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My condolences Daniel, it must be strange... I've never really had a grandparent die when I've been old enough to understand it properly.


Anyway, yesterday was... odd. Had a godawful tapas meal where each person got a few bites and was charged £20, then talked with people about geeky things until about 5am, at which point I went for a walk around Cambridge with one of the people. (everyone else had dropped out by this point :heh:) Odd seeing the place all empty like that.


Anyway, I'm going to have to say goodbye temporarily - I've done a Blackfox and requested to be banned until my exams are over (June 10th), as I'm spending far too much time procrastinating on here, and need to work to get the 2:1 I need to change to linguistics. So see you guys soon!

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Guest bluey
they were always checking my scottish notes which was a pain, wondering what strange and new currency it was.

heheheheee when i worked retail i always loved getting scottish notes... i'd always pretend it was either a really crappy forgery or alien currency and be really really shocked..... because i'm an ass :grin:


TGIMonday!! monday is now my "friday" because my 2 assigned days off are tuesday and wednesday... mondays. are. pretty. awesome. i work at 3pm-9pm too, so i get to sleep in!! yesterday i was talking to one of my students about toxins in the body (her father is a biology teacher...?) and she recommended i try those things you stick to the soles of your feet during the night and they draw out all the toxins from your body... so i did! my feet feel sticky, but i feel pretty good! haha. i had strange but lovely dreams last night too...

tomorrow i'm going to harajuku to sort out some trouble with my mobile phone contract ~ but after that i'll visit the shinto shrine and the public park there :smile: harajuku is my favourite haunt! *yay*

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It might seem hard to think about school right now, but making the exam and doing well on it for her is something that should help you right now. My grandmother passed away almost a year ago now, the day before my last, most difficult exam. I could've asked the school to have my exam on another day, but I decided I would go in and make it, because I know that's what she would have wanted.

And I ended up getting one of the best grades possible.


I'd like to think I made her proud, and I'm sure you will make your grandmother proud as well, no matter what you decide to do with your exam, or how well you perform. =)


Good luck.


Thank you Eenuh :)

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I'm awake and vaguely aware of it. Spent yesterday watching 12 episodes of Lost season 1 rather than do realism revision, which I'm coming round to the idea is going to be my worst result ever.


Today is Grindhouse day! Here's hoping the skies clear a little so a bbq is possible. I will be meeting Daniel at about 1pm, and no doubt there will be much awkwardness and danger of hilarity in the 6 hours we have to kill before the film.


Once the film is over everyone who is getting a train pretty much has like 15 mins to get to the station - really, really hoping that the taxis get us there on time.

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Just finished my maths GCSE paper 1. Pleasently easy, to be honest, although ashamedly my mind went blank for about 20 minutes on "Factorize x^2 - 36". But after some considerable mental self-harm, my brain finally comprended that the answer was obviously (x+6)(x-6).


Silly me.

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Just finished my maths GCSE paper 1. Pleasently easy, to be honest, although ashamedly my mind went blank for about 20 minutes on "Factorize x^2 - 36". But after some considerable mental self-harm, my brain finally comprended that the answer was obviously (x+6)(x-6).


Silly me.


Ditto. And thanks for reminding me that I got that wrong. :(

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You'll do great daniel ^.^ I'm sure of it and guys don't worry about the one question! If I could get a C at gcse...I'm pretty sure you lot can do better! :P


I finally managed to get home after one bus broke down AGAIN...I swear that's 4 buses in two weeks always when I want to get the bus.


I did however managed to finally find out what I'm supposed to be doing college work wise and it's making me alot less stressed. Instead of doing about 7/8 assignments for friday it's 2 and then I can worry about the rest until june 23rd =].


I also bought another book which will probably be finished in about 2 hours, 400 odd pages...I swear I'm getting back into my old reading habits..reading thousands of pages in a day xD.

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Woke up this morning hoping the annoying pains i've got in my back, arm, legs and ribs would have gone away but they have not. The back one has got a little worse and so has the right arm and ribs. Wish i didn't carry my mate home on Saturday, but then i would of been killed by his Dad and Mother if i didn't help him home.

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Sorry to hear that Daniel.


I dont know what your relationship is with her but you should do something special with her, even if its just go for a walk or have a chat. I know its cheesy but you dont know what youve got till its gone :/


It's true. My Grandad died of leukemia a few years ago. He was ill for a few years so I didn't spend a lot of time with him. Now I feel guilty.


Make sure you spend time with your loved ones.

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Had my sociology exam today. I didn't revise one bit, but I seemed to know stuff. It was wierd, by mind wasn't thinking but I was writing like crazy. I wrote close to 10 sides of A4. I'm in shock.


Other than that not to bad, been planning a trip to Amsterdamn me and a few mates are taking in the summer hols which should be a right laugh. It'll nice to be somewhere where I don't have to sit on someones shoulders and wear a fake beard to buy booze. (It's been tried :p)

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I turn 30 today - so depressing lol


Had a good day so far though - gf bought me tickets to Foo Fighters at Wembley and we've just been to Liverpool for the day.


