola put him in a red suit.


That's not wholly true., as these two mega-awesome all-conquoring sites show.


Had a fun day at uni today! two creative modules full of interesting activities that helped suggest how to improve and tighten writing short or long stories.


Also went to CEX where Shorty bought series 2 of Hustle (woo!), and I bought Twelve Monkeys, Reservouir Dogs and EERIE fuckin' INDIANA! HELL yeah!

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Guest Stefkov

I do know that Saint Nicholas came from Turkey.


I have had a very boring day. I sat back in my chair with music playing on my laptop thinking what I could do.

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My day was alright, it's had it'd good and part parts.


The good: Had lots of work to do, but got it done which is awesome. Had a great lunch, watched a play some mates are doing for their A-level, but we ended up laughing so much it was pointless them even trying to act it out.


The bad: I've realised I seem to have a strange affect on any of my mates when they are in the same vacinity as me. They turn very gay; I'm sitting down and suddenly someone is messing around stroking my leg every five minutes, or one of them grabs me and starts trying to dry-hump me, or someone starts saying things to me (i.e "I want to do this (insert a word that would make sense) to you." etc. It's pretty embarrasing lol. I don't get why I have this affect on people, I mean, they don't seem to do it around anyone else. :heh:


The Ugly: Shitty ICT essays. I have 4 left to do, and then my other ICT AS level is due in shortly and I've done nothing! Help me!

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Epic winnage, as car was only £150 so thats in my eyes win.


Didnt win any awards at work...but didnt think I would anyway.


So a win day.


I said at work Galaxy Caramel is made of win, and the folks I was talking to didnt know what I meant....I had it explain to them "It means good" :shakehead



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Been watching this for ages:



Man, I have no life.


You did something very bad the other night :heh:


Wouldn't it be a shame if a crazy indian guy told everyone :awesome:







I kid. i wouldnt do that to you lol.


Anyway, my days been kinda interesting. most of my teachers weren't in so just did revision, woopwoop! Spent the last 20mins buying pressies off the net for xmas. I'm scared to check my bank balance lol.

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I had a much needed rest and almost slept for half a day. I've been wide awake all day now and barely tired at all. Also I just remembered I get £70 tomorrow which is great cause i've been spending loads of money so far.


Also I found out another one of my Christmas presents today. Turns out i'm getting Big Brain Academy from someone, I had a hunch but now it's confirmed. I must know over half of the things i'm getting now.

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