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I woke up really annoyed this morning and I still am. no idea, I guess it's just one of those days. I'm not in the mood to do anything. :) Except eat! i'm always in the mood to eat.


I went out for some fresh air earlier up to the top of my local church which was pretty cool I got some binoculars and stared at this cat sleeping on top of a car. That improved my mood a bit. Then I came home and had some lunch. :D

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Is everyone here saying they wouldnt have used it at all?

hell no! for a start i'd be way too paranoid that it was some kind of elaborate honey trap *suspicious face!!* and then of course theres the whole "it's a horrible thing to do" thing. seriously, if someone did this to me ~ i'd be REALLY upset. i work hard to save up my money, some tosser spending MY money on random phonecalls because they think the world owes them a living would be really unfair :nono:

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hell no! for a start i'd be way too paranoid that it was some kind of elaborate honey trap *suspicious face!!* and then of course theres the whole "it's a horrible thing to do" thing. seriously, if someone did this to me ~ i'd be REALLY upset. i work hard to save up my money, some tosser spending MY money on random phonecalls because they think the world owes them a living would be really unfair :nono:


Maybe you'd even dispose of your sim card in a proper fashion even, instead of leaving it around for someone else to pick up.

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Maybe you'd even dispose of your sim card in a proper fashion even, instead of leaving it around for someone else to pick up.


Maybe they, y'know, dropped it?


Someone else's mistake doesn't give you the right to knowingly steal from them.

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"Oh look, somebody has made a mistake. Now I can be a complete arsehole to them because my life hasn't exactly been perfect. The world owes me!!!"


Easy to be judgemental, isn't it?


Maybe they, y'know, dropped it?


On a window ledge above a cashpoint, yeah right.

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When somebody willingly steals from somebody else, yes it is.


Has it happened to you, because it has to me, more than a couple of times. It's so easy to be aloof when you've had an easy life, what hardships have you had to endure, because I can recite a list longer than you are tall.



I would love for this whole thing to explode in his face. Namely him getting arrested or something.


Never going to happen.

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"Oh look, somebody has made a mistake. Now I can be a complete arsehole to them because my life hasn't exactly been perfect. The world owes me!!!"




Has it happened to you, because it has to me, more than a couple of times. It's so easy to be aloof when you've had an easy life, what hardships have you had to endure, because I can recite a list longer than you are tall.


It's like he can read the damn future!

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rok, seriously - i've also been stolen from before (and yeah, worse ~ but i'm not one to dwell on the things that have happened to me in the past) and it's not very nice - and i know what i thought of the guys tht did it... and i cant type exactly what that was without being instantly banned *heh*

ipso-facto: i wouldnt lower myself to these idiot's level.

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I'd just like to see one person here lead the life I've had and not make the same decisions.

your life has made you petty and vindictive?

i'm so glad not everyone has the same "eye-for-eye" attitude that you do. we'd never get anywhere.


plus why do you think the people who stole from you did that in the first place? probably because they took on the pathetic attitude that you're buying into.

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I'd just like to see one person here lead the life I've had and not make the same decisions.


You're fully aware of what you're doing. It's not like you don't know right from wrong, just because of the upbringing you had. You're just making excuses for why you choose to act selfishly and like an arse.


The funny thing is that you think people care that you've been 'hard done by'. Save the sob story for someone who cares.

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You must be very tall.


Thought that was common knowledge.


You're fully aware of what you're doing. It's not like you don't know right from wrong, just because of the upbringing you had. You're just making excuses for why you choose to act selfishly and like an arse.


The funny thing is that you think people care that you've been 'hard done by'. Save the sob story for someone who cares.


Could be worse, I could be a meat eater in a relationship with a militant vegan.

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