So far, nobody has made a birthday thread for me though! :(



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Guest Jordan
I turn 30 today - so depressing lol


Had a good day so far though - gf bought me tickets to Foo Fighters at Wembley and we've just been to Liverpool for the day.


So far, nobody has made a birthday thread for me though! :(




Well... thats obvious. Because you haven't entered your birth date into your profile its not appearing at the bottom of the forum.


Happy birthday all the same...

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I turn 30 today - so depressing lol


Had a good day so far though - gf bought me tickets to Foo Fighters at Wembley and we've just been to Liverpool for the day.


So far, nobody has made a birthday thread for me though! :(




Happy birthday. Maybe next time you'll learn to display all of your personal information publicly over the internet for anybody to get a hold of.

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Guest bluey
Well... thats obvious. Because you haven't entered your birth date into your profile its not appearing at the bottom of the forum.


Happy birthday all the same...


my birth date is in my profile, but i dont show up on the forum calendar either... :wtf: i thought it was just 'cause i was signed in as myself... and lets face it, who needs to know their own birthday? but then i hacked into everyone's accounts with this list of passwords and user-names i have here *waves sheet of paper* and i still don't show up? whyyyyyyyyy??

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Another boring day at work for yours truly. It's all about perseverance to be honest. Just have to keep reminding myself of the £300 I'll be getting from this and I'll get through. Plus there's a fuck-off lie-in waiting for me on Saturday!


I sound as though I am moaning like an old fart, but the job really is tedious! Not the sort you want to be doing for 50 years of your life.


Anyway, I'm going to have to say goodbye temporarily - I've done a Blackfox and requested to be banned until my exams are over (June 10th), as I'm spending far too much time procrastinating on here, and need to work to get the 2:1 I need to change to linguistics. So see you guys soon!


'Bye for now, then. I'll tell you what I thought of Clannad when you get back. :smile:

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I had acupuncture again, and its really stopped working. Feeling a bit down about it :/ Every time I lean my elbow on the desk I can feel a hideous joint rubbing sensation and shots of pain going up my arm... ARGH.


I was chattin to my friend and he needed some advice about his relationship. His gf had said that she wasn't sure about their relationship any more... I found it a little odd, seeing as I met up with him and said ladyfriend, and they seemed in love as ever.


I just suggested he go out of his way to treat her, do something romantic or fun, out of the ordinary to spice it up a bit. He seemed reassured, so that was my good deed for the day..


I don't know why people ask me relationship things, i'm the definition of single! >_>

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I had acupuncture again, and its really stopped working. Feeling a bit down about it :/ Every time I lean my elbow on the desk I can feel a hideous joint rubbing sensation and shots of pain going up my arm... ARGH.


I was chattin to my friend and he needed some advice about his relationship. His gf had said that she wasn't sure about their relationship any more... I found it a little odd, seeing as I met up with him and said ladyfriend, and they seemed in love as ever.


I just suggested he go out of his way to treat her, do something romantic or fun, out of the ordinary to spice it up a bit. He seemed reassured, so that was my good deed for the day..


I don't know why people ask me relationship things, i'm the definition of single! >_>


Outside perspective


Ok, i realised today that i may fail computing...


D at AS (nearly a C) and a B in the Coursework, but i failed unit 4 in jan D=

We are still learning things for unit 5 (unit 6 was cwk) and my teacher has taken to using wikipedia to explain things, ugh he knows nothing. I have ordered a text book to help me, its like my only hope =[

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Don't you hate it when you know something is true and you want to include it in your assignment but you can't unless someone more important has said it? I want to say "weddings outside of churchs have become increasingly popular in the last sixty years" but think I can find a quote? Noooooo


Other than that. Average. Going to find this quote somewhere. Go to the library get a few more quotes and an early night I think. No doubt I'll be woken up at 4 by club-returners.

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Guest bluey

yaaaaay i'm an inconsiderate bitch :yay:

my friend anton came online so we were chatting on skype ~ buuut i probably woke some people in the house up cause it's 4am here and the walls in my house are wafer-thin.

but you know what, i dont care too much ~ i was kinda using my indoor voice, and also - i havent spoken to him for like........weeks!! also! they wake me up all the time... so nyeh.

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I had acupuncture again, and its really stopped working. Feeling a bit down about it :/ Every time I lean my elbow on the desk I can feel a hideous joint rubbing sensation and shots of pain going up my arm... ARGH.


I was chattin to my friend and he needed some advice about his relationship. His gf had said that she wasn't sure about their relationship any more... I found it a little odd, seeing as I met up with him and said ladyfriend, and they seemed in love as ever.


I just suggested he go out of his way to treat her, do something romantic or fun, out of the ordinary to spice it up a bit. He seemed reassured, so that was my good deed for the day..


I don't know why people ask me relationship things, i'm the definition of single! >_>


Your only single cos you want to be :heh:


I can get you a date like that *clicks fingers*


















If not I'll get you a blow up man doll from Bex's sex shop :heh:

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