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I was at a party last night for my friend's 21st. Didn't get home till about 5am, and then played some Wii Sports with my friends. Eventually slept at 9am, and was up at 10.30 because I couldn't sleep. So now I'm shattered, but I'm not going to sleep because at least this way I'll get a proper nights sleep tonight. I'm back to college tomorrow, I've had the last month off, so this will fix my internal clock!

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Guest Stefkov

I woke up at 12. Managed to pull myself out and make breakfast and have a shower.

Attempted to do some Photography work but I couldn't. In the end started browsing ebuyer.com more.

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Urgh. My day went horrible, Letty is watching Virgin 1... it had America's Next Top (Bull Shit) Model on it.


I almost grated my eye balls off and pulled out my own ear drums. I hate shallow bull shit like that. Seriously, why the fuck would any wanker wanna watch such idiocy, it makes me really wonder how stupid some people can be... ¬_¬

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Urgh. My day went horrible, Letty is watching Virgin 1... it had America's Next Top (Bull Shit) Model on it.


I almost grated my eye balls off and pulled out my own ear drums. I hate shallow bull shit like that. Seriously, why the fuck would any wanker wanna watch such idiocy, it makes me really wonder how stupid some people can be... ¬_¬

....Lol...So...don't watch it. :heh:


Lesse, my day Friday was lulz, as I saw some friends who had been ROUND DA WORLD, and that was awesome. Watched several stuff (like South Park) chilled, then popped out, had harsh lols and such.


Yesterday we just went out for lunch at Frankies and Bennies. Mozzerella and Garlic pizza bread, Lasagne and Banoffee Sundae. Was awesome.


Then today went to Claires nans for her birthday. I just played Disgaea pretty much all day though, heh heh. :heh: (Which is really really good actually)

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I watched some Season 2 of House M.D., and also some Scrubs. I also watched Hot Fuzz. I did this whilst drinking some white hot chocolate...awesome stuff. I then did some work for college whilst listening to some Paramore and Lostprophets. No work for me today!


I love you.


Your taste in everything in that post is awesome.

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Yesterday I spent ages working on a stupid drawing for school, made entirely of dots. D:

And it's still only halfway done so more work will be spent on that tonight, as well as finishing a painting tomorrow.


Today we had to go to a big family reunion (basically a late Christmas/New Year get together) which lasted from 1 till 7. Which is loooooong. Especially when it's filled with one of your uncles blurting out stuff into a microphone and singing a really really crappy song they made of every member in mom's family (so that's like, 13). Gave me a nice headache. At least the quiz we did was kinda fun and we ended in third place.


Food was kinda blah (except for the chocolate mousse), but it was nice to see some of my family again. Plus we got money. =P

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I watched some Season 2 of House M.D., and also some Scrubs. I also watched Hot Fuzz. I did this whilst drinking some white hot chocolate...awesome stuff. I then did some work for college whilst listening to some Paramore and Lostprophets. No work for me today!

Wow, I remember you of old. Welcome back! - penguin avatars are never a bad thing.

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Hahahahahahahahahhaha! Dynasty Bitch added me on MSN.


ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Eating animals FTW

PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

at least i won't get cancer

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Yeah thats true. Meat IS a huge cause of cancer.

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

But cows just taste fucking amazing.

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

And Tesco Value beef? FUCKING AWESOME! I mean yeah the animals are treated poorly in their life, but hey they taste great.

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Its a win win situation, right.

PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

well, one day you'll die fomr your pathetic lifestyle...bye

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Whats "fomr" mean?

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

I dont speak vegan

PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

a typo....you jackass

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

or Vegitang or whatever the fuck you are.

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Oh a typo.

PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

laptops have shit keyboards

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Never make them myself. All the meat makes me concentrate well you see.

PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

yeah, concentrate well on your bullshit bye

ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

Good comeback

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What the hell is this meat = cancer thing? I don't exactly trust dynastygal's "science", based on past experience...


Edit: Aha, found a paper on it. It concludes that eating large amounts of red meat is linked to contracting lung and bowel cancers... which isn't quite the same as meat = cancer. Anyway, the pork I just ate was good.

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