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£300?! Bugger me.

I'm lucky that cos I'm in education I can get these £125 glasses for only £30. But then anti glare and scratch resistant put another £30 on it.

It seems only thin framed rectangular glasses suit me, which means all the selection of glasses that are not the £125 designer glasses don't suit me at all. Sucks.


Aye I get my glasses thinned because they are a high prescription.. think my prescription is +3.5 and +2.5.. I don't claim benefits BUT I get a free eye test voucher every two years from my work, which helps!


Glasses are such a fucking scam these days. Ever since it became "fashionable" to wear glasses, opticians can get away with charging huge sums of money.

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GRR!! i dont want their pity!! :angry:

//mood swing!//

but *sniffle* i'm so sad i'm not getting it ~ :cry:

\\mood swing!\\

:shakehead stupid guys can KEEP their stupid nice words of comfort and


encouragement that i need so muchhhh :weep:


...hehehehe being a girl is ridiculous. the only thing worse than BEING one would be having to put up with one. i'm so glad i'm not a guy. ^___^




10 hours?!?

i call bullshit ~ it'd be worn down to a nub!


haha I was saying this to dan dare last night about how I don't get mood swings ever like that. I feel for guys sometimes and myself, having 5 female friends at high school was an absolute pain in the arse.

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Guest Jordan
GRR!! i dont want their pity!! :angry:

//mood swing!//

but *sniffle* i'm so sad i'm not getting it ~ :cry:

\\mood swing!\\

:shakehead stupid guys can KEEP their stupid nice words of comfort and


encouragement that i need so muchhhh :weep:


...hehehehe being a girl is ridiculous. the only thing worse than BEING one would be having to put up with one. i'm so glad i'm not a guy. ^___^




10 hours?!?

i call bullshit ~ it'd be worn down to a nub!


Yes, girls are very, very difficult. Regarding 10 hours: Its do-able but at the same time you'de be in serious pain if you're a fast one. I'm always lasting waaaay longer than Letty B, she has to really hold back because i'm so good (her words, not mine...).

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Changed my screen-name on msn last night, everyone immediatly recognises me except Lisa who when i said hello to, asked who i was. Oh dear is what i say to that.


Today, work is good as usual, nice and busy at a steady rate. Why i keep telling you guys this i don't know. Maybe i should just write down usual happened in work. And today is the typical Wednesday duty at my local, the usual standing there listening to old biddies shouting house every 6 minutes. At least the tote box provides some amusement and escape from the bingo room.

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Yes, girls are very, very difficult. Regarding 10 hours: Its do-able but at the same time you'de be in serious pain if you're a fast one. I'm always lasting waaaay longer than Letty B, she has to really hold back because i'm so good (her words, not mine...).


Did she roll her eyes when she said it?

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'C'maan, don't bullshit me'




Fun fact.

I watched Total Recall for the first time yesterday.

It was awesomeness incarnate.


It also led to the decision that me and a friend of mine are gonna to a arnie marathon and watch every movie he´s been in

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eevil, i notice your signature ~ but you left out the last part:


bluey: hah!!! in your dreams!

*bluey has gone offline*



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I believe your line was "You wish". Then you did go offline. Was a low point.

ahh. well that changes everything.

oh wait, no it doesnt :heh:


comedy genius.

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Bah I really should stop piling it onto myself, I'm currently thinking about:


My back piece (tattoo)

My desktop

My items of clothing for uni

When to buy a xbox360

How much I need each term for uni.


-.- I want that tattoo more than I want uni and that's saying something, hmmf.

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GRR!! i dont want their pity!! :angry:

//mood swing!//

but *sniffle* i'm so sad i'm not getting it ~ :cry:

\\mood swing!\\

:shakehead stupid guys can KEEP their stupid nice words of comfort and


encouragement that i need so muchhhh :weep:


...hehehehe being a girl is ridiculous. the only thing worse than BEING one would be having to put up with one. i'm so glad i'm not a guy. ^___^




10 hours?!?

i call bullshit ~ it'd be worn down to a nub!


Yes women can be a right pain. Not only for their mood swings but their mind games and never saying what they mean, and then being angry people take them at face value. Regardless, hope you feel better soon :)


Went to town to buy a birthday present. Popped into a game and a customer was suddenly thrust upon me and I ended up selling her Sonic Rush Adventure and CSI: Dark Motives. Its not like I left six months ago or anything....


And my grandad's pc is playing up again. Bloody windows.

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Went to town to buy a birthday present. Popped into a game and a customer was suddenly thrust upon me and I ended up selling her Sonic Rush Adventure and CSI: Dark Motives. Its not like I left six months ago or anything....

Why was she thrust upon you? I assume you didn't have your uniform on. A quick backhand was all you needed to administer.:heh:

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Today i feel..pretty good actually..i've got alot of problems and stuff..but i'm trying to just remember what i've achieved this last year..and for me, it's alot..quite proud of myself really! : peace:


Also i'm away for the next few days, i need a change of scenery! :)

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