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Art was fun. Made a "halo" or an aureiole, out of branches. Hopefully will look...acceptable soon enough. Hilarity ensued with it, involved me hunting people in the class and ensnaring them with my brilliant halo, and people asking if I actually knew what a halo look like.


English was tiring, but I do love To The Lighthouse. Wish I found the lessons interesting though.


Spent rest of day in DT doing my rubbish piece. It very literally HAS NO FUNCTION. I hate how when the teacher demonstrates something, I physically can't do it when it comes to me doing it myself. She took like...10 seconds doing the drillsync shit, but I of course took like an hour to do less than half of them, badly, really hurting my hand in the process.

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week long field trip to the coast has massive potential to be awesome!


Plus im at my girlfriends Law Ball on sat so tux for me too! pics will appear :)


I know, but I'll go into it really tired! I too shall make with the piccies come Friday/whenever Mel gives them too me/puts them on Facebook.

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Guest Jordan

Good day over all.

Work was productive, got take away (if you can call it that) because Chris (Sarka) was working. My stuff from dabs got delivered and most importantly I got a PM with a response I wanted. We'll see how this plays out, but i'm positive something good will come from it.

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Good day over all.

Work was productive, got take away (if you can call it that) because Chris (Sarka) was working. My stuff from dabs got delivered and most importantly I got a PM with a response I wanted. We'll see how this plays out, but i'm positive something good will come from it.


How vague can you be?! More deets needed.

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Guest Jordan
Okay that is a lie.


What? Dante come on, don't deny our hot sexual PM's.


Our stories about hot and heavy sensual adventures under the covers. Your hot breath on my neck as you plough me into submission, exploding inside...





HAHAHAHA XD. I crack myself up sometimes...

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Guest Jordan
Just like the other times when you are in happy mood.


Fine... Whatever Dante. ::shrug:


You need to stop thinking everyone in the entire world is against you or picking on you. I could have put any one in my post. Your name just popped into my head first.

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Fine... Whatever Dante. ::shrug:


You need to stop thinking everyone in the entire world is against you or picking on you. I could have put any one in my post. Your name just popped into my head first.


Is that all i am to you too then, another name?! Damnit Jordan, i'll only let you rim me three or four more times unless you stop whoring!

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Dante the best thing is just to ignore it if you cant see the funny side =) no point getting yoruself all worked up about it!


Take me for example! im the "one you make fun of" in at work - one of the keyholders says she only does it cause she knows i dont take it seriously and that "im her favourite" (how seriously she is with that i dunno but shall just agree!)


so take a deep breath.. and see the FUNNY side - cause yeh.. it was :D

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Jerry, Jerry..................


Sorry, had to be said again.


Anywho, my days been good. Quite productive until 11am then it sloowed down due to nothing to do except chill on MSN until the servers allowed internet access at 12:30.


Now at home, did more Lost and Damned earlier and now chilling again.

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Dante the best thing is just to ignore it if you cant see the funny side =) no point getting yourself all worked up about it!


Take me for example! im the "one you make fun of" in at work - one of the keyholders says she only does it cause she knows i dont take it seriously and that "im her favourite" (how seriously she is with that i dunno but shall just agree!)


so take a deep breath.. and see the FUNNY side - cause yeh.. it was :D


Okay Magic. I am abnormally over sensitive to things even my sisters have it.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Okay Magic. I am abnormally over sensitive to things even my sisters have it.


That may be, but you still never got an apology though - even if your reaction was considered to be a little over the top.


You took offense at the comment and it was automatically assumed you have a problem - whether the comment could be taken that way never really came into question.

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That may be, but you still never got an apology though - even if your reaction was considered to be a little over the top.


You took offense at the comment and it was automatically assumed you have a problem - whether the comment could be taken that way never really came into question.


Okay Captain Falcon. Sorry.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Okay Captain Falcon. Sorry.


You misinterpret me - I think you deserve an apology.


Someone said something to you and you took offense. Then you were made out to be in the wrong for taking it that way.

